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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. To be honest TOR is still regarded to as Legends, and there seems to be no canon appearance for the Bothans yet.
  2. Doesn't seem to me, but I'm not sure. Apparently though higher difficulties simulate it by reducing the damage you deal with your lightsaber. Not sure about the other weapons.
  3. @@Langerd made a Bothan model for his Bespin mod, you should probably ask him.
  4. Wouldn't it be enough to put an overlay alpha mask on the proper visor shader? From what I remember that's how the old Phase 1 Commander Cody model was done (or maybe it was Rex) as well as Barricade's protocol replacement.
  5. Serious As you thought, npc kill all basically kills all the enemies currently on the map as well as all the NPC spawners - the console indeed reads "killing NPC named (null)" and "killing NPC spawner named (null)". They are probably limited to that small bunch to prevent too much lag and to give the player a fair fight. There's a total of 131 spawners around the level, some of which are set to spawn five monsters in multiple waves.
  6. I don't see any glow command in those shaders. Try this instead: textures/krenictext/floor1 { q3map_material SolidMetal { map $lightmap } { map textures/krenictext/floor1 alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map textures/krenictext/floor1_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE detail rgbGen identity glow } } textures/krenictext/floor3 { q3map_material SolidMetal { map $lightmap } { map textures/krenictext/floor3 alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map textures/krenictext/floor3_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE detail rgbGen identity glow } } textures/krenictext/pipe2 { { map $lightmap } { map textures/krenictext/pipe2 alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map textures/krenictext/pipe2_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE detail rgbGen identity glow } }
  7. Yes, two thermal detonators are enough to kill one. Though considering the available detonators in the map are a fraction in comparison to how many are needed to kill them all off (there is a total of 166 sand burrowers spawned in waves, so you'd need 332 thermal detonators, and only if all of them are eaten), yes, they are probably intended to distract the sand burrowers to reach the ship parts.
  8. Can't help in this case, I've never really done any MP scripting, and not for players anyway. At the very best I can wildly suggest to try //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); for the "safe zone" script, but I'm not sure if that would work. I don't really have any idea for the first script, but due to how different it is to set Force powers in MP in comparison to SP I'm really not sure if it's doable.
  9. Carmageddon TDR 2000 is free on GOG until January 20, 2PM UTC.
  10. Haven't seen them either, to be honest. Strangely enough noone has posted this yet: you can actually kill the Sand Burrowers with two or three thermal detonators. I'm not sure how many players don't (or didn't at the start) know about this, but I didn't because there was no indication that they were damaged by anything. Explosives, lightsabers, Force powers or even spamming a lovely npc spawn luke to help me against those beasts seemed to give no results. Probably I should have catched the subtle hint due to the presence of several thermal detonator belts around the map, but I feel like this level was VERY unforgiving, with no hand holding or tutorials, and even still, finding out on your own that you are actually able to kill them feels really rewarding in my opinion.
  11. True, but nothing prevents anyone from using that as a basis to create higher quality textures (or to bake them directly) for a lower poly mesh.
  12. A bit late, but for the record to show wireframe (/r_showtris 1 or 2) in MP you also need to activate developer mode (/developer 1).
  13. I simply modified the scale of the Player NPC, although it only worked in cutscenes and didn't affect the actual gameplay. Haven't tried the aforementioned BehavED command though, so if that works you could theoretically modify the mission start scripts so that they change the player scale during the gameplay as well.
  14. I've experimented a bit with it in the past, but it seems to half-work. Strangely enough even scaling down the player NPC doesn't seem to have any effect during the gameplay, but on the other hand it works perfectly with the other NPCs. The reduced scale seems to only affect the player during cutscenes, and that's another can of worm, because the animations are almost completely messed up. I haven't tried any script though, so if the model scale command in BehavED works: //(BHVD) set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SCALE", 0.000 ); then it could be used to rescale the player during gameplay as well.
  15. Cool. I'd add that Force Speed also affects weapons and lets you fire faster, at least in SP.
  16. Yes, but there are probably also normal maps and specular maps that could be used somehow - if not directly, at least serving as a basis for manual improvements.
  17. It would probably be possible technically, if the geometry of the models was reduced to an acceptable amount for the limits of JA (in this regard, Blender can decimate the geometry, although the results might not be that good), and if the textures and shaders were fixed so that they don't look too bad.
  18. Probably the aforementioned problem with the normals. Blender should theoretically be able to fix it, either recalculating the normals outside (Edit Mode -> Mesh -> Normals -> Recalculate Outside) or flipping its normals (Edit Mode -> Mesh -> Faces -> Flip Normals), but in case it doesn't, you can edit the shader of that texture so that it is visible from both sides, inserting the line cull twosided before any shader block.
  19. That's probably because you have to fix the weights of the mesh. Basically change the name of the bones it is weighted to in Data -> Vertex Groups so that it will be targeted to the left leg bones which affect the mesh.
  20. Make sure you change both the Object Name and the Name under Ghoul 2 Properties, otherwise it will keep the same name as the original object, and that will cause a lot of troubles. Also, be careful when mirroring objects, as it might mess up the object normals, and will basically make that model piece (or parts of it) inside out.
  21. No, I say we move all of Rising and its community over to JKHub. They will experience the full power of the Dark Side!
  22. I know it's more a balance thread than a bug report one, but since you mentioned a couple of them I'd have another one: the Satchel Charge doesn't work properly, due to it being consumable now. The only solution I can think of is to make it a proper weapon, either specific for the Satchel Charge, or under the more versatile and generic name of "Remote Activator", which can be loaded with different types of "ammo" (satchel charge, trip mine, detonation pack, 7-PrG proton grenade, in theory it could be extended to thermal detonators as well, since they're not rarely seen attached and detonated remotely).
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