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Everything posted by Exmirai

  1. it is on Android for a long time: http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=531779&st=560
  2. openjk.x86.exe and dlls probably
    1. Ping


      where are the brackets, signed up teams etc

  3. omg, my smartphone works as wifi adapter better than usb adapter

  4. huh, as i said, i see difference only in map load time ( from /connect until first frame ) JaMP : 20.84 secs , OpenJK - 51.40 secs performance decreased almost in 3 times EDIT: i used debug build
  5. With new versions (united sdl?) game performance slightly decreased, i'm able to see that when connecting to server ( map load time decreased in 2-3 times ) and at main ojk loading...what's the matter?
  6. my launcher already have simple cabinet ( auth from ipb forum ), game loader (jamp, openjk ), auto connect,server list from which you can connect and pk3 manager but its abandoned
  7. AFAIK, jetpack and cloak fuel bar is hardcoded in cgame
  8. Exmirai


    Version 0.0.2


    JAFont is a tool that converts .ttf fonts to a usable font format in JA. It was created by JAfont by Wudan, OJP et al, built with help from Bejitt and Fracman. usage: JAfont <command> <fontfile> <size> <JAfontname> example: jafont -create verdana.ttf 16 anewhope Resulting .fontdat and .png images will be placed in the executeable's directory. In the example above, anewhope.fontdat and anewhope.png would be created. When packaging the fonts it is important that you do NOT alter the original PK3 files, and place your new fonts in a new PK3 file, this is pretty much standard procedure for "replacing" game assets.
  9. Who has libpng13 *.lib and *.dll files?Please give it to me o.o

    1. Xycaleth


      What do you need them for?

    2. Exmirai


      Jafont, I no longer need, thanks)

  10. i think site should be similar to http://jkgalaxies.com
  11. run game with +set fs_homepath "."
  12. Exmirai

    Bound Boxes

    as soon as i finish the function)
  13. Exmirai

    Bound Boxes

    @@Scooper @@spior @@Didz. How to get the bounds of the model, like it was done in makermod?
  14. How about HBAO+ ? https://developer.nvidia.com/content/nvidia-shadowworks-hbao-23-released
  15. code: menuDef_t *UI_CreateMenu(const char *name){ if (menuCount < MAX_MENUS) { menuDef_t *menu = &Menus[menuCount]; menu = (menuDef_t*)malloc(sizeof(menuDef_t)); Menu_Init(menu); menu->itemCount = 0; Q_strncpyz(menu->window.name, name, sizeof(menu->window.name)); menuCount++; return menu; } return NULL; } When I run this code, the game crashes with an error Q_Strncpyz: NULL dest, I understand the error, but can not understand exactly where I was wrong. What's the matter?
  16. code : itemDef_t CreateItem(menuDef_t *menu, int type){ itemDef_t *item; if (menu->itemCount < MAX_MENUITEMS) { menu->items[menu->itemCount] = (itemDef_t *)BG_Alloc(sizeof(itemDef_t)); item = menu->items[menu->itemCount]; Item_Init(item); item->type = type; item->id = menu->itemCount; item->parent = menu; Item_InitControls(item); item->parent = menu; menu->itemCount++; Com_Printf("ITEMID %d", item->id); return *item; } } The idea is that every time I call this function for a specific menu, it should increase menu->menuCount by 1, but this is not happening. Why?
  17. trying to write UILua... again :D

  18. @@Keyten, I've just trying to port japhys of xycaleth, almost got But i'm got a little problem with collision maps creation
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