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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. As a mapper, map/devmap are quite essential :D Maps wont load from the menu either, still crashes. Can get into servers with BASE maps without crashing from the server list. Weird.


    This has been fixed, and is no longer a problem. See @@Raz0r's post.

  2. I disagree. There's a lot of textures that can be done in the meantime, like the glass and computer screens. Also, skyboxes. Plus you really need dynamic lighting to take advantage of normal maps properly, and unless someone remakes all the JK2 levels (hint: someone should get started on this) or magically acquires the .map source, it isn't going to happen any time soon because of the baked lightmaps.

  3. As much as I honestly would like to (this sort of thing has been on my wishlist for years), I don't really have the skills or time required. Talk to @@Mr.Zz perhaps? He doesn't totally redo textures like you do, but maybe you can teach him if he doesn't already know.

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