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Everything posted by KyleKatarn1995

  1. Here's another video I found with Darth Vader speaking to the Emperor in Japanese. It almost feels like Queen Beryl is speaking with Queen Metalia.
  2. I wonder if there was a model of a Balosar sleazebag that goes by the name of Alan Sleazebaggano AKA the guy who tries to sell Obi-Wan Kenobi death sticks at the Outlander Club? He's the one that's asking "You wanna buy some death sticks?". But yeah, he has a human look and alien antennas. And he's got plenty of death sticks to share with you guys...
  3. Oh wow! Gotta love that ESB and ROTJ Boba Fett!! Excellent work!
  4. Oh wow, Lando looks totally fabulous in Han's clothes! And he looks perfect! Thanks Jeff!
  5. Hmm, I guess they're pretty much blue pants with his stylish shoes he wears in his smuggler outfit.
  6. Hey @@Jeff, I wonder if you can do a model of Lando Calrissian wearing Han Solo's smuggler outfit as seen in Empire Strikes Back?
  7. Check this out @, it's the original RX-78-2 Gundam! How cool is this?
  8. Awesome!!! Bossk look just like his movie appearance in Empire Strikes Back! Excellent work!
  9. We do actually have an Old Han Solo from The Force Awakens on here already. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2588-old-han-ep7/
  10. BTW Whenever I watch that scene, I play this song while Finn is fighting TR-8R.
  11. Well I guess that'll totally work. Just gotta size the head of R2 onto the Hazard Trooper armor, and then simply color in on the armor to match it like R2-D2's droid body.
  12. Yep, I totally agree. We should like scan a model of the R2-D2 Gundam toy and port him into Jedi Academy. That way he'll protect C-3PO on his side.
  13. That's right! R2-D2 is now a mobile suit and can easily fight off against Imperial Stormtroopers while his companion C-3PO watches him battle.
  14. I've got something totally interesting and cool to request! How about we port an R2-D2 Gundam into JKA? This one's actually a modified version of the Hi-Mock, but I find this Gundam model of R2-D2 looking in high class and fully has arms and legs. He's all ready to fight the Imperials! I wonder what you guys might think about this cool looking R2-D2 mobile suit for Jedi Academy, @?
  15. Here's something that's cool for you guys, I found a 3D model of the actual R2-D2 Kenner toy. We can port that into JKA and put the torso skin on the Kenner R2-D2 model. And speaking of which, here are the torso skins I've found in these two photos. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=88dbdeda21c9d915a30304f59a805ade
  16. I'm now thinking of requesting two of the well known astromech droids like R2-D2 and R5-D4 into their Kenner toy form. I want them to be Re-Skinned for JKA so it would be fun to use them in the game.
  17. Speaking of which, I wonder if Mandalorian is ever going to release his model of Bossk clearly from Empire Strikes Back? https://jkhub.org/topic/4639-bossk/?hl=bossk
  18. I agree, let's hope this Dark Forces mod continues on sometime in the future.
  19. Here's another screenshot of Mavra Zane. I'm pretty sure there can be a way to make her hairbuns in JKA and finding her the right outfit would be unique.
  20. I have a good request from a Star Wars video game. How about we make a model of Mavra Zane who appeared in Kinect Star Wars? I bet this Jedi Master chick will look cooler in Jedi Academy.
  21. This looks absolutely perfect!! He looks just like Haps' Grand Moff Tarkin! I'm loving this one!
  22. Who remembers the Tie Fighter in a hanger from a level of Dark Forces?
  23. I was wanting for a better looking head model of Wilhuff Tarkin that's reminiscent to HapSlash's unreleased Grand Moff Tarkin model.
  24. It's no wonder why we don't have a perfect Grand Moff Tarkin model on here. He's one of the main Imperial leaders and is in charge of the Death Star. I should probably guess to use the body on Tarkin, you can just use one of HapSlash's Imperial Officer models that has a High Commander rank on the insignia. And then hopefully anyone can like scan Peter Cushing's head with MakeHuman to make him look better. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2888-hapslashs-improved-imperial-officer-with-customization-support/
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