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Everything posted by Bek

  1. That kotor 2 track is one of my favorites too. It's so haunting. I remember getting the game as a kid and asking myself why a SW game was so scary.
  2. This one's a banger.
  3. Jokes are funnier if they are unexpected, there's a bunch of psychology that goes into this. Only kids like predicable and repetitive jokes.
  4. Powerful
  5. There's something about the Arbiter; it's not too cool, it's not too ugly. It's image is almost synonymous with Jedi Academy to me. I would always use it, right up until this bad boy was released. The Consul is very unique to me. It really strays away from the constant trope of a metal stick with energy coming out of it. The materials used for the hilt almost seem to be ancient. Almost like this hilt was just given to Jaden by some monk, or tribal leader.
  6. Same here, I never really understood the fandom that surrounds Tfu. It was great when it came out, but the story is meh, and the gameplay is frustrating/overly repetitive. But to each their own.
  7. Just don't have the character strike a weird action pose every time they manually block.
  8. I don't remember it being particularly bad, but it's been years since I last played it.
  9. Doubt it. I think you posted it in the random section, and we all know what happened to that .
  10. Screw Jka. You might as well redo the story too, give the fans something to bite on. I haven't played jka in almost a year, and this is mainly because: A: The story is lack luster. B: The animations, are very cheesy. C: The level design is very weak. D: The voice acting is God awful. I figure if there were to be a remake, all of these aspects should be approved upon. Something worth doing, is worth doing right. You want to worry about the core essentials; the maps, animations, and story. Voice acting, multiplayer, and customization stuff can be added later. Also I wouldn't really worry about Disney shutting down a jka remake. The Knights of The Old Republic remake is pretty far along, and hasn't gotten a cease and desist yet. The best thing to do would be to complete it, and have a bunch of people torrent it, ensuring that it stays on the internet, and away from Disney's grubby fingers.
  11. Might as well give jka paid dlc while you're at it.
  12. Thanks Circa.
  13. I honestly just use the full version when I'm mobile. Mobile version sucks.
  14. Fun fact, I had to speed up the gif, because my recording software doesn't like muh' cpu.
  15. Neat stuff Ashura!
  16. I listen to this while I cry in my bed, when my parents argue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tQ94VjtQ10
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