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Posts posted by Ruxith

  1. @@Elfenlied

    Here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11320011/elfenlied.glm

    It's a temporary link so grab it while you can. I renamed headband to eyeband, trying to be witty lol. I was going to add it as an extra model part but blender was being a homo, so you have it instead of the normal headband for now. Just make sure you swap headband with eyeband in the .skin files.


    I had to edit the mesh slightly to fit it around the head at that position, but it looks fine.



    Elfenlied, Delmi, Noodle and 2 others like this
  2. So I figured i'd start uploading some of my skins I put together (hopefully they'll be accepted lol), as i'm not really playing JKA anymore and they're just sitting on my computer getting virtual dust all over them. Athena's skin was the first, i've got a few more I need to finish up and upload.
    For some of them I figured I need to post a topic to see what you'll think and whether or not it will be accepted if I uploaded it, like I did a couple months ago with Kit Fisto, which I still need to get around to finishing. I tend to write a big description on my released files, so making a topic showcasing the skin is quicker for me in case it gets rejected xD
    I'm not a frankenstein king, and by no means am I a texture artist, I just had a lot of fun putting skins together, which turned into RGB'ing the hell out of everything to the extent that it became an obsession xD and it's time to do something with what I put together.
    My next skin to upload is going to be an RGB'd version of Darth Talon, with additional model parts, options and a mix of sound files. Below is a list of the icons for all the body parts:




    It uses ported content (SWTOR malgus mask (mesh edited to fit better), SWTOR revan hood (mesh edited to fit better), TFU darth sion shoulder guard).. i've RGB'd the mask and shoulder guard but besides that they haven't been edited necessarily.. would that count as a "no" if I uploaded this model?

  3. I know this is something we've wanted for a while - a kit fisto head/model that's "better" than the old versions. A couple months ago when we all started frankensteining I had the help of two modeler friends of mine mostly for the weighting, and we put this together:




    It's not the final design, this series of screenshots was done months ago just to test how the heads looked on the different skin variants.


    Some of you have seen it already, most of you haven't.. it's nothing for me to brag about because I didn't make the model (clearly xD) and the reskins are very basic.. just making sure certain patterns are aligned right for the sith version and re-testing in modview until it looks right, and an RGB version which is simple enough to create anyway.


    I just wanted to ask if this kind of thing is likely to be accepted if I uploaded it to JKHub before uploading it to just get rejected? I know it contains ported content so that's why I wanted to ask first.

    Srethem, Omega, Cerez and 11 others like this
  4. People keep coming back to the active clan communities, i've seen it happen dozens of times just in the past couple of years. A lot of people have to quit playing because their social life or family takes control, or any personal issues.. something which can't be avoided. Some months are better than others as wellbecause of people being on school holidays etc, it fluctuates a lot.. but it's not by any means how good it was 4+ years ago, and I doubt we'll ever see that kind of activity again across the board.


    Modding-wise I think it's getting more popular again lately, mostly thanks to the ability for people to now be able to frankenstein without needing to fully use a modelling program, something that everyone has been wanting to do for custom skins FOR YEARS! xD

    I'd love to see your Modview finished though, I spend half of my "modding" time making promotion images, posters etc and having a better program to use it with (mostly things like transparency to fully work as intended in the model viewer, and viewing shaders) would encourage people to broaden their "modding" a lot more I think.. especially when they can see shaders etc outside of the game and for it to be straight-forward (I know about EffectsED or however it's called, but I took one glance and closed it again). I remember in the beginning when I would take screenshots from in-game and meticulously cutting around the player model xD

    Or if we encouraged people more to use the programs so anyone can perhaps, I know there's tutorials but people are lazy. I think modding is getting more activity lately though for sure.


    I'd love for JKHub to have a section under names for members to have their clan displayed in colours, or their  clan logo or something, and for people to all contribute together and for it to really feel like a close hub/community rather than the same people posting all the time :P and the same people stalking the topics xD

  5. Did you tweak the vertices on the model (the dots when you are in edit mode)? Sometimes if you move them it can cause the error (I think), but it's mostly if you add/remove any of them then it doesn't like it. What specifically did you "tweak"? I encountered this error mostly when I move the verts wrong or try adding new ones.

    Cerez likes this
  6. The jetpack's pretty low on the back of the bothan model @@JAWSFreelao and there's a few missing model tags not listed in your .skin file (the errors for missing parts that appear when you load it up in modview).

    The kalani skin is interesting though xD but it has the same issue with the missing model tags in the .skin file. I feel like the chest guard parts feel a bit too big on him though.

  7. After posting the above I had a brainwave on how to make another clone variant seen in the films. This one has been made in the last hour though so is in a very rough 'first draft' format:






    The torso skin is a placeholder via the AT-AT pilot skin from MovieBattles (I think). The top half of the helmet comes from the base rebel pilot model whilst the lower half is sourced from DT's Stormtrooper model!


    Damn it Kualan. xD

    I did a similar thing with the helmet a while ago, except mine was solely the tie pilot's helmet; a friend worked with me to cut a hole for the head to fit in xD I just never finished the model variants and such.

    DarthStiv likes this
  8. I don't mean to try and rain on your parade or anything, it's a really good effort so far, but do you know that there's already a JAR model of starkiller? For some reason I thought it was made by Jose Carlos.. but it looks like it it was done by Kobra judging by the file name of this picture.






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