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Aldro Koon

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Everything posted by Aldro Koon

  1. What are the odds of this being finished and how close are you guys? (as someone who's never played more than the intro of DF2 due to dated controls, I'd love to experience it)
  2. Does anyone know/have a fix for why when I go to Server List in MP and try to add a favorite server -> input IP -> press Add -> The game simply crashes to desktop and never manages to add it? Jamp works properly in that regard but OpenJK does not. This is with a clean as hell JKA and nothing inside of it, kind of strange behaviour.
  3. Oi, your topic is in the wrong section. We can't reply to you there.

    But to answer it briefly: No, it's not possible (otherwise we'd be the first to do it lol).

  4. We've made what I consider to be the greatest space combat map in JKA history. File has been submitted and is pending approval. ❤️




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aldro Koon

      Aldro Koon

      Approved now: 


    3. Futuza


      Looks neat, I'll have to try it.

    4. Noodle


      I hope I can try it with other players!

  5. Version 1.01


    *************************** JEDI KNIGHT III MODIFICATION *************************** Title : {JoF}'s Golden Wing V2 Author(s): Aldro Koon Contributor(s): Raven Software, PreFXDesigns, Milamber, Diego, Zefilus, Exonimus and all of {JoF} Website : www.jofacademy.eu Forums : www.joftemple.eu File Version: 2.0 File Name : {JoF}Z's-GwingV2.pk3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This is my first solo FFA & TFFA map that I made within a single week, for our annual Pilot Events based on Raven Software's Siege_Destroyer map. Huge thanks to PreFXDesigns for the ship textures and levelshot, Milamber for the skyboxes, Diego for the balance testing and Zefilus for the art posters. I am happy with how the map turned out. The only thing I wish we had been able to do was import vehicle sounds from Battlefront 2 or something similar. All ships are uniquely designed to be faster and offer variation through two specials, whilst still having equal handling in terms of turn speed. To find more information about the changes made to each ship, go to our forums. The PK3 comes with four versions: JoFs-GWingV2 is the best framerate running map with only 1 huge Stardestroyer and 1 smaller Stardestroyer. JoFs-GWingV2Fleet is the mid framerate map with 2 huge Stardestroyers and 3 smaller Stardestroyers. JoFs-GWingV2Armada is the low framerate map with 3 huge Stardestroyers and 5 smaller Stardestroyers. PilotEvent is simply the Armada file, duplicated only to avoid spoiling the levelshot. Also a big thanks to JamyzGenius for the Death Star inspired Demo Hangar based on the JK2 demo and to Mjt for aiding us with the skybox. Lastly: None of this would be possible without {JoF} as inspiration. Love you guys. * Map Information * Bot Support: No New Textures: Yes New Music: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------- Installation : Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory. Known bug(s) : - Vehicle extensions too large simply means you have too many vehicles in your base folder. While OpenJK is not necessary, it is highly recommended to increase that limit. - Singleplayer might not load properly due to a statue having a too long filename length (MAX_QPATH). This is also fixed with OpenJK. Otherwise, simply remove the PK3 from base to be able to play again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright / Permissions * Other editors may NOT use this map as base for other maps, using reverse decompile methods. If you want the .MAP file for some reason, contact 'Aldro Koon' at our forums over at www.jedioffreedom.eu!
  6. Thanks again, I understand now!
  7. I can't thank you enough, this solved EVERYTHING! can you explain a little bit more when this is used? how did you know?
  8. As in just throw in a -samples 3 for example?
  9. So the map I'm compiling (no errors) loads as follows: (wtf is that pattern lmao) Params are: -meta -v -vis -saveprt -v -light -fast also tried -light -faster , -light -lomem and anything else you can think of. i cant make any sense of this, any help is greatly appreciated.
  10. {JoF}13th Year Anniversary Tribute by Atlas:
  11. Well you're not gonna find that in the source code since it's from JA+ and JA+ isn't open source, or am I misunderstanding your question?
  12. +set g_sabermorerealistic 2 +g_dismember 100 +cg_dismember 100 +helpusobi 1 Why is this necessary? The new releases include a patch which has this mode write protected in the settings. With this, you can play the game as it was meant to be played with full dismemberment. If you change set g_sabermorerealistic 2 to 3, the lightsaber is deadly at ALL times. That means idle animations, death animations, etc. Not sure if this is what you want, just googled.
  13. I'm thinking perhaps you can give every npc a script and somehow make it so upon death --> It will trigger an icarus script that will make all of those npcs hostile by changing their team. But the issue here is that this hostility needs to be reset to normal after player death and I don't think thats possible, so its kinda RIP as they would attack anyone on sight, forever. Also not sure if Icarus can be triggered through a target relay or if it even works to change teams using Icarus, but I think it should. Anyway the second issue probably makes this a dealbreaker anyway. Sounds like you need someone to mod it rather and finding someone willing to do that is rare.
  14. Holy shit at the latest episode
  15. Got both the PC Premiums for Outcast & Academy, huge thanks for letting us know @Circa!
  16. It's gonna take years/several maps before you produce something that has an impressive end result for most people and probably yourself too. And hell even then, you will always will think you could have done several things better. Your first few maps are gonna be rough, so I recommend small projects as a good way to learn. But save dream projects for later I would say. Focus on brush/patch work and generally creating fancy rooms by simply creating. Practice makes perfect. The rest can likely be solved rather easily by asking around and doing research. It is not the tricky part. Although that is assuming its not MP as that has more restrictions in terms of NPCs following and what-not, but even so -- the rest should be mostly doable.
  17. God damn, thank you for this!
  18. Seems they patched it to kill PC cross play!
  19. Sequel trilogy maps from you would be UNREAL!
  20. Thank the maker for one of the best mappers return! @z3filus Ping
  21. I love that they're allowing you to choose custom buttons. Vita remoteplay is awesome with it.
  22. Isn't it the same servers too between PS4 and Switch? Kind of surprising as I didn't think Sony was keen on allowing cross play... (been out of the loop for a while though). And it is kind of messed up that PC can enter to be honest, so I completely agree with you there.
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