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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Awesome. Isn't this pointless in jkg though? as you just use one server?

    we have been distributing the serverside to trusted parties

    Get Razor to put this in ja++ xD

    already been notified

    edit: also, would be neat if you could allow the client to add new master server options.

    Can be done already. Forgot to mention this. Just change the sv_masterX cvars on the client. The source list goes in this order:

    * Local

    * Master1

    * Favorites

    * Master2

    * Master3

    * Master4

    * Master5


    If you want to change the display, all you have to do is change the string in mp_ingame.str. If sv_masterX is blank, then that entry will be skipped in the list.

    Can we not have it as an install file? As I dont code :P 'D

    one does not simply "insert code into game" without worrying about mods and the like

    MUG likes this
  2. Here's what I found:


    JA Master Server: 128 servers

    JA Master Server (IP address): 128 servers

    JKHub (master.jkhub.org): Alive, 3 servers.

    master.qtracker.com - DEAD - DEAD

    clanservers.net - DEAD

    master0.gamespy.com - DEAD


    If anyone wants me to check if any other master servers are working, let me know.


    EDIT: That means for you server hosts...

    Those sv_master2-5? Toss them. They're not needed unless a new master server pops up because those URLs are dead (and gamespy has been dead for at least 3 years now).

    sv_master6 and upwards do not exist.

    Fighter likes this
  3. Saber offense DOES add saber styles. It only adds them if you're using a single saber. Ranks 6 and 7 are bugged, they only exist because of a bug where the saber offense max cap is not set correctly (MAX_SABER_STYLES, which worked fine in JK2. Since JKA added two stances which add on to rank 3, this is broken). Since stances are technically added on to instead of changed, it's likely that the entire system is totally broken for stances because they did not do this correctly in a few spots (such as stance changing)


    Ranks 4 and 5 add Tavion and Desann stances, respectively, which are unused in JA. Changing from Desann to Blue does not work, you are stuck at Desann.

  4. That's a bit complicated. The server IPs use a series of bytes followed by dots (and each byte is 8 bits)


    So really what you'd almost need to do is set it at 31, I think. It depends on what the two IP addresses are. If they're right next to each other, then..

    would cover and (i think. don't hold me to this)

  5. That one thread about a shoutbox was locked when I was asleep, so I still want to make a point/distinction here.


    Exhibit A:

    Oh and just to settle something unrelated... MUG/Eez:


    Myself and Caelum looked at this and we both agree this is nonsense. This attitude right here is the exact reason I don't like visiting JKHub any more... trust me I LOVE this website and the community overall (That's why I volunteered to help build this place) but the same guys .. I swear.. are just determined to make it an uncomfortable place to visit especially for clans such as TO, JAWA etc who have to come here and see MUG and his cronies constantly bash them publicly ... so much for "bringing the community together" MUG

    what in the actual fuck.

    All I did was merely state that some of Inyri's words were quite offensive. What you post here is also quite offensive, considering it's the exact opposite of what I've been doing in the thread -- calling out somebody for their offensive words. And I was the one being bashed here, not you, Inyri, clans, or anybody else. I was merely stating a point.


    Exhibit B:

    @MUG/Eez - I dont think theres anything personal going on here, just that the decision not to have a shoutbox had already been made for technical reasons, nothing to do with the community AFAIK, regardless of the implication of previous comments made here.

    Errr, I never actually said anything either way about having a chatbox? o.o?

    All I said was that Inyri was saying things which were offensive to other people (and myself especially). Why do I need to be thrown in the same boat as MUG for doing absolutely nothing affiliated with him in the thread?


    Back to Exhibit A for a moment:

    This attitude right here is the exact reason I don't like visiting JKHub any more... trust me I LOVE this website and the community overall

    I feel the exact same way about both points. It's perfectly acceptable for admins to bash and shit on the users, but when the users start to say something, they get thrown under the bus and have the thread locked. What was said in that thread is deeply offensive and I know it doesn't change my opinion about upstanding users on this forum such as @@Caelum, @@Fighter, @@Mysterious Stranger and so on. But the fact is, what you're saying is that what I'm saying is offending people. That's cool. I'm trying to be more moderate in what I say so that my words don't offend people. But do everyone else a favor here. Don't be so offensive and "high and mighty" towards the users, or you might find yourself in possession of a barren scepter, and a site abandoned. Everyone knows that the admins are the ones to look up to, so start by making yourselves able to be looked up to, and not shit on the users for trivial nonsense.


    For the record, I don't totally agree with the chatbox. I'd rather do an IRC client built in to the site with like Flash or Java(script) interface, that way it doesn't strain the site so much (strains the user more if anything).

    Jango40 and MUG like this
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