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Everything posted by brushworks

  1. If you want to play with such things we have a Spanish server/community at http://aosclan.foroactivo.com
  2. There's no Linux version as of today
  3. 33905?@@eezstreet
  4. Run the mod, other simple way would be to join a japlus server disconnect and then ja+ would be loaded and just /devmap mp/ffa1 et voilà Forgot to add, do what @@Raz0r said
  5. well, you can load openjk (mp) using +set fs_game "japlus" switch and then /bind z +button12 and i didn't try but maybe you could load ojk sp and then do the bind thing, but afaik it doesn't work
  6. this is what i found: /*QUAKED misc_security_panel (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) x x x x x x x INACTIVE model="models/map_objects/kejim/sec_panel.md3" A model that just sits there and opens when a player uses it and has right key INACTIVE - Start off, has to be activated to be usable "message" name of the key player must have "target" thing to use when successfully opened "target2" thing to use when player uses the panel without the key */
  7. i checked the sp_entities and func_security_panel appears as well as there's nothing strange nor in mp_entities.def
  8. Do you have a copy of the sp_entities available? @@mrwonko
  9. Maybe a modded .str or an ibi missing Do they act at least?
  10. I'll give it a look tonight @@eezstreet . but isn't this feature available in jka? I thought it would be available cause it's used in both games :/ And more importantly apparently I can't even create the func manually cause it fucks up the whole map
  11. @@DT85 or @szicovii know something?
  12. re-checked and it was in single player mode, can't figure out what happens with that :/ probably gonna have to downgrade to 1.4
  13. this is what actually happens if i do the func_security_panel or misc_security_panel manually:
  14. japp_flipkick 1 http://japp.jkhub.org/cvars.html
  15. do you actually mean this? http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Mods/Conversions/37749
  16. i'm using radiant 1.6.4 and when i try to place a misc_security_panel it's not appearing in the list. i tried to create a brush and then change the classname but breaks the map, and the other thing i tried is placing a misc_model with no model field and change the classname to misc_security_panel but i'm not sure it has to be done that way. am i missing something?
  17. that was the idea XD and the next script was a cinematic where they get killed but that was easier once i struggled with icarus for a few days
  18. forgot to answer but i got it working since a few days: its an example map and i'll remove navgoals an waypoint better but it's working @@eezstreet @@Asgarath83
  19. @@ensiform I'll test it when I get home
  20. I mean, I haven't got a look at tavions sith sword (the one with a draining efx) but I guess it uses bladeeffect attribute http://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php?title=.sab I checked this entrance and it says game might crash when throwing your saber, why is it that? Also, is it fixed in OpenJK or still happens?
  21. Probably won't go far due to Disney
  22. i was doing do dowait and wait XD i found out i was using wait("") instead of wait() so that was stopping my scripts x________x
  23. might it be cause of openjk? i'm acutally doing the tests there, but as far as I know the only thing that changed in openjk is added things for face anims
  24. understood the concept from the other post, the hardest part is synchronizing. i did only a test script (1/10 of the complete script), and see what i can do. still, i don't understand very well where i can place 'waits', cause more than two outside the affect blocks breaks it
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