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Everything posted by Exmirai

  1. Exmirai


    Version 1.5


    Plugin for ja++ that add: accounts system, admin system, simply economic, ban system and statistics. Commands: /lua_register (login) (pass) (pass) - Registering a new account, also you can create a new accounts by a lua function: Accounts.AddUser('user', 'pass', 'login message') /lua_login (login) (pass) /lua_logout /lua_stats -- Statistics ----Admin Commands... To assign player as admin, you should use lua function: SetAdmin('login', 'privileges'). If you want to change account's privileges, you should use lua function: UpdatePrivs('login', privs) commands: /lua_god (id) /lua_armor (value for selfhealing/ id for healing somebody) (value) /lua_health -- same as lua_armor /lua_notarget /lua_kill (id) /lua_ban (id) /lua_addip (ip) /lua_cmds -- List of available cmds -----Admin cmds bitvalues: GOD = 0x0001 NOTARGET = 0x0002 HEALTH = 0x0004 ARMOR = 0x0008 KILL = 0x0010 SETFLAG = 0x0020 SETFLAG2 = 0x0040 BAN = 0x0080 Installation: Unpack archieve into /lua/sv/ directory
  2. openjk already have rend2-motionblur branch, but there are no activity(
  3. ExtraJKA Server : extrajka.ru:29070

    1. Ping


      ru server best server

  4. So there will never be a good physics?
  5. I Want to add PhysX/Apex Particles system and Turbulence https://developer.nvidia.com/apex-turbulence
  6. Files: FXExport.cpp, FxPrimitives.cpp, FxScheulder.cpp and FxSystem.cpp are located in ojk.exe, not in renderer :\, can we move it?
  7. How about move fx system into renderer
  8. Possible to increase limit of verts (1024) and objects (32) per model?
  9. because some of the images become.... ugly after changing them from widescreen to power of-2, and subsequent stretching back to widescreen, for example ... BEFORE: AFTER: I think this will be enough: d
  10. Could we load widescreen images? e.g: 1920 x 1080....
  11. Exmirai

    avi instead roq

    Could we use *.avi videos instead *.roq?
  12. Exmirai


    What about increasing the maximum number of entities?
  13. Exmirai


    will be mb2 compatible with openjk?
  14. as some of you know, I'm making a mod for ja like ja++ but for ui module, I need some help on lua, so to the point: I have a function menu:OnESC (I think everyone knows what it is for) when at its performing it should run another lua function ( menu1:OnESC( print('test') ), I wrote all the code, but game still crashes( Here is a code: int UILua_Menu_OnESC( lua_State *L ) { menuDef_t *menu = UILua_CheckMenu( L, 1 ); int id = menu->num; uilua_menu_t *data = UILua_Menu_Get(L, id); if ( lua_type( L, 2 ) != LUA_TFUNCTION) { trap->Print("UILua: Failed to register OnESC function "); return 1; }; data->onESC = luaL_ref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX ); return 1; } void UILua_Menu_OnESC_Call( menuDef_t *menu ) { uilua_menu_t *data = UILua_Menu_Get(UILua.state, menu->num); lua_rawgeti( UILua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, data->onESC ); UILua_Call( UILua.state, 0, 0 ); }OnESC_Call function executed when "A_ESCAPE" button is pressed Please help
  15. Started work on UILua

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spior


      details as in, what do you plan for it to be?

      also are you russian?

    3. Exmirai


      menu will be written in lua, it is easier at least for me, yes i'm Russian

    4. spior


      alright, thanks)))

  16. like garry's mod, specifically the load screen, game will receive url from server, and game will load and draw this page possible?
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