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Everything posted by Jolly

  1. Jolly


    This is one of the best tools for Jed Academy and if I am not mistaken it also works for Outcast. This tool is amazing, check it out if you haven't yet.
  2. @Barricade24 Awesome stuff, also how exactly did you get the JKG blasters to replace the vanilla blasters?
  3. I don't generally like the Star Wars Rebels saber but you did a good job recreating them.
  4. You could frankenstein the vanilla stormtrooper pauldrons or hell any pauldrons out there onto this model and with a bit of a retexture it would probably work ^,^ EDIT: I threw this together in like 1 minute, DT's ROTJ stormtrooper pauldron on his FA Stormtrooper. Edit 2: Ok so I put the stuff together and made a extra skin file, gave it the original ROTJ Pauldron textures and opened it up in modview. slight clipping here. The pauldrons might need a retexture but personally I think they look really similar to those seen in the Episode 7, I would make new textures or at least change the solid color bits of the pauldron myself but I am not really talented with texturing so I am not gonna try (for now).
  5. I like the body but sadly he just looks like Han Solo with a new outfit and gray hair rather then old man Episode 7 Han Solo, making his face look a bit aged would be nice and make the skin overall better. I cannot really complain though because it's awesome to see Episode 7 content coming up.
  6. Looking good DT. Another model well done
  7. Looks great @@Langerd, first a talented mapper and now a talented modeler ^,^
  8. Jolly

    Quinlan Vos

    Honestly this model is great, watching the progress in the forums since you started it. In 3ds Max it looked amazing but in Jedi Academy it just looks ehhh.
  9. This was a frankenstein/reskin I made a while ago that mashed the Imperial ATST Pilot from "Siege Battle Of Endor" and obliviously the original Imperial Pilot model from base JKA. I always found the Base JKA "Stormpilot" to be extremely inaccurate to the original costume so I put this together. The model has issues and if I was gonna release it, I would probably start from scratch but keep some edited textures. I edited the torso a little bit so it didn't look like the armor was drawn onto the chest, the effect looks okish. Here are some pics for you guys to check out. The boots and arms were edited a little if I remember correctly (Its been a few months since I've worked on this) And yes the arm textures are bugged due to some errors in the .skin file. Here you can see the torso (stomach area) was pushed out a bit to define on the armor a little bit more, the effect looks meh. And theres his back, with the same edit as mentioned above. Much like the "Sith Assassin" model I threw together, it may or may not be released.
  10. @@Langerd Those Cultists look amazing, are you gonna release them?
  11. @@Spaghetti When this model is complete, do you intend on adding it to Movie Battles 2 ?
  12. This model is brilliant, please release this!!!
  13. Maybe its way too early to be talking about these kind of things related to the new Battlefront game, but whenever enough content is around I totally think there should be a sound total conversion that changes all the weapon sounds in base JKA to those in the new Battlefront.
  14. @@Langerd Those skins are amazing and this map is looking great! I can't wait for this stuff to come out! Keep up the amazing work Langerd.
  15. "I made this model with replacing the one in MB2 in mind." YUS!!!!!1111!!!!!
  16. @@extreme_x0 Any updates on these models ^,^
  17. @@Langerd I always thought it was weird in Jedi outcast that stormtroopers uniforms didn't change in the slightest, looks like this will solve that issue! At least for Jedi Academy xD
  18. @@TronTheGamer I think we all love the model xD
  19. Don't let this die!!! Great looking models. Keep up the great work ^.^
  20. Definitely needs a new skin....
  21. Just when you thought things couldn't get better....
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