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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Just make new npc files, but use the jedi_random.npc file from the base assets as your template. Then you can do something like "reborn_random.npc" and change all the names inside to the reborn files. Here is the jedi_random.npc for easier access: jedi_hf1 { playerModel jedi_hf customSkin head_B1|torso_C1|lower_D1 // customRGBA 255 157 114 customRGBA jedi_hf saber single_1 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 sex female snd female_jedi1 sndcombat female_jedi1 sndjedi female_jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_hf2 { playerModel jedi_hf customSkin head_C1|torso_A1|lower_B1 // customRGBA 233 183 208 customRGBA jedi_hf saber single_2 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 sex female snd female_jedi1 sndcombat female_jedi1 sndjedi female_jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_hm1 { playerModel jedi_hm customSkin head_A1|torso_A1|lower_B1 // customRGBA 112 153 161 customRGBA jedi_hm saber single_3 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi1 sndcombat jedi1 sndjedi jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_hm2 { playerModel jedi_hm customSkin head_B1|torso_C1|lower_A1 // customRGBA 254 197 73 customRGBA jedi_hm saber single_4 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi2 sndcombat jedi2 sndjedi jedi2 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_kdm1 { playerModel jedi_kdm customSkin head_B1|torso_D1|lower_C1 // customRGBA 138 83 0 customRGBA jedi_kdm saber dual_3 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 7 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 1 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 0 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi2 sndcombat jedi2 sndjedi jedi2 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_kdm2 { playerModel jedi_kdm customSkin head_C1|torso_B1|lower_B1 // customRGBA 225 226 144 customRGBA jedi_kdm saber single_5 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 3 FP_HEAL 2 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 3 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 2 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi2 sndcombat jedi2 sndjedi jedi2 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_rm1 { playerModel jedi_rm customSkin head_A1|torso_A1|lower_A1 // customRGBA 163 79 17 customRGBA jedi_rm saber single_6 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi1 sndcombat jedi1 sndjedi jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_rm2 { playerModel jedi_rm customSkin head_B1|torso_B1|lower_C1 // customRGBA 49 155 131 customRGBA jedi_rm saber single_7 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 FP_HEAL 2 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 2 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 snd jedi1 sndcombat jedi1 sndjedi jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_tf1 { playerModel jedi_tf customSkin head_A1|torso_A1|lower_D1 // customRGBA 255 200 212 customRGBA jedi_tf saber dual_5 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 7 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 0 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 sex female snd female_jedi2 sndcombat female_jedi2 sndjedi female_jedi2 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_tf2 { playerModel jedi_tf customSkin head_B2|torso_C1|lower_C1 // customRGBA 255 255 255 customRGBA jedi_tf saber single_8 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 2 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 2 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 2 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 sex female snd female_jedi2 sndcombat female_jedi2 sndjedi female_jedi2 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_zf1 { playerModel jedi_zf customSkin head_B1|torso_A1|lower_D1 // customRGBA 255 164 59 customRGBA jedi_zf saber single_9 saberColor random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 sex female snd female_jedi2 sndcombat female_jedi2 sndjedi female_jedi2 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 } jedi_zf2 { playerModel jedi_zf customSkin head_C1|torso_C1|lower_B1 // customRGBA 161 226 240 customRGBA jedi_zf saber single_9 saber2 single_1 saberColor random saber2Color random weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 6 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_TELEPATHY 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 1 FP_ABSORB 1 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90 rank lt reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 2 intelligence 3 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_JEDI yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 sex female snd female_jedi1 sndcombat female_jedi1 sndjedi female_jedi1 health 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 5 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 10 dismemberProbWaist 0 }
  2. Surely you just replace the texture files (make sure they are the same size and same file name and file type) and it should be fine?
  3. The only people I can think of who may have done this are @@Kualan @@Jeff or @@dark_apprentice . I wish you luck either way.
  4. There is one in this pack: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2818-starkiller-galen-marek-outfit-pack-for-jka/ Though it's not 100% accurate. I'm also uncertain if there's already been a release in some WIP Thread.
  5. This user: https://jkhub.org/user/54-almightygir/ I need his permission for a Modification. I've messaged both emails in his download readmes. Only one of them actually sent, as the other no longer exists, though the email that works seems to be old and I don't think he uses it, as it is only present in his very first download readme. I've also messaged him on JKHub, though emails are more frequently checked.
  6. Just do it the same way that Darth Malgus' cape works.
  7. So does anybody know if this is already a thing in Jedi Academy? Lets say for example I wanted to spawn 2 NPC characters to battle each other in a map. So I spawn the NPC characters, and go to find a good spot to look over the battle. The only thing is, I don't want to keep moving around chasing after the NPC's because they went out of frame while fighting. So is there a way to make the camera automatically follow and zoom in on those NPCs which are fighting while the player stands still? Much like the way the camera works when you stand still for a while in a Grand Theft Auto game - the camera will start to zoom in on nearby NPC characters and follow their movements until you move again. I would like to at least request this if it is possible to be done. If it is not possible then would it be possible to make a third person camera for an NPC? Much like in multiplayer games where your camera will follow another player as if you were in control of them, but in fact someone else controls that character as you are a spectator, I would like that for spawned NPC characters.
  8. Not really Star Wars related but if you could get a working version of the Skyrim Daedric Armor in Jedi Academy that would be amazing. https://jkhub.org/topic/4616-the-elder-scrolls-skyrim-daedric-armour-and-sword/
  9. I believe you can add random saberColor into the .sab file of the actual hilt that the cultists use, though I haven't tested this. The other alternative you could do, is to create a cultist_random.npc file or a reborn_random.npc file, going off the jedi_random.npc.
  10. You can clearly see the edges of the face you added onto the texture, because the original texture is yellow and the face texture you added is more of an orange. My suggestion is, put that image of C3PX on the original droid texture, but in a new layer. Then edit the bottom layer (original texture) such as the hue, brightness, contrast, so it matches seamlessly with the color of the C3PX head on the top layer. Then merge both layers together/down and then save the texture. If you can't do this, send me both the original texture image and the image of the C3PX face (the version that you cut out).
  11. @@dark_apprentice can just use the TC-14 model and add the strap from Embo (with permission). All that would be left is to add the red eye glow I gave you, and add color to the texture so it looked like gold, a perfect mix of yellow/orange. Find some weapon models to stick onto his back and that should do it. I know @@JAWSFreelao has some good gun models you could look at in his Skins & Ish thread.
  12. The strap shouldn't be much of a problem, I know @@dark_apprentice could help add the strap to the droid model. You would have to get permission from @@Kualan , but this strap looks just right: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2141-embo/ Of course you would have to flip the strap so it looks like this: Also I'd recommend trying to make the color of the texture less yellow and more gold looking for the droid. Give it more of an orange hue, combined with the chrome.jpg from the TC-14 shader. Make sure you actually use the same .shader file from the TC-14 model so the shine works correctly, just rename the image names/paths within the shader file. Easy stuff.
  13. That would probably need to be edited on the actual model itself. Some face warping would need to be done if there's anyone that can do that.
  14. I can't believe something so awesome has been lost. Anyway, I found this: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Map%20Packs/28728/ It's a mod from Orbitius, the readme has his contact info so hopefully he can still be reached. Alternatively go here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/search.html In the "Author" section, type the name "Orbitius". Also try searching "Hatrus" it comes up with someone called "=Darth= Lord Hatrus" I think it's the same guy.
  15. You can use the shader file here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2853-tc-14/ Make sure you copy over the metal texture chrome.jpg for the shine. As for the eye glow, use this: You can alter the hue and saturation easily in any image editing program. The name of the above texture is "tc14_face_glow.jpg"
  16. Not something to be ashamed of at all. I've collaborated with many talented members to bring most of my downloads to life.
  17. Original request thread: https://jkhub.org/topic/5571-darth-mauls-personal-assassin-droid-c-3px/?hl=%2Bmaul+%2Bdroid Thanks for taking this one up. Looking forward to it!
  18. I think this was a topic a few years back, but it was primarily to do with the way the weapons are actually coded into the game. I'm not sure if @@Asgarath83 would know.
  19. So I have saberhum1.wav file however when I use the saber in-game it crashed with this error: I really do not know what to do, because the audio file is Mono and it is 44100Hz. I do not know if this error happens with any other of the audio files because it only gives me the error for the single file. If someone could check over the audio files and perhaps fix it for me that would be a great help, thank you. http://www.mediafire.com/file/gyt89zasnccm2p1/weap.zip
  20. Working with voice actors is a thing of beauty.

  21. You could probably just use the model from here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9136-emperor-model/ You could get a copy of it from the person who made that thread. Then just add some color in the face texture, give him some hair and some new clothes. So makeup, hair and clothing. A womans dream!
  22. You can use the shadering and the texture from my mod here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2853-tc-14/ That should give it a real nice shine. Just please give me credit if you release a download.
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