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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. As mentioned above, he's trying to fix the Single Player mode. Once it's done, the beta version will be released soon.
  2. Many versions have been already made. The most recent one was made by @@The Punisher. Go to his topic ( https://jkhub.org/topic/8053-diary-of-a-mad-man/page-5 ) look for post number 89 and open the spoiler. I don't know if he ever finished it, but at least the model has been attempted.
  3. I think we should consult our skilled coders here. Maybe they know a solution. @@Asgarath83, can you help with that?
  4. HapSlash's Anakin is awesome, and so is Toshi's Anakin. Both fulfill the quality standard that is needed for Jedi Academy. So, I don't see a point in porting the TFU Anakin to Jedi Academy.
  5. Somebody actually made it years ago. It was just a simple reskin of a Rebel trooper with a chrome shader, but it was convincing. But sadly, it one of those skins that are either hard to find or completely lost.
  6. Try KotF 2.1. It's way better than KotF 2.0. The only thing that doesn't work is Singleplayer, but Multiplayer works fine. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3121-knights-of-the-force/ If you have more questions, post them in the official KotF 2.1 topic: https://jkhub.org/topic/8041-kotf-21/
  7. Why not? No matter if great or annoying characters, it's always good to see some variety here. At least we can tick this character off the list. Keep in mind that there are people out there that might think "Hey, I haven't seen a Senator Binks in Jedi Academy. It seems that nobody made him. I should request it and bump that topic every hour until my request is fulfilled."
  8. No, it's this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdRyAVsWVJ0
  9. Why didn't you say that in the first place? I doubt that anyone would make a whole new model from scratch. Frankensteining would be the most likely way.
  10. Actually, believe it or not, this is the best skin of Ash available. Another version was made for Jedi Outcast, which used the prisoner model as a basis. See for yourself. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Skins/Celebrities/2251/ There are no screenshots, so you have to download it. But this reskin is not any better than the one above. I think you should consult our frankensteining experts. Maybe they like to do it for you.
  11. 233 downloads

    This simple mod changes the red eyes from the Chiss bartender, to make them look more like Thrawn's eyes in Star Wars Rebels. Just put the pk3 in to the base folder of Jedi Academy. It should work for Jedi Outcast as well.
  12. Failed attempt? I think it looks pretty good. It's the best Luke with his ceremonial jacket yet. You wanna know how a failed attempt looks like?
  13. @@LucyTheAlien So, what do you want again? Was it less gore (no big blood splats) and red smoke? I'm trying to figure it out, but I can't promise 100% good results. I mean, this is something I rarely did before.
  14. @@Kabay Welcome to JKHub.
  15. Don't worry about the quality. This is the most detailed Tarkin model for Jedi Academy so far.
  16. @@eezstreet In .tga-format, the same as the original files.
  17. @@eezstreet I don't have a screenshot from what I made, but let me explain it this one from the mod: https://jkhub.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&record=5814&id=687&full=1 I made some of the big blood textures transparent by erasing the blood in Gimp, so that only the transparency grid is there. I thought that it would make the blood completely invisible, but I think it triggered some sort of texture glitch instead. Imagine the blood splatters you see above as semi-transparent white tiles.
  18. So, I tried to make the medium to big splats transparent. The problem is that they now appear like translucent panes. The mod also uses .efx-files, which probably need to be edited, but I don't know how to do that properly. Any ideas, @@eezstreet?
  19. That shouldn't be a big problem. The mod uses transparent .tga-files that contain the blood textures, which can be easily edited. So, you don't want pools of blood, just some drops and smoke? All you have to do is to make the blood transparent as well. I see what I can do.
  20. @@Tompa9 Here's one that looks better. It's not the greatest version, but at least a good one. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1558-obi-wan-kenobi-attack-of-the-clones/
  21. @@LucyTheAlien Did it work? I don't think that a reupload would be necessary, especially when the essential files are unmodded. If removing the ext_data folder really does the trick, then it's something everyone can do who has that mod already.
  22. Okay, I downloaded the mod and removed the ext_data folder inside the pk3. DT's Stormtrooper shows up and the mod works fine.
  23. I'm aware of the fact that you are enjoying everything related to Japan (animes, movies and so on), and I fully respect that. But do you really think that this is something worth bumping a topic? And it seems that nobody else seems to be interested at all. Here's my advice, and I don't mean to be rude at all: Go on and create your own reskins. Seriously, I think you should start to create them on your own. The tools are already available, you just have to make use of them. You could start to experiment a little bit by using an already existing model, like Galak Fyarr or the Imperial Officer. You might not get the best results at first, but it will get easier. Just try it and take your time. And if you are not sure about how to get started or what programs to use, just ask anyone on JKHub.
  24. Actually, KotF 2.1 already has most of the best models available. Even Toshi's Darth Vader is in it, as well as many other high quality models.
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