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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. The hexagon frame might also hint of 6 planets, ruled by the empire.


    But to continue with the saber hilt discussion; Im also wondering why would it be easier to create a crossguard saber than a normal one?
    Concidering the fact that Kylo is max 30+  non traditional sith lord, mostly described as a sith-fanatic person. So what the actual f*ck is going on,....
    We don't know for sure, but it seems unlikely that he's been trained to use the force from an early age. Jaden Korr built just a regular one :)

  2. http://io9.com/13-things-we-just-learned-about-star-wars-the-force-aw-1723645676


    Check that link out.


    It has been confirmed that Kylo Ren builds his lightsaber himself. It is also confirmed his mask is based on Darth Vader's mask.

    well eat my shorts, you win    


    Hmmm. That article is quite interesting. I guess people will still be disappointed with one of the explanations, the one being the most debated. However I like the idea of Ren. Is it possible, that this is another title from the long past?


    It might have been thousands of years since the ancient Sith, and Darth and Dark Lord might have been the most notable and known ones, including the Jedi in the Old Republic (Episode I). What if Ren is something/somebody, who existed in the past and were related to the Force. Maybe these were a group, that followed the presumed destruction of the Sith (like 1000 years prior), claiming themselves to be the keepers of the Sith traditions. As they believed the Sith to be extinct, they might have tried to preserve the legacy, but were ultimately forgotten by larger Galaxy. Now that the Galactic Empire fell and the Sith vanished again, what if the Knights of Ren are the new followers, re-emerged with the same event - the presumed destruction of the Emperor and Vader? It's a speculation of course.


    I am so eager to learn more.

    Knights of the Ren remind me of the Cultists in Jedi Academy. And come to think of it, the cultists in JA also had a leader who worshipped Vader, (cried after Desann)

    and Tavion even relied her masterplan on one single object; a sith articfact, a spear, so that she could resurrect the infamous Dark Lord; Marka Ragnos. Mindblown


    http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Knights_of_Ren  the page clearly says that KoR was fromed after the Battle of Endor, which again, sounds a lot like the Cultists.


    So as @ pointed out, the lightsaber is built by Kylo, and JJ Abrams supposedly said that Kylo,  " much like the saber, is still a work in progress. "

    this could mean that it's still unclear how the story evolves from here, but also, that the saber itself is incomplete.. oh god I hate the mystery surrounding the production of this movie.


  3. To appear innovative and cool to children.

    no, as I already mentioned above, it may be an artifact, an ancient sith weapon, you also should already give up on that 1 opinion.

    have some room for options, will ya? it's not designed to better appeal to kids, even kids know that this saber looks weird.

  4. The model is looking really great, but I have to rewind a bit on this topic....

    Even if Luke had the KyloRen saber, Vader would have still cut his hand off, because he was not ready! Luke was just a kid with a saber.
    A dozen youtube videos already proved that this saber is clearly not practical, months ago, infact, within a week of the release of the first trailer, it was
    already clear that this saber has another purpose, rather than just accidently looking like a medieval longsword. So please get over it already. Please.

    Both the Jedi and the Sith used a particular design to built their sabers for thousands of years, so clearly they didn't worry about their hands being cut off.
    Infact, nobody has even confirmed that KyloRen even built that saber. Rumour has it that he found it and fixed it, without knowing, that it may be an ancient sith weapon.

    I think Dooku also already proved that, if you want to cut of someones arm, you will chop it off no guestions asked ( Episode 2 - Ani vs. Dooku)

  5. I'll be as blunt as I can folks - no active work is being done on the models in this thread still. Real life continues to be a pain. I do intend to get back to them at some point, they're not being abandoned wholly, but the pace has crawled to a halt.


    However because I know some of you are keen I will try and find a few hours to put up the finishing touches on those nearest completion and release them in a batch in the near future.


    The ones most likely to be released in said batch are - the new Shaak Ti, the Clone Wars Plo Koon (deformities and all), and possibly a sample of some of the new clone variants. I know the poncho clone is a popular choice!




    The Inquisitor is one of the furthest from completion. I'm just really not happy with that head and I'm struggling to find a suitable substitute.


    you basically need a bald human head, right?


    try this   http://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/

  6. besides hs_obiwan, name a model that has a beard, like, World of Warcraft, beard.

    can I possible make a beard, and add it to an already existing model? I'd imagine that would be less of a work for a beginner modeller. This would be my first serious attempt.


  7. I think @@Barricade24 was onto something with the Shadow Stormtrooper. Looks like they may actually be in the movie after all.


    or not since there are lots of tie-fighters on the background. Logical explanation would be pilots, who are also dressed in black from toes to head.

    there are also a great number of black suited officers in the screencapture, so it's absolutely too hasty to spread rumours of shadowtroopers appearing in SW7


    I'm confused about the security of that villain who seems to be inspecting the fleet, only 3 other dark dressed characters stand by the SilverTrooper(phasma) + Two flametroopers?

    I'm used to seeing some heavy protection on the Emperors side, an entire wave of red dressed Royal Guards surrounded him where ever he went. I miss that sight from OT.

    So maybe there's more to be told about the 3 mysterious characters next to the Phasma, they are also wearing capes so it hints that they are Royal or Political characters, yes?





  8. the jedi outcast style was big and bulky. so you nailed that one atleast, the lighting is poor but that's how I remember JKO maps.
    if you'd add some NPC's and release the map, I'm sure it would be worth downloading. Another thing you could do is to cut the map
    into pieces and release several prefab files, of imperial corridors, imperial hall, imperial shaft  etc. etc.  that would be useful for new mappers    :)

    Asgarath83 and Langerd like this
  9. I'd actually love to play a new Jedi Knight game, that has the combat system of Assassin's Creed ( hit + block + parry ) with a few gadgets like rope
    and with the ability to pick up weapons, rahter than having a full inventory of weapons in this, imaginary pocket similar to Grand Theft Auto.
    Being able to Force Jump to upper areas, avoiding troopers, ambushing them, sneaking trough a crowded dancefloor into Reelo's Office.   :D

    I couldn't care less abour Rosh and Jaden, it was always about Kyle. Luke fits in perfectly, but it's about Kyle and Jan. I'd love to see that again. Fresh.
    Mass Effect games are great for being able to explore the galaxy, to upgrade your ship and weapons, to make decicions that affect the story. That would fit JK.

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