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    Jacksonville Beach, FL
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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Softimage is pretty much always running these days.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      I'm not willing to sit and tinker with an OS all the time to make things work on it when I have other things I could be doing.

    3. Cerez


      I can totally understand that switching a workstation is not easy, but when you start to have to deal with changes and restrictions to your workflow, and interruptions by the system that is supposed to help you get work done, the time may be to consider a more productive solution -- one that works for the long run. Linux may need some tinkering (although Ubuntu truly only needs about as much as Windows), but that's tinkering that you set up once, and have working pretty much forever. Just...

    4. Cerez


      Just choose a popular and time-tested distro like Debian or Ubuntu (LTS). Being able to make the customisations you need, and having that custom system and setup keep working reliably, without changes/problems, is actually a breath of fresh air, and totally worth the learning curb -- and saves you a lot of time for work in the long run. It's like cleaning up your work desk. Sure, it takes time away from your work, but is it worth it?

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