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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. There was one thing I really wanted to put in that I pitched, but was never accepted – making your own lightsaber. I wanted a level where a player had to find their own lightsaber crystal, then you’d meditate over it and build your lightsaber around the crystal from parts you have to choose from, so you decide what it looks like, how long it is vs. how powerful, etc. It would have been sort of a minigame and a way to invest you in your character/lightsaber more (and would have possibly been repeated when you had the opportunity to upgrade to dual sabers or a saber staff).



    In addition, I received some additional clarification as to some pics:














    Some of those pics are indicative of a missing "prototype" mission. Wanna know why there's a random Jedi Trainer with a red lightsaber? Because the Jedi Trainer was supposedly Tavion at one point, but was changed to be female (I guess Raven decided that the game was a bit of a sausagefest/too many male characters, I kinda agree with that notion)

    therfiles likes this
  2. So, it would appear that Raven is pretty fun loving after all. Got this email in my inbox from Raven which discusses yoda saber and emperor hardcodes in SP:


    Well, this is code I haven't looked at in about 10 years, so I can only speculate. I know I did a lot of stuff "on the side" for the Jedi Games - and after seeing all the mods made for Jedi Outcast, I recall wanting to make Jedi Academy as mod-ready as possible. So I made the lightsabers driven by external data files and made NPC external data files more robust.

    References to Yoda and the Emperor were probably just me fooling around with community-made models for those characters, so I probably made NPC files for them with the appropriate characteristics.


    Hope that sheds some light on things!


    -Mike Gummelt

    Caelum, therfiles and MUG like this
  3. If we can identify the differences between SP and MP when it comes to movement, we might have a chance to make SP movement more like MP movement.

    I've been doing some research in what we have in the SP source code, and as it happens, we have pretty much all of bg_pmove.cpp disassembled here. As it turns out, PM_WalkMove (the function involved in 90% of the ground based movement code in SP) is totally different from MP, in several areas. I'm not sure what the differences exactly are, but I'll start a thread on the hidden coding section about what we have involving the SP movement code.

  4. So it would appear that there is multiple instances where Yoda and the Emperor would appear to be added to the game, but he is not actually in the game, how odd...


    Force powers do not work on any NPC named yoda.

    Likewise, any NPC named emperor will only use force powers, regardless of NPC class.

    Yoda has an extremely strong saber lock (stronger than desann)

    Yoda automatically inherits all qualities of CLASS_DESANN, regardless of current NPC class

    Yoda's saber exists, buried away in one of the .sab files, named "Eternal". It is forced to be green and use Tavion stance, references a model that doesn't exist, and is shorter than normal.



    Fighter and therfiles like this
  5. Cameras are exactly the same between the games. The only (major) difference is that the script_targetname for the player in JK2 is "kyle", while the script_targetname in JKA is "player". So anything that affect()s "kyle" will need to affect "player" instead.


    EDIT: I'm talking about cinematic cameras and ICARUS, specifically

  6. I personally just have a loathing for them as they are an extra unnecessary step you need to go through to start the game. Its bad enough that you have to sit through a ton of lengthy company logo sequences on most games every single time you play them. (what's with that anyway? I know who made/paid for the game after I opened it the first time<.<) .

    When people are completely incapable of using a .bat, it's a good alternative. Side note, if one hacks Windows to some extent, one can get the launcher to play the game for Steam AND CD version, something which is impossible under a .bat file.


    And what @@Caelum said.

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