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Status Updates posted by RJA

  1. To peoples who play Epic Challenge Mod III. Don't forget, anytime you see a "E" anywhere, to screen it. At the end send me all the "E" you found by PM. I'll give you recompense depending of your points. :P

  2. When you have done your STAR WARS ALL EPISODES NPC PACK, modified the code to allow more than 200 NPCs, created new saber colors and worked for NPCs with logical AI..... but you still have to search all readme to credit every moderler/skinner.... It is that moment, when you are about to simply give up. Holly sh...eep...

    1. Corto


      Take a break.

    2. Lancelot


      Honestly, if the project is too much for you, let it go. The thing is that once you try to make something this big alone, it might drive you nuts. And besides, the developers of KotF 2.1 are already working on something like that, as a team, so there is actually no need to push yourself. You could ask if you can join them.

    3. RJA


      I don't have problems to handle big mods 98% alone. Epic Challenge Mods are my works, but it is all creative.


      Searching for readmes is a waste of time so...


      Thanks for your kind comments by the way :)

  3. When you upload your mod which has 1 year and a half making and it takes hours to load...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aldro Koon

      Aldro Koon

      Damnit how long do we gotta wait XD

    3. RJA


      Idk, they test it before the release. So wait patiently. :P


      Just after the release, I'll release a little bug fixes. :)

    4. RJA


      I think it's about to appear in one hour, not more than two btw.

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