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Everything posted by brushworks

  1. How do I make it download files? Using Ja+ Sv_allowdownload is pretty slow
  2. Yeah but I was asking about the way it works. 'Cause I already know that about HTTP downloads, but I dunno where to host files or how to enable each file in JA+.
  3. At the moment im using ja+ with autodownload so ppl can download map files and pk3 files of ja+ The prob is that ppl download at 9kpbs and my hosting company told me that Jk3 is limiting the dl speed Anyway to work it around?
  4. I have JA+ installed in my server, and I'd like to know if it'd be possible to automatically rotate between FFA / CTF / SIEGE.
  5. Played ESL back then, not a problem for me. I just didn't know what was the most used mod at the moment!
  6. Hello there! I just came back to JK2/JKA, and I'd like to start a new community / team. As I see, JKA's activity has decreased, but I still want to start something out. To be honest, at the momment I don't have anyone (the old ones I used to play with quitted) and I'd like people interested in a new clan or something like that. Is there anything else being used appart from JA+? 'Cause as I see there's nothing else more, the page is now unavaiable and the other servers which are not JA+ are base or MBII. If interested, shoot me a PM! I'll be paying an Euro server! Appart from that, I'll be around here. I used to edit maps through entities (more in jk2) and I might keep on doing that as soon as I find sometime. Hope I'm welcomed here D:!
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