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  1. I'm so unexcited to go see star wars...

    1. Ramikad


      That's the spirit!

    2. McGroose


      The story is dogshit.

      But sometimes movies with crappy stories can be surprisingly enjoyable to watch. Give it a shot if you really have nothing better to do with your pocket change. This movie has a specific spot in my heart for my most hated star wars movie. IDK if it's the worst in terms of just quality (AOTC really isn't that good in my opinion, but I do see the appeal!), but the story just rapes everything Star Wars already established. I'm never considering this canon, nor the sequel trilogy canon in general. Rey is an awful character, Kylo is a poor knockoff of Ben Solo, all the other characters aren't give anywhere near the importance they deserve. All this to prop up a single, poorly written, annoying character that's more the equivalent of a demi-god playing life on handicap mode. Rey has to be one of the most garbage-tier characters in cinematic history. She's a Jr high nerd's fan character.

      These new movies need to be watched stoned off your mind to be enjoyable.

    3. Psyk0Sith



      Rogue one was not a movie that needed to be made but it is actually a good direction for new material to go, certainly feels more mature than the crap show they're doing now. Anakin  and Palpatine were right all along, stupid Jedis ruin everything!

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