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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. As many of you might already know, @@dark_apprentice has released his Rey model. (Download it if you haven't yet. It's the best one available ). But I think she's missing something. Of course, she needs her own staff so she can kick butts more properly in Jedi Academy! To those who are interested in making it but don't have any references, here are some:
  2. Maybe it's just the perspective in the third image, but I think she's too skinny.
  3. The Flametroopers could be a perfect replacement for either those Jet Troopers or the Imperial Workers. I wouldn't even mind seeing the majority of Reborns replaced with First Order Stormtroopers.
  4. What do you think is missing? If you could explain it more specifically, maybe it can help @@dark_apprentice and @@Syko to fix it if necessary.
  5. @@bigphil2695 You need mrwonko's Jedi Academy Plugin Suite for that. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1413-blender-264-jedi-academy-plugin-suite/
  6. @@dark_apprentice @@Syko I've got a concept art of Rey. Although the face doesn't resemble her at all, the concept art is a great reference to her clothing and hairstyle. (It's a large image, so I put it in that spoiler thing)
  7. The good thing about it: It's not a reskin of the Han Solo model that has been around for years.
  8. @@dark_apprentice The face texture looks pretty good, especially in the first and last picture. But I think the clothing will be a big challenge.
  9. @@redsaurus That headswap feature is interesting. You wrote in the description that you can make custom heads as well. I know that I have to edit the files and assign them to the playermodel/NPC I want. But is there something I have to notice?
  10. Not just DT. I'm impressed that there are still modders around in the community, no matter how big or small. In fact, the content has become much better through the years. Instead of getting rubbish, we are getting either good attempts or great results. Compared to the content we've got in the early days of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, that's a big improvement.
  11. That's not exactly what I meant. I actually meant a menu like the Extra Music Changer, with the only distinction that you can choose your own music with it.
  12. I don't know if anyone has ever considered or made something like that before, but I think a music player that can be accessed via the in-game menu would be a different but cool feature. Someone actually has made a music player for MP, but it only supported the music used in the game. My idea was a player that you can use in both SP and MP and not only supports the in-game soundtrack, but custom music as well. You could simply drag them in a folder and the player recognises them. I know that Jedi Academy is not quite the engine where you can, unlike modern engines, implement any feature you want, so it won't work like an actual music player. But if it can at least "overwrite" the in-game music, that would be enough.
  13. Here is a small guide for that. http://audacityteam.org/help/faq_i18n?s=install&i=lame-mp3&lang=en
  14. @@Tim Drake Everything you need to know about OpenJK is explained here: http://jkhub.org/topic/2220-frequently-asked-questions/ And Rend2 is a project that aims to improve the graphics of Jedi Academy, to give the game a more modern look.
  15. @@dark_apprentice Great start. Just a few more meshes here and some textures there and it can be considered as done.
  16. An issue everyone might experience at some point in the game: The bad arranged soundtrack in the game. Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely no offense to the Star Wars soundtrack. But what's bothering me is the way the glorious music has been used. Many passages of the soundtracks are incoherently mixed together and, in some places, the mood of them doesn't fit at all. And on top of that, the soundtrack is very repetitive. Jedi Outcast got it right at least, but it's a mess in Jedi Academy. The best example is the Korriban soundtrack, which is a complete disaster. Whenever someone is attacking you or something else is happening, you hear the exact same music (the part when Luke falls into the Rancor den). I'm thankful that someone has already replaced the music of the Korriban map with a better one. I know, games had very different standards back then, even in the soundtrack. But considering that this is a Star Wars game, I find the lack of variety disturbing.
  17. For the first Finn skin on JKhub, it's good start. I can see that you have put much effort into this one. The face looks good and the jacket is pretty well made.
  18. With due respect, but your request is kinda contradictory. First, if I understood correctly, you were asking for a complete port of the model. A few posts later, you said that you actually wanted the head frankensteined on another Luke model (you haven't mentioned that in your first post). And now you want a complete port again? I have to agree with @@Jolly and @@dark_apprentice, Toshi's Luke is the best version for JA, because it was exclusively made for it. A port of the Luke model would just be wrong, because it wouldn't look as good in JA as it does in TFU. Keep in mind that TFU has a more modern engine than JA has. The shading and lightning on the ported Luke would just look flat as JA is missing the ability to display both features realistically.
  19. I think porting TFU models to Jedi Academy would be a bad idea. Let me explain it like this: Imagine you have a big project, no matter if it's a model or a skin. You put lots of time and effort into that project, share the progress with everyone and get good responses. But then BAM!, somebody else releases an already existing version of what you have intended, in higher quality and ported from another game. It gets a lot more attention for work that has been practically made in notime (just porting and rigging), which is unfair considering that you've put days, if not weeks or months, to get your model right. I'm not completely against porting. I find it actually quite impressive that somebody can fit a very detailed model from another game into Jedi Academy. If it's done right and if every issue has been solved (by using some pieces of a model or by giving credit to the original author), I can't see any problem with that. And if a model hasn't been made yet and somebody wants a quicker solution, that's fine either. But I think it's unnecessary to port a model from another game when a model has been made already.
  20. I never noticed that the original model had no glow effect, something that is essential to R2-D2. Hell, even the bluish tint on the head has been replaced with a more metallic look. He definitely looks more like in the movies now, and that's a big improvement. Thank God that there are still people around who really care for details.
  21. You have to edit the whole map for that. If I remember correctly, someone is working on a mod right now that heavily modifies the bots, so they don't have to depend on waypoints anymore.
  22. There are tons of tutorials around the web, both in text and video. If you are considering creating your own models, you have to start small and be patient. That's a major rule. Patience. And once you know the basics in modeling, you can take on your own projects. A skeleton like the one above would be a start. And if you need help, just ask someone here at JKHub.
  23. @@Telesto Where did you get these screenshots? I'm just asking, because it looks as if you already have it. Do you have a MP mod installed or something?
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