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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. as far as I know, ported models are almost never accepted, and with partly ported (head only e.g.) it comes down to how much you've altered it.
    I had a ported Ezio Auditore from AC2 and even with team skins it wasn't seen "legit" , it was refused for not being altered enough, as I recall....

    so good luck with this, I really like this new Kit Fisto, compared to the JK2 one...  could u send this to me? for private use.

    GPChannel likes this
  2. I think we should expect to see a movie that could be so different that one could guestion whether it's a starwars movie or just another sci-fi blockbuster.
    Just seeing Donnie Yen in the photo with slightly asian looking costume (knowing that he's a MA expert) hints that this will be filled with wire stunts & explosions.

    does this bother me?  no ,why? because StarWars has too little shoot and kill action scenes eventhough it's a violent story.  StarWars mainly focuses in the drama.
    I think this could partly be the reason why there are so many BobaFett fans out there. StarWars has a lot of war and action written in the story, but that bottle is still uncorked.

  3. I like rumours, and I like it how this thread is full of them, it makes it easier to eliminate the absurd and guestion the ones that seem most logical at the time.
    Resurrecting anyone, doesn't fit the world of StarWars, even if Maul had some supernatural rebirth in the animated series. That's probably the only way you could 'accept it'.

    I'm still betting my money on Darth Plagueis, not necessarily to be revealed during episode seven, no, but because there's a lot to take care of in this first episode of a new trilogy
    and in attempting to tie in six previous movies it has a fair share of work cut out for it. One relatively easy way to do this is to bring the character of Darth Plagueis into the story.
    There isn't another established character in the movies that has the kind of "ancient evil" that this guy carries with him. Note: by the time Lucas was wrapping up ROTS, he had
    already started working on the next trilogy (the one that disney now has rights to) that would finally end the saga. As in every other movie, especially the episodes of starwars,
    there was plenty of story written for approximately a 2 hour lenght movie, so some scenese had to go, and even from the ones that were filmed, some scenes had to be deleted.

    however; Lucas absolutely wanted to include the Opera scene in the movie, to further stress the influence of Palpatine over Anakin, but also to reveal something dark and mysterious
    that had no importance to that particular episode, but it would drop jaws and make people guestion, who is Darth Plaguies? and could Palpatine, infact, have killed him in his sleep?
    That scene is now more important than ever since the announcement of a whole new trilogy, and with the secrecy around the film sets, we're just left with rumours and wild ideas...


  4. Indie Revolver has new images, supposedly legit, concept art of the Knights of Ren  http://indierevolver.com/2015/08/14/indie-revolver-exclusive-possible-images-of-the-knights-of-ren-from-star-wars-the-force-awakens/
    Take this with grains of salt, as they say. IndieRevolver has been a starwars theforceawakens leaker since day 1.




    I also want to point out that months before the release of the first trailer, before the confirmation of such a group as ' Knights of Ren'
    there were roumours that starwars:the force awakens will have seven ( 7 ) "knights"*/bad guys that terrorize the galaxy, with a new wave of stormtroopers.    
    That rumour has since been forgotten, but I have to wonder, if there truly are more sith's in the upcoming trilogy than in the previous movies combined ??
    Many Jedi survived the infamous order 66. Anyone of them could have joined the Empire, and/or their Padawans aswel. It's possible, but how likely?




  5. No on can revive this game, please get over it alreadry. Take a close look at all the suggestions you all have listed, on how to improve the game.
    Basically if you want to revive the community; create a new game with SP and MP options. Geez hmm...  oh wait, I know;    The Force Unleashed e.g.
    Our clan keeps getting dozens of new adepts and from what I know, some are recruited while playing CoD or another game (you name it )

    TDM games with the possibility to Team Voice Chat are IN  at the moment. So if you insist on trying to revive the game, then concentrate on TDM..

  6. Harrison Ford, who actually was quite enthusiastic to reprise the role of Han Solo after reading the script. But does it mean, that he enjoyed the development of this character towards Episode VIII? Or does he expect his character to die by the end of TFA?




    From what I know he wanted to kill off Han Solo already in The Empire Strikes Back. Now would be a good time to write off some of the older characters

    as the saga is coming to and end (sounds sad still, but that's the truth) I expect these last 3 movies to be packed with drama and revelations, epic x 10



    Not big revelation, but J.J. says that everything released already, including the 2 trailers/teasers, have some details to be placed together as puzzles. Some of these might seem irrelevant, while some draw lot of attention.

    This has my 100% focus now.  Trying to see what there is to be seen..  for example;




    who is this and why is he wearing the same outfit as Finn  ?





    further more,  does this image make any sense? Rey and Darth Plagueis Toy





    Also, a new description of Supreme Leader Snoke has emerged, supposedly leaked by the same person who leaked the concept art images months ago;


    Snoke wears a “black kimono with an outer robe and an off-white robe underneath it.” There is said to be a kind of wrapping around his waist that flows like a skirt that reaches the floor.

    The collar of the robe is said to reach all the way to his chin. The concept art reportedly shows Snoke to be a reptilian alien and his head is said to be shaped like that of a cobra.

    The character is said to have pitch black eyes and a closed “bulbous” mouth. He is said to have an “angry sneer about him.”





  7. " Hello what have we here ? " - Lando

    Finn being Lando's son makes a good joke but that's about it. Why is he holding the saber, if the trailer supposedly reveals someone handing the saber over to Leia.



    What is the connection? Ray? is ray  the daughter of Leia and Han? if so, then it's obvious to me, that she escapes Jakku with Finn, onboard the Millenium Falcon.
    They reach "home"  (Chewie.  We're Home) and get to know eachother and somehow it seems wise that Anakins old saber will be given to Finn. Luke has to train him?


  8. I don't think that comparing JA to this movie in a favorable way is a good idea, since JA had such a trash story, especially compared to the game that came immediately before it.

    Also the cultists didn't worship Vader. They worshipped Ragnos, because...reasons. It's not exactly specified why, and this is one of the reasons, like I stated above, why JA's story is complete trash.


    JA story was trash, ok, but how do you know the Force Awakens is any better? The crossguard saber alone started an argument between StarWars fans,

    but also the balldroid, black stormtrooper/ black lead character, ridiculous names like "Phasma" and "Snoke", even the new look of stormtroopers looks odd still.

    This new movie really stands out as very different, compared to the rest of the saga. I'm saying that there are many holes that could sink this ship. JA was equally guestionable.

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