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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Because I'd rather not post his static IP publicly.

    Again, why not?


    He's lost all respect in the community, stole money from people, threw viruses on people's computers and stole people's mods and you say that posting his IP is bad? If anything, some vigilante user will flood his ISP and that will be the end of it.

  2. WP_TIE_FIGHTER used to be used for the tie fighters in JK2. Unsure if it's actually used anymore. No special effects there that aren't referenced, sorry.


    As far as the conc rifle goes -> there are a few hardcoded checks worth mentioning about this:


    * CLASS_GALAKMECH is nearly immune to the conc rifle's alt fire. Has even more resistance than the player does towards the rifle (almost 99% resistance)


    * CLASS_ATST is immune to the conc rifle's alt fire.


    * Force Protect makes a specific case against the conc rifle to check for damage. It's commented out, however.


    * NOPing one check in jagamex86.dll allows the conc rifle to disintegrate people. Fun.


    * The concussion rifle does damage differently based on whether you're an NPC. All weapons do (except for the Bryar Pistol, DEMP2 alt fire, Flechette, Emplaced Guns and Trip Mines), in fact. The damages for the conc rifle alt though is:

    - 10 on Padawan and Jedi

    - 20 on Jedi Knight

    - 30 on Jedi Master

    therfiles likes this
  3. Surely you only need to modify the function that is called when the player clicks "get new list" to make it request info from several master servers rather than just one, and then add an if statement to whatever handles adding them to the list which checks if there is already a server listed with that IP?

    Not quite. The game keeps a running list inside the...cls structure I want to say. The UI module communicates with the engine in several ways, most notably with the way that it masks stuff inside the cls structure based on UI constructs ie the way it masks based on gametype/mod. It has a lot of different functions which are all interweaved in different ways that I honestly haven't looked into, I can tell though that the effort put into it would be a bit difficult.

    As far as the code written for the multiple master servers, I did that using a clever little hack inspired by ioq3. I suppose one -could- query all of the different master servers and chuck them into one big list from the func I rewrote (the "globalservers" command, which can be called in base, albeit with a nerfed first arg (thx Raven... ._.)), however you'd run into issues with duplicate servers in the list.


    Funny story about globalservers...it's syntax is this:

    /globalservers <method> <protocol> <...packets..>


    JA only supports protocol 26, which is perfectly fine, as it's meant to be game-specific. However, the method arg only supports "1" as an arg. In Q3, this supports 1 and 2 which function differently. I don't know how method 2 works, but it suggests that it works in a way similar to xfire.

  4. Crazy idea here, and probably not possible. Would it be possible to fetch the serverlist from multiple masters, and mash them together into one massive list? Obviously (if possible) you'll only have one entry per server (in case its submitting to multiple masters that your client receives). Although I guess I can agree with Caelum, we don't want dozens of master servers popping up.

    Theoretically possible, but you'd have to recode a large chunk of the engine in order to allow for that. The method I used recodes only a single function in the engine, while the method you described would involve recoding the functionality of basically every single trap_LAN_* function in the engine.


    I think the master server situation is a bit of a moot point however, for three reasons:

    1. Clients can see multiple master server selections (up to 5 + however many extra cvars you make for it)

    2. Servers can send packets to multiple master servers

    3. Not everyone can just make a master server (you have to take the existing master server code and then change a few bits in it in order to support JA, something which isn't physically able to be done by most average people)

  5. i thought you said qtracker was dead, but you want us to add it? lol

    QTracker isn't a master server, but people still use it regardless. In fact, I can honestly support its use, since it's a lot more functional than JA's master server (twice as many servers show up on QTracker than on JA). I will likely speak with one of QTracker's developers to allow JA to communicate with their server.

    Most people will either be working from the ja+ default cfg or the one provided by their server host, so I doubt that would help much. It's really a case of spreading the word I think.

    Although I do wonder how much point there is at this stage in setting up the JKHub masterserver.

    It's a very real concern to make sure that we are prepared in case the master goes down again, or permanently. Regardless, I will get the word across to several communities (I speak with the heads of MB2, JA++, OpenRP, Makermod and Jenova Lugormod on a fairly frequent basis, so spreading the word shouldn't be hard. Some of those mods are already looking into the code for multi-master setups. I have the multi master browser code in JKG's lightsaber/networking branch)

  6. Here's what I think servers should set their sv_masterXs to:


    set sv_master1 "masterjk3.ravensoft.com";
    set sv_master2 "master.jkhub.org";
    set sv_master3 "master.qtracker.com";


    All of the other ones are mostly obsolete.

    This community will need to work together in order to get the JKHub master server filled with all the servers. I'm seeing 3 new ones just today, so we're making progress :3

    MUG likes this
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