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Everything posted by Exmirai

  1. @@ent add shadowplay support to jamme? :>
  2. as far as i can remember - no :> mrwonko told me that there might be problem with chat icon replaced itself
  3. there still issue at least with circa's chat icon replacement. Can't get it work
  4. Exmirai

    seamless portals

    @@Raz0r like you did in QtZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv8WbnRvDMM
  5. Try to delete them in safe mode. And then load in normal mode. If computer will still crash - cpu/motherboard/etc problem, if no any problem then its related to gpu
  6. swjkja is opengl game, directx isn't required :>. Better to replace it with OpenGL 2.0 ( rd-vanilla ) and OpenGL 3/4 ( rd-rend2 )
  7. confirmed on several machines...
  8. Exmirai

    Makermod on JA++

    no, you not needed
  9. @@Circa i'll scale it down to 16x16 ingame. So 512x512 would be enough i think...
  10. @@Circa, can you export these icons as power-of-2 png's for using in ja? :>
  11. I think would be fine if we could add *.gla animations without edit vanilla animation file. e.g: ===assetX.pk3 /models/players/_humanoid.gla ] /models/players/animation.cfg ] --main animations files ( contains all base anims ) /models/players/animevents.cfg ] ===zz_somemodname.pk3 /models/players/_humanoid.gla ] /models/players/animation.cfg ] --additional animations files ( contains only new FACE_SMILE and FACE_NONSMILE ) /models/players/animevents.cfg ] In that case zz_somemodname.pk3 will overwrite exist animation ( that defined in that file e.g: FACE_SMILE etc ) and add non-exist ( FACE_NONSMILE etc )
  12. Exmirai

    Makermod on JA++

    Project freezed because i'm focused on ja++ itself and my friends projects . But i will continue...i promise
  13. Exmirai

    OpenJK Issue

    i have same issue on newer build, i've fixed that by installing steam assets
  14. is it hard? -.- no. And it'll allow to create much more functional mods :>
  15. Could you guys make ui imports available to cgame? things like LAN_GetServerInfo() LAN_GetPing() etc...would be great, because we could assimilate ui module and cgame module without breaking compatibility
  16. Exmirai

    Model Scale

    i've added entity scaling ent:Scale
  17. Exmirai

    Model Scale

    you could write little lua script :3
  18. Exmirai

    Makermod on JA++

    i'll rewrite it, my friend
  19. what do you want to impement?I'm not familiar with BFUU
  20. BFUU couldn't work under OpenJK because it uses engine hooks
  21. see japlus/admin_strings.json file
  22. I turned stun baton into toolgun in my makermod plugin https://github.com/EpicLoyd/MakerMod/blob/master/toolgun.lua
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