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Everything posted by Exmirai

  1. You wrote wrong code. You need to get the list of all pictures and then show on screen picture which is get by randomizing number. Something like this. P.S: code may not work as i wrote it from phone and wasn't coding for a long time https://slexy.org/view/s2P7pdBown
  2. There are such plugin for ja++. "Iplog"
  3. Build it yourself
  4. That happens because as far as I can remember japp menus no longer up to date with current cgame version. So this might the problem. Try to do /cvarlist and find everything yourself ( assume you're using openjk )
  5. Catalyst for Radeon video cards and NVidia control center for Nvidia
  6. Oh, you're right. @the_raven try to do that: 1. type "r_" in console then press "Tab" key. 2. type "condump dump" then press "Enter" key. Post there the result
  7. Is antialiasing enabled?
  8. imho vulkan wouldn't give huge fps boost because there are a lot of cpu bottlenecks ( fx system ). For now OpenGL the only one perfect api for rendering game.
  9. Exmirai


    @ done it latest build. You could use cg_remaps 0 to disable them
  10. Could you push changes to github?I would be happy look into it
  11. @@UniqueOne that could be useful to poke with physical engine ( like physX or bullet physics ). Also..what about physical engine?
  12. In my opinion end-user launcher should download prebuild binaries from somewhere ( builds.openjk.org ), without any compilers and so on. But if end-user wants to be a developer then, in launcher, they could download dev suite etc. Just wondering because launcher so, as you want will have size about >100mb ( compilers, libraries etc ) which is no good for user that want just to play.
  13. it is already
  14. Version: 1.0 Depencies: No Link:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2GWMZzXTJXfa1A1YjI4aTQ2V2s NOTE: When you're setting "japp_badwords_defaultword" append '%' escape code before lua regular expressions special char. like ( [, ] etc except ^ ) e.g ( ^1%[bADWORD%] ) USE: 1. /japp_badwords_mode [0-3] - 0 - disabled , 1 - checkes replacer , 2 - replaces whole badword with *, 3 - blockes messages 2. /japp_badwords_defaultword [word] default word for cases when there no replacement in dictionary 3. /japp_badwords_warningscount [0 or count] - 0 - disabled
  15. cl_renderer rd-vanilla
  16. just4u :> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2GWMZzXTJXfcUFTNVZkXzlVdm8
  17. So, i finally made this stuff. Appreciate @@Circa for his MODs icons and everybody who helped me write this plugin (@@Raz0r) Version: 1.0 Depencies: No Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2GWMZzXTJXfMEc2dzZmOHlOUVU (Google Drive) Screenshot:
  18. Maybe he meant showing shader name which currently in your scope
  19. Exmirai

    Model Scale

    if you're talking about entities then: local entity = GetEntity(entityNum) entity:Scale(factor)
  20. plugin has several bugs and not working yet :>. I will fix it...
  21. Exmirai


    No. it will not break compat, why? we're could just add class in renderer/engine and link them. In cgame/ui we can just add RenderSurface() to trap->ext and there are wouldn't be any compat issues
  22. Exmirai


    Since OpenJK have modular renderer i think i can suggest following: what about creating class "Surface" which will replace/extend regular 2d draw system. We can draw text, rectangles, images, paint them ( may be even postprocess ( hello rend2 :> ) ) In ui/cgame that can look like: Surface sufrace(640, 480); surface.paint( Color.Red ); surface.drawrectangle( 100, 100, 10, 10, Color.Green) surface.drawtext( 200, 200, "Hello World") surface.transform() -- whatever transformation surface.render() -- queue OR trap->RenderSurface(surface) would be good :>
  23. also you could do /amluaexec GetPlayer( [playernickname] ).entity:Scale( 100 )
  24. cl_renderer rd-rend2
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