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Everything posted by brushworks

  1. Hi there! Timeline The story timeline is based upon the Old Republic, right before the Mandalorian Wars. The Republic has the control of the majority of Planets & Stars. These are mainly confronted against the Mandalorian, who are trying to conquer new planets and dominate the species within them. These last, call for aid to the Jedi Order, who are the only allowed to intervene in these situations, given that an interference of the Republic could mean an offence to the global planetary independence. The Remnant of the Empire, and what is more, the Sith, are hidden in a remote place preparing the revenge to reinstate their mandate. The Jedi must be constantly prepared to fight against the hidden Dark Forces. What mod will you be using? OpenRP, it's an open-source mod that provides RP elements such as distance-based chat, OOC, /me, emotes, radio, factions... Due to it having some bugs and missing failures, I will maintain the mod to fix the current mods and expand the missing features for the Echani community. What do I need to play on your server? All the downloads required are present in the following link: https://theechani.com/showthread.php?tid=17&pid=18#pid18 Any future improvements? Our current priority is creating a launcher to ease the access to our server as well as auto-update with any possible changes. Also, auto-installation of required skins/mods... (And server upgrades) We also count with two mappers who will shape new maps to expand the roleplay experience. How do I join the roleplay? To join the RP, you need to post your character holocard in our website and after downloading the required files you can enter the server. Basis of roleplay: https://theechani.com/showthread.php?tid=20&pid=21#pid21 Website: https://theechani.com Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/DS8XDWB
  2. Updated discord link https://discord.gg/TQdxHtx Merry XMAS !
  3. unless you run cmds like r_loabias 3 and stuff like that i doubt it will lower much more why are you playing on pi?
  4. Just added a Lugormod server and https://aosacademy.enjin.com/ a website for applications
  5. brushworks

    Site Down?

    You can build it here https://github.com/Razish/japp
  6. We run ClanMod, but I am maintaining it. We wanted to run JA++, since I can't get it to build correctly and asked but no solution, and we wanted to use something we can edit. Adding emotes / fixing admin cmds / Improving stuff and fixed some crashes
  7. Academy of Skill We are a Spanish clan that has been around since 2013 in JKA, with ups and downs. We are fully operational once again and we are working towards expanding our userbase. We currently have 10/11 players daily, and we count with mappers and modders. We do sabering, Full Force, and even some RP (We are expanding the available emotes). We also take part in CTFs/TFFAs and internal tournaments, and also do joint activities with other clans such as JAWA with whom we have TFFA'd a lot. In case you are interested, we also have a custom map for events. (Usually, we rotate with FFA maps.) IP Address: ClanMap: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2689-aos-temple/ Discord: https://discord.gg/TQdxHtx
  8. brushworks

    Site Down?

    Managed to recover my account, @@dark should be me
  9. I should have mentioned it, of course I'm using JK2
  10. ----- Client Initialization ----- Could not open string package 'KEYNAMES' @@eezstreet Am I missing something?
  11. ----- Client Initialization ----- Could not open string package 'KEYNAMES'
  12. @@Jeff any chances of seeing that Shae Vizsla come out?
  13. got the thing working now
  14. Sorry didn't read this before, will test tomorrow
  15. Has it been added @epiclloyd @@Raz0r ? In case yes, how could it be done through LUA? @ *
  16. let me see if i understand, cause i actually tried it and it crashed my game. > block > system/origin texture > model2 porperty inside of func_bobbing? or you mean misc_model, then placing a cube around it with sys/origin? I got this to work actually, still i'd like to save one entity...
  17. I'll try both now, and I'll tell you. EDIT: Okay, cg_smoothcamera solves the camera issue and g_allowBunnyHopping 1, only missing thing is the JK2 roll then.
  18. So, I create a caulk brush? Or what type of brush? THen I guess I a model inside? If you meant using model2 I don't get how it works
  19. @@Cerez i guess im working at something like what you want, I mean the RPG thingie. I'm with a mod and I intend to recreate "life" so that it's not a dead city, with cantinas etc... if you are interested hit me up and I'll send you a vid or something when I get the poc ready
  20. I took a look at this func but I didn't have a chance to test it to its full extent. I got a brush floating, okay that's easy. Then I wanted to get a model floating, supossedly it has a model2 attribute and then loads a md3, but I see nothing but the previous block. Any ideas?
  21. But I still feel like the camera is not as smooth, like either the character moves too fast or the camera stays too behind the character. Is it me being paranoid?
  22. Is there any possiblity to port JK2 physics or movement style to JKA? I know it has been ported in some mods but just wanted to make sure, has it been already done in JKA? I feel better the SP movement in JK2, rather than JKA's. note: running JK2 wouldn't suffix, as long as I can load JKA models with it
  23. Why didn't you try editing locally before doing it in production?
  24. Version FINAL


    *********************************** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *********************************** TITLE: Academy of Skill (Clan map) AUTHOR: Prospero E-MAIL: prospero.gf@hotmail.com WEBSITE: aosclan.foroactivo.com FILENAME: AoS Temple v2.0.pk3 FILESIZE: 35.3 MB **NOTE: Playing with "r_vertexlight 1" will make a few areas look really ugly. Please disable vertexlighting before playing my map. -> Installation: In order to install the map into your game you must: Extract the folder then put the AoS.pk3 file in your Jedi Academy "gamedata/base" folder. -> Information: I made a map for AoS a year ago, but I had some problems because of bad performance (newbie mistakes broke the map entirely, fps dropped to 20 in a lot of areas). That's why I decided to remake it and here it is, finally. So this is my first finished map, it is an academy I made for my last clan. However you are welcome to use it on your servers. It's highly inspired by Academy 1.2 map. This map contains a lot of rooms: -2 Duel rooms (one is bigger, for tournament purposes) -Medic -Council -Bar (with security system) -Npc room -Garden -Prison (with security system) -Bathrooms -Classroom (RIP sauna) -Admin rooms -Generic padawan rooms -Hidden valley of the jedi -Admin control room (you can now change the sky from there!) I included bot support, it's a very simple bot route (we all hate those kangaroo bots). It also contais a lot of secrets that should not be easy to find (room locks, some extra secret places...). It does include custom shaders and textures, models, botroutes and a few sounds. There are a lot of custom textures, if you see some textures on the map you might want to use, you DO have my permission to do so, as long as I recieve some sort of credit. -> Known bugs: The mirrors in my map (or cameras) might make a Hall of Mirror if you look at them from the sides but it should be fine if you look at them directly (also, players might not appear on these cameras, only their shadow). Trees in the garden may glitch, leaving only a few leaves depending on the angle you look at them. Depending on your cfg, the map might cast strange lights, such as purple lights in some corners or other places (with a default cfg I did not get strange lights. However, I did get some purple lights using my modified cfg). If you find any bug that is not listed there, do not hesitate to contact me. Constructive feedback is very welcome.
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