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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Cloudflare only works with TCP, and an attacker would still be able to target the server IP behind the redirect easily. D:

    Oh, right.

    As far as targetting the server IP, I doubt that that is actually the case since each of cloudflare's servers runs off of a different IP address, correct? It's much like IRC servers, from what I understand. If you did a split server setup in the code though, that might hurt performance a bit. And all for what? Getting rid of DDoS? Meh.


    There's no real good way to get rid of the DDoS problem without getting rid of getstatus and or getchallenge altogether. Or setting up some kind of queue perhaps.

  2. I like GTK 1.5 better. It's interface is much easier to use, and there are many new features. However, if you are concerned about stability, go with 1.4.

    so much wrong with what was said here imo


    GTK 1.5 does NOT have more features or an easier to use interface (try having to press the XYZ rotate button every time you want to edit the height of a brush. do not want)

  3. JK2Radiant all the way, etc.


    On a more serious note, JK2Radiant and 1.4 had the ability to deselect certain faces on brushes and had the Z bar on the left. Why they got rid of those two things in 1.5 (and added a lot of general instability too) is beyond me. I wish they'd bring back the Z bar. Unfortunately, 1.4 doesn't install too well on x64 systems (forces it to look in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86) (a lot of Raven tools do the exact same thing, clearly nobody's aware that system/environment variables are a thing))

  4. you could use a model with physics clip instead

    or better yet, spawnflags 2



    Not only would that not work for the circumstances, its also just that the shape i was trying to make is physically impossible to exist in three dimensions.

    How would it not though? Trying to make such a shape out of a single brush would be impossible (and using two objects in Blender or Max or whatever would work)

  5. It's definitely closer though. I didn't even notice the ears were messed up until mini said something, but the cheeks do need some work. I'm no pro at modelling (all I ever modelled was a crappy gun made out of cylinders in Max lol), but I think that you shouldn't need to redo this one though like the last one.

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