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    Jacksonville Beach, FL
  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
    Skeleton Rigging
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  • Operating System
    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Softimage is pretty much always running these days.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Cerez


      Ever heard of VirtualBox? ;) Put any professional software that you need that doesn't exist for Linux in a virtual Windows box. Problem solved. I currently have a JKA modding box (used it for creating the Ahsoka model), and a Photoshop box. They're like working environments for that specific task. I have the virtual boxes directly accessing related files and folders on my actual drive. Just make sure you have at least 5GB of RAM, and lots of storage -- but that's not so hard to co...

    3. Cerez


      ...come across these days. Also, if you can, use Windows XP for these. When uncluttered, boot time is so much quicker for XP than any other version of Windows.

    4. Cerez


      It costs a little in performance, but the benefit you get is that your OS and primary working environment does not clutter and slow down. The virtual boxes are running isolated from the rest of the system. You can then install any tool you need in there, no matter how crummy the software. If you're doing regular backups, you can just restore an earlier version of the box if things go sour in Windows.

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