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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Today's progress:

    • Rewrote most of JAMod.dll, the old proxy system is just plain ugly and wrong and evil
    • Added the .ini loader
    • Started on plugin discovery (all you have to do to make a plugin in JAMod is call it JAMod<YourPluginNameHere>.dll, make a section titled "[<your plugin name here>]", and in that section do:



    So if I made a plugin, titled "KillRosh" that killed all instances of Rosh after 5 minutes, I would make a JAModKillRosh.dll, and then add this to JAMod.ini:



    My code would automatically be executed on startup, along with JAMod's other plugins. Note, some plugins can conflict. Also, there will be a slight hooking API done for you that calls some functions either before or after vmMain functions (such as DrawActiveFrame...note this does NOT hook the serverside stuff! SP is really weirdly handled like you would not believe)

    Tempust85 and therfiles like this
  2. Hmmm...sounds really cool! Is this Odysseus?


    Can't wait for some of these features! "Hud jailbreak" will open up so many possibilities.

    I prefer the term "plugins". :P

    Is it possible, however, to have all elements in the HUD? How would a button work, because the mouse movement is tied to the game atm. But, even adding show/hide stuff and cvar displays will simply be epic.

    I think only stuff involving clickable elements wouldn't work.

    Is weapon extender just adding more weapons? What exactly is this implying?

    Extends virtually everything about weapons (including damage), but does not raise the cap.

    therfiles likes this
  3. What is it?

    The JAMod system is a series of DLL files and such that allow for simple, yet oft-requested fixes. This just keeps all the reverse engineering in one place where it isn't going to be a pain in the ass to make DLLs for every single mod out there.


    When will it be finished?

    No clue. The base system should be done relatively quick. Plug-ins may take longer.


    What plug-ins will be available?

    The community can make plugins via the SDK. It's nothing like the MP sdk though. More reverse engineering is required.

    As far as plugins I'm planning on making:

    - JK2->JKA fixes (may require additional softcoded fixes such as map recompiles!)

    - HDR via JAVisPlus

    - Ghoul2 Transform Fix (they doubled a certain model limit between SP and MP. as a result, some models don't work in SP, while they work in MP). @@Inyri's gun should work with this plugin


    Other things that are possibilities:

    - Weapon extender (at some point)

    - HUD jailbreak (treats the hud.menu as an actual .menu, loading extra crap)

    - Support for other video/audio formats


    Installation into your mod


    The idea is that this is purely modular code, released with an SDK. You will need some extensive modifications to make it work on your mod system:

    • Copied jagamex86.dll to base, renamed existing one to ProxyDLL.dll
    • Added JAMod.dll to your mod folder of choice (does NOT go in a PK3!)
    • New jagamex86.dll in Gamedata to replace the (now renamed old one)

    Uninstallation is pretty simple:

    1. Remove the mod folder, .bat, and whatever else comes with the mod

    Or if you want to just remove JAMod:

    1. Remove JAMod.dll, JAMod.ini, and all associated plugins that you have downloaded.

    Of if you want to revert to a pure version of SP (no difference as far as I know. feel free to correct me! some hooks may be left over from JK2: Unlimited days):

    1. Remove the jagamex86.dll from Gamedata
    2. Rename ProxyDLL.dll in your Gamedata to jagamex86.dll
    3. Remove the jagamex86.dll from base folder
    4. Remove mod folder and other mod files

    Fighter, Shusumi, Delta_135 and 1 other like this
  4. All used with permission, and only a select few have access to the credits page on the site. As for the readmes, mistakes do happen and we'll try to get those included in the next release. We just forget these kind of things in the heat of things. We'll try and fix that in the future with a .zip.

    4 years of reusing other peoples files and assets only to lock them down in your mod.

    Here's the problem I have with that logic. You cannot possibly assume that we spent an entire solid 4 years developing this mod. There were a lot of internal issues in the mod team itself, and at least 3 major internal team reconstructions since I joined the team. I think it's pretty ignorant to assume that we've been on the same track this entire time. It's like saying "WTF DUEK NUKEM FOERVEVER HAS BEEN IN WOERKS FOR 12 YEARS BUT STILL SHIT". Or, "WTF PREY WAS IN WORKS FOR 6 YEARS BUT STILL SHIT" (well Prey was a good game, but that's aside the point)

    Also why include readme's of other peoples work if you can't even open them let alone READ them?

    Those PK3s were automatically protected and were made before the protection even existed, and the person who made some of these PK3s is no longer in the team or even JA modding at this point. We probably should have looked, I agree. But no reason to throw a fit about something.

    Modding community has always been open.

    Correction: the modding community has been very intertwined, interconnected and generally speaking very close to each other. That does -not- mean the modding community is always open or should be open. How would you feel if your stuff was taken and used by KotF? (You should probably blame them or UAG for this decision) We're not the first ones though: Median XL and Moviebattles have both put in measures (or are going to put in measures) to prevent files being tampered with or contents stolen.

    You might want to setup a proper zip file that has all peoples readme's instead of promoting a mod like you guys did all the work.

    I wasn't aware of such an issue before you pointed this out. We'll be sure to include all the readmes next time.

    See why people like Hapslash stopped doing models, also nice job using his own stormtrooper model.

    Hapslash didn't leave because of that. It had everything to do with people throwing unnecessary heat and insults his way (how ironic).

    Think I'll stick to waiting on jk2files for uploading regardless of it's website bugs. At least when people put files up they give credit where credit is due and don't spend 4 years locking down open source files.

    Yeah you're right. JKFiles just takes 4 years for files to get published.

    How long did it take for Nozyspy to even get to Gunslinger's Academy? Like 5+ months?

    And that's pretty ridiculous to assume that JKFiles is always so perfect. They had KotF and other files that were ported or stolen on the site before. But when they found out to be wrong, they were taken off the site and corrected.

    Also seeing how Sm0ke's readme is in there I'm curious on if you guys got the source but I get a feeling with how files are locked down you probably just decompiled the original map.

    I don't even know what map you're referring to actually.

    Whether people are against porting or file altering isn't the point. Bottom line is, give credit where credit is due pcgamemods2.0

    I like how you bring JKHub into this randomly. Never mind the fact that JKHub is the best JKA file and community site out there right now.

    I do think there should be a list of complete credits...or maybe Im just missing it?

    As Erstrok mentioned, it's entirely likely that some of those were forgotten.

    That's the worst rationalization I've ever heard.


  5. You want me to relay on a part of vista to keep my pc secure? funny story.

    Pff. Vista. W7 is where it's at.


    On an unrelated note, Windows Firewall actually does a fairly good job (on W7 anyway, can't speak for Vista) of keeping threats out. Microsoft Security Essentials is free, and does a very good job (in between Avira and Avast if not better) of keeping threats out.

    Sentra and TheWhitePhoenix like this
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