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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Love this gold-ish effect on Boba's shoulder pad the entire model looks realistic and perfect with this mod.
  2. I know he wants those, but since I can't make full ports i just showed a picture of what I did a while ago when Force Arena came out with Kanan model on facepunch forums. Using the model of Jeff's Kanan from Rebels season 1 and 2 before he gets blind. Ezra is in progress by someone else mine is from SW pinball animated head but somehow the head is causing horror anger effect on me so I need some time on it. About download links for this Kanan I will first of all re-crate the model there are some little details i don't like in this one inside the game. Also was thinking to try my best and bring a small Kanan pack (Rebels Season 1 - 3 / normal, blinded, with eyes covered, with temple guard's helmet, with the mask and beard) Btw there is a great model of Sabine from @@Jeff just needs some re-texture to match all 3 season designs
  3. Amazing episode for me, very emotional somehow even mature in some ways for the grown up audience and at the same time have a powerful logical meaning. At the end Kenobi showed he is no longer the Jedi from the prequel trilogy, but a wise old man who managed to control his emotions, the Force and many other things during his long exile. Something not everyone can do, forgive your biggest enemy everything he did and close his eyes like for an old friend of yours. While Maul as the exiled loaner messed up figure no longer part of the Sith nor the Jedi seeks his own redemption and understands, that actually the child of Anakin is the key to bring back the Chosen One and restore the balance, since Anakin is assumed by most dead after he turns to the Dark Side and becomes Vader, however only his son Luke does accept that there is still Anakin inside Vader. For me both Anakin and Luke have the Chosen one in them, but personally i think it's Anakin the Chosen One. After it's all about the point of view.
  4. Twin Suns

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Noodle


      It was excellent, reminded me of the duel from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

    3. Mand'alor


      I was just expecting something longer

    4. BelugaArts


      Loved it.


      Especially the end... "Luke! Luke?"


      I think the Maul VS Obi... Well it could have been flashier, but it was more logical this way, really.


      Obi was determined to survive, no matter what due to the fact he had a purpose.


      Mauls sole purpose, for years, was to see Obi Wan suffer. And surely, wandering around for... 20? Years? Constantly wanting to kill someone might not be that healthy?


      Well what do I know.

  5. Sadly @@The Punisher i prefer original design from ANH or at least ESB i somehow don't feel the spirit with ROTS "graflex"
  6. The name of the map is Tatooine Outpost, but I am not sure if this is the author of the map --> Lou Tranch
  7. Maybe @@Seven or @@Rooxon can assist if they have the time.
  8. I got a similar map to this, but it's during the lighter part of the day and without 1/2 of the stuff, no R2 and C3PO unless you spawn them.
  9. I don't think that this mixed design was used before, because the backup of JK3 FileFront is here on the hub and didn't found it.
  10. Hi guys, since I'm really hard to pick up between the classic sabers of Ben Kenobi (ANH) & Anakin/Luke (ANH) Graflex. I made this using "saberparts" website and just put the red unstable blade. Can anyone make this hilt for me please?
  11. Update, shader is applied, chain added there are some small issues like the mask is a bit off the torso, because i've turned off my Anakin head and sometimes when you move the arms you'll notice they go out from the cape, but it's because of Q3 Engine. Lightsaber on his belt is also from Force Arena. Might be better to use this model with OpenJK. Download
  12. And using the above one, but with the full helmet from Force Arena which I personally find more accurate for A New Hope / Rogue One design: P.S. I know i have forgot the chain... ModView In Game no shader files applied:
  13. Maybe because I don't pay attention to details so much, but with so much versions of Vader it's hard to recreate a specific design, I wanted to make something between "TFU damaged vader" that I once did and improve it, but during the process i decided to mix him with the designs of both Rogue 1 / A New Hope
  14. Small personal update of damaged Vader: Toshi's Vader body, shoulder pad from EA Battlefront by Backflip1, head from my Anakin 1983 model ver.2 ; lower helmet from Raxus Starkiller TFU, Cape from Force Arena, controls&electronics from TFU. Robotic hand by TFU proxy (the original model), Robotic hand from Hk51
  15. Awesome work and I admire your progress!
  16. What's he, what did I do? ...congrats on finishing this mod, can't wait to see it released and play it ;3
  17. Actually the head is a little bit bigger than the one from the original Toshi's Luke model and base Kyle Katarn. @@Newmodder the same way as porting other stuff. First of all you save the model from iClone 4 and re-open it in iClone 3DXchange v5.51 Pipeline > from there you can export from to .OBJ / . FBX and few other files formats. I prefer ".obj" than I load up this file in Blender, remove the body and eyelashes and start to place the head on JKA/JKO character, you weight it and all other stuff than if you think it's too high detailed just split on small parts (like: head_a_0, head_eyes_0 , head_mouth_0 , head_cheeks_0 etc.) and keep all of those parts below 900 verts so you can play with the model in game without crashing (even if you use vanilla JKA)
  18. Not quire sure, I will have to check again the model, but as far as I remember I made the head same size as HapSlash's Anakin, but it's possible that i was thinking to do it and missed it.
  19. I wanted to play around with a new version 3 of Anakin's Jedi appearance from Return Of The Jedi 1983 however there are some details that needs to be fixed. I still need to work a little bit more on his cheeks and jaw, also will have somehow to make the hair look smoother on his head. The head model is created with iClone 4 since my free trial of CrazyTalk 8 expired. Eyes & Eye textures from Toshi's Luke model. Hair is from Force Arena's Director Krennic. Original reference (a bit younger than in the movie):
  20. Reshoots for Episode 8 could start and take place at Ireland & Scotland in March 2017
  21. Han Solo movie?! WTF More like Shit my childhood movie.. Faith in Disney lost forever / P.S. My own fan movie can become way better than ur freakin stories........

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Bek


      It's funny actually, my little niece even said that she didn't like it. I'll totally watch it eventually, a couple opinions don't really steer me away from a movie. I'm just glad it's not as disrespectful as Cerez made it out to be (no disrespect Cerez ^^).

    3. Cerez


      @Darth Futuza Because turning Maui into a bonehead, and having an unworthy lead character replace his role -- only to promote a new-age, silly feminist agenda -- is not disrespectful. Not sure who your Polynesian friends are, but they need to get in touch with their traditions more. (It seems to me like they've spent too much time absorbing Western ideals, and forgot aspects of their own culture...)

    4. Smoo


      Some people have short attention spans. Haha

  22. What is going on with JKHub? The site crashes a lot today

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bek


      The Caelum hath spoken!

    3. Cerez


      We must give offerings!

    4. Bek


      No. The offerings go to the White Elephant, who delivers them to teh great Caelum on his majestic tusks.

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