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    Jacksonville Beach, FL
  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
    Skeleton Rigging
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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Softimage is pretty much always running these days.

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    2. Cerez


      Or you could just switch to Linux. (I highly recommend Ubuntu/Debian.) ;)


      Why stay loyal to a company and product that doesn't support you and your needs? Use Debian/Ubuntu for work, and Windows solely for gaming. Then who cares about viruses on Windows? If you only install official/purchased games, and don't plug any publically shared USBs into Windows, you'll never run into one. 'Been working like this for me for 4 years now without any issues.

    3. Cerez


      I love having a workstation that I can trust to stay functional as I set it up, and where I'm not forced to update and follow the latest stupidities. Neither Apple nor Microsoft have control over my workflow. :P

    4. minilogoguy18


      Because everything works on Windows, I'm no closer to using Linux than I would switch to Blender. Apple anything is also out of the question, I vowed to never buy anything from them when they refused to unlock a terrorists phone for the FBI.

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