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Community Answers

  1. Try using a Hex Editor instead of Notepad! ?
  2. Hello there! I'm trying to edit the Movie duels remastered source code. Which version of cmake and visual basic do i need?
  3. Looks good. I have to try it out.
  4. Note: I'm not the creator of this mod, i saw it in my suggestions on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v5_APzvEHo
  5. I think you need to edit the jpg or png files with a Photo editor. For the Blaster Bolt you need to edit "blaster_blob.tga", you can find it in assets1.pk3 in the folder "\gfx\effects\".
  6. Hello guys, i'm trying to figure out how to give NPCs and possibly the Player automatic regeneration like in Kotor 2 TSL. I've found out how to make Force Heal heal a lot faster and Make Force Rage heal you instead of cost life. I help will be appreciated!
  7. This should help you.
  8. Unfortunately you need knowledge of coding.
  9. Hi, i've succeeded in giving other NPC classes, Kyle bosses abilities, you need to know a little bit of coding to do so.
  10. Hi, the stance for medium style is BOTH_STAND2. The idle animations for Medium stance are BOTH_STAND2IDLE1 and BOTH_STAND2IDLE2.
  11. I've gotten it to work! else { if ( self->NPC ) {//NPCs can push more often //FIXME: vary by rank and game skill? self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH] = level.time + 200; Copy the line marked in Yellow and replace the line in blue } else { self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH] = level.time + self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer + 500 // Replace this line //self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH] = level.time + self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer + 500; } }
  12. Hello there. This is the code for Push and Pull speed. I left some notes to help you understand the code. if ( pull ) { if ( self->NPC ) {//NPCs can push more often //FIXME: vary by rank and game skill? self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PULL] = level.time + 200; // This is the Pull speed for NPCs, edit this to determine how fast npcs pull! } else { self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PULL] = level.time + self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer + 500; // // This is the Pull speed for the Player, edit this to determine how fast Players pull! } } else { if ( self->NPC ) {//NPCs can push more often //FIXME: vary by rank and game skill? self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH] = level.time + 200; // This is the Push speed for NPCs, edit this to determine how fast npcs push! } else { self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_PUSH] = level.time + self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer + 500; // This is the Push speed for the Player, edit this to determine how fast the Player pushes! } }
  13. float forcePushPullRadius[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] = { 0,//none 384,//256, 448,//384, 512 }; float forcePushCone[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] = { 1.0f,//none 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.6f }; Hi, this is the code for Force Push and Pull range and radius. You can find it in wp_saber.cpp in the single player code.
  14. Force levels 4 and 5 are Npc only.
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