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  1. Circa liked a post in a topic by TheWhitePhoenix in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    Okay...I like this new theme. 
  2. Circa liked a post in a topic by {JoF} Atlas in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    It looks really slick and modern, love the aesthetic
  3. bigphil2695 liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    As long as I can ride the baby rancors...
  4. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    That’s right, it’s been nine years since the Hub launched. Normally I would love to wait until the 10th year to make this big of a change, but I think this revamp is long overdue. Initially, when we announced JKHub 2.0, we planned for a redesign like this but life and complications get in the way. I’m sure most of you thought it would never come, or lost interest, but hopefully the wait was worth it.
    New theme
    This theme was originally designed by a designer named CodeByte, so all respect and gratitude goes to them. However, I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself. We still have our own identity, so anyone worried about JKHub using some random theme shared by various other sites out there: don’t worry.
    I wanted to make the switch to a dark theme by default, which I know can be a bit divisive among people, so I also wanted to have a toggle to easily switch between dark and light themes, give everyone a choice. You can find it at the top next to the Create button.
    The biggest change I wanted to make with this theme is to give the front page more relevant and appealing information. The slider will serve latest news items, similar to the JKHub bar. It breathes some life into the front page and gives a contact point for new visitors to visit either the Getting Started page or the latest news items. Since news is quite sparse in the JK community, I felt featuring it so prominently in the past was a bit tacky in the way we used to, and hoping this new page is much more inviting and appealing, especially for newcomers.
    Achievement system
    You may have noticed a few weeks ago that you suddenly gained some random achievements for seemingly no reason. That’s because it is a new feature that Invision introduced and I decided to enable it early to see how it would work. Luckily it counts everything that you have previously posted, so if you’ve been around for awhile, chances are you have a few badges and ranks already. The ultimate goal of this system is to give a small incentive to engage more with the forum and file community. You gain points by posting, submitting mods, liking, getting likes, etc.
    The biggest benefit to this new system is that we can finally award contest winners with custom badges. All previous contest winners have proactively received a badge for the contest they won in the past. Each one is made custom to that specific contest by us, and will show as "rare" since only one person receives it. You can see an example on this profile.
    Tutorial & Wiki relocation
    Some may recall we used to have a dedicated tutorial system which was eventually deprecated from lack of development of the plugin we used. That forced us to convert them all into normal forum threads, which sufficed for getting the info out there for people to read. Now, with the newest software there is actually a good system built in that we also use for news posts called Databases. This is essentially a lightweight wiki-style system that we think will be perfect for tutorials to live, because it allows anyone to edit them (with approval of course) so we can ensure that our tutorials have the current and correct info, even if the original author hasn’t been seen in years.
    That same system is where the wiki is also going to be moving to. The wiki has been the neglected child in the JKHub family. There is a lot of good content on there, but it’s not nearly as much as what could or should be. Two big barriers we notice people not bothering with it is that it requires a whole new and separate account to contribute to it, and it also requires learning of wiki markdown which can be confusing for people to learn. Our new system will be much more user-friendly, convenient, and integrated with the rest of JKHub as a whole, like search and content feeds.
    I’m hoping this new system for the tutorials and the wiki will help put more of a focus on community-driven content, and not feel so out of reach to contribute to. Right now we are still in the process of moving things over. You may notice some tutorials have been moved and some haven't. The old ones are still accessible before they are moved. We are about halfway done, but due to the process, this will take awhile. I'm hoping to have them all moved over in the next 2 weeks or so. A full post will be made about it and how everyone can contribute and edit existing tutorials.
    Partner Servers
    This is more of a "bonus" feature of this big update, but I thought it was a pretty cool addition. We now have a page that displays servers of the groups that partner with us as part of the JKHub Network. The network is just a simple way to collect the major and minor groups and communities around Jedi Outcast and Academy into one area to make it easy for newcomers and veterans to find them. If you have a community you want featured in our network, just let us know! We link to servers on the server page, and websites and Discord servers in the JKHub Bar. It’s great way to expose your clans or groups to new eyes.
    Ported content policy
    I’m sure y’all are tired of seeing this come up in these news posts, and I agree. However, effective immediately, we are returning to our previous policy regarding ported content. That means as follows:
    Any content taken from a source outside of Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy is considered "ported content" and is technically the legal property of the relevant copyright holder. This content is allowed in our file section with the stipulation that more than the bare minimum was done. Some kind of original work must be put into the mod.
    An example of the bare minimum we would allow: a playermodel ported from Fortnite must be fully weighted to the JKA skeleton and work correctly in the game with NPC files, MP icons or SP menu support and sounds. Simply pasting it in Blender and exporting it to GLM may seem good, but then isn’t tested beyond the "it works!" factor and doesn’t actually work with animations properly or any way to actually use it outside of the /model command. If you use content you didn’t create, put as much effort into the experience as possible to show you also know what you’re doing.
    This is a very subjective policy and each case will be very different. But we feel that enough ported content is being made outside our Files section that we would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we didn’t allow it in some capacity. Our outlook has always been to encourage creators to do as much work themselves as possible when it comes to mods. Copying someone else’s work is never as honorable as creating it yourself, however a lot of knowledge can be gained from using another’s work.
    The biggest part of this policy is honesty. You have to list where your content comes from. This has always been our policy, even with other modders’ content, but is even more important with ported content. You did not create it, so please do not pretend you did. Be as explicit as possible with your sources. Also be aware that your ported mods will be subject to termination if we ever get contacted by copyright holders. Our latest file submission rules can always be found here.
    Donations return
    You may have noticed that Caelum has left us again. You also may remember that he took over financial responsibility of JKHub for a few years, and we thank him greatly for that. However we are now back to operating all on our own again. This means we have costs again. Yay.
    The request is always simple: we need money. This community has always been generous with donating towards a resource like JKHub over the years, and I don’t doubt you will show up again. If you are fortunate enough to have some extra cash and want to see this community continue and thrive, please consider donating.
    I’ll be even more blunt than that. Our estimated yearly costs are around $400. We would love to get to that goal by December. Donors that donate over $20 USD will gain a special badge here on the website.
    A full post will be dedicated to this soon, complete with the traditional progress bar to help illustrate our progress.

    New contest
    Part of the birthday celebration is a new contest! It’s not "birthday" themed necessarily, but we will be thrilled if you make any (birthday cake thermal detonator mod when). The theme for this contest is called Summer Days, which is exactly what it sounds like. Summer themed mods are the goal here (sorry to those who live in the upside-down where it is not summer right now). I know this may seem a bit late, it's already nearly August, but that means we have 2 months left! Examples to help you out:
    pools beaches swimming attire lemonade beachball volleyball backyard barbecue fireworks campfires sunny weather rosh in a speedo ice cream A few modern games have done this as part of their seasons, like Call of Duty, Fortnite, etc. so if you need inspiration I recommend looking up what they did for those.
    Of course the winner will be voted on by the community in a poll here, and will receive a badge on their profile showing they won, and added to the contest page. The mod will be a featured file across the site until the next contest.
    You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is September 12, 2021, September 14, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of September 20, 2021. Submit to Summer Days Contest
    I'd also like to quickly point out that we are now moving contest submissions to their relative categories in the files area and instead use the tag system to organize them. You can see previous contest entries on this page. Entries are moved to their specific categories after the contest is over.
    That was a lot of info to cover in one news post, so dedicated posts for a couple of these topics might be made, to feature them more heavily and gain more eyes on them and provide more details. A lot has been going on behind the scenes over these last few months and I'm really glad we can finally show some of it to y'all. I'm sure it feels very stagnant until now but hopefully some of these things will breathe some new life into this place. Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comments!
    EDIT: We are also testing out language options for the website. Only interface items will be translated, and we still require all posted content to be in English where possible. Check out the language selector in the bottom left of the page and if we're missing your native language, let us know.

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  5. Circa liked a post in a topic by Futuza in SephFF's WIP   
    Excellent start to this map, the layout looks great and I'm excited to see what the finished textures and lighting will look like when you're through.  Also, guess you got started for the Summer contest early with that horizon blend map eh?
  6. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    As long as I can ride the baby rancors...
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by Futuza in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    Hooray JKHub 2.0 is finally here!  I really love the new home page, so much better especially with the getting started section!  Also looking forward to what people submit for the Summer contest, I really want to see someone make a good tropic beach map.  A piece of Lehon would be really cool eh?
  8. Salk liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Outcast: Changing how high you can jump   
    Gravity can be set in the map's wordspawn entity, yes. You can learn how to do simple entity modding here and here.
    Also, you are correct on afi's syntax being off. He should have put bind space "+moveup;g_gravity 300"
  9. Circa liked a post in a topic by SephFF in SephFF's WIP   
    Testing fish for secret area... I used Szico VII's horizon blend tutorial to make the water and blend the terrain to looks like its going from dry to wet sand....I am using his skybox in this so ill still need to make my own for this area. still in its infant stages of testing... will be using what i learn in this to make a new secret area in main map for ppl to enjoy.
  10. Circa liked a post in a topic by Noodle in Nightsisters? Anyone?   
    I feel so crappy for never finishing this 😞

  11. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Academy launches on PS4 and Switch   
    The PS4 version doesn’t support mods unfortunately.
  12. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Path Of Lana   
    This is awesome, can't wait to play it! A more Star Wars focused mod with Epic Challenge-style levels is something I'm totally into.
  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by SephFF in SephFF's WIP   
    This map you see are all subject to change. I am a relatively new mapper. I do have a minor in game design that I completed at the Savanah College of art and design so I was able to pick up on JKA mapping in a timely manner. So far I been working on this map since about October last year. In December I had multiple people play test an alpha version and I will soon have the beta ready for testing.
    The original idea of this map was to be used for JAWA league. It is designed to be able to host a very wide range of events and activities. However I also wanted this map to be a sorts of a playground. Fun to explore and try different challenges in the map. The map is a strafer/snipers haven but also great for merc and enough room to fly some ships around in. So I been slowly polling ideas from the community in general and trying to learn as much as I can. I am full open to all ideas/complaints you may have so please to hold back against me. As soon as I can release a beta ill be sure to update this as I go.
    Current features:
    Weapons placed Health pick ups placed FFA spawn points One Tie-fighter spawner (1 min timer) Working elevators in other areas, not (main building) Seph tears Map transition cam Working doors Main hangar door if open will stay open unless you close it, the others close on their own. Custom skybox Vertex alpha blended terrain Few tested/working jumps with jump slope shoots for fun Heres a list of things that still needs done:
    1: Main building rebuilt/textured/detailed (being rebuilt so -vis, or basically only things that should render are being rendered for optimized FPS in duel tournaments)
    2: Update admin room
    3: Script the F̵̢͔̦͎̮̺̯͕̠͇͈̪̺̽̏͂̈͗̐̊̏̋͛͜͝͝Ų̵̨̪̠͚͈͈͕͙͕̤̤̤̋̿̉͆̒͐͑̓͘̕͘C̵̨͒̃͐͛́̋̈́͘͠K̸̘͔̅̈́̿̽̒̒̈́̊̋̓̉̓̋͝I̸̛͈͉̓̀͌̊͌̊́̑̊̿̌͋̉͝Ñ̵͉̗̰͜G̵̛̠̦̘̮̪̿́ͅ elevator (I hate scripting) what I am trying to script is not easy. 
    4: Finish secret reward areas
    5: bot routes/TFFA spawns
    6: Test and add some more strafe jumps
    7: (I'm gonna TRY to do this) Horizon blend map to look seamless to skybox.
    8: Employ testers to test map again since so much as been added.
    9: Improve lighting
    recent terrain testing thanks to @mjt and @AshuraDX
    quick vid tor of map WIP
    also a big thanks to @AngelModder, @Helena Revan @ensiform @Artemis @Mooku @SomaZ
    who helped get me this far....tons of advice or tips or pointers. and also JK hub and JK community discord! if I missed ya ...let me know ill be sure to add ya. just let me know. hard to keep track lol.
    oh also huge shout out to @Szico VII I never got to meet this dude but his source maps and tutorials have been life changing. I recommend everyone check out his work.
  14. DarthValeria liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jeff's never ending WIP's   
    You can use this to use MP skins in SP:
  15. RJA liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Path Of Lana   
    This is awesome, can't wait to play it! A more Star Wars focused mod with Epic Challenge-style levels is something I'm totally into.
  16. Circa liked a post in a topic by RJA in The Path Of Lana   
    I thought just this way. If I do not finish it, I can release the maps. They work fine.
    I also composed the soundtracks. 
    Here, two of them :
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by RJA in The Path Of Lana   
    Hello there !

    One year ago, I made a little mod of four maps. It portrays Lana, a character from Epic Challenge Mod III et IV, and takes place in an alternative post-ROTJ timeline.
    I can build pretty good stories in my native language. But in English, I keep it simple.
    "Jedi Temple is in trouble. Due to the collateral damages of several missions, Luke Skywalker and his disciples have been forced by the Senate to move to another planet, under the control of the corrupted Galactic Republic. A lot of Jedi left the Order, decieved by the events. One of them, Lana, took the path of the mercenaries. During a routine mission, she discovers the secret plot of a senator, who plans to take control of the Republic by reassembling old Battle Droids from the Clone Wars..."
    The mod explores unknown planets, and areas such as a Battle Droid facility, an old mystical temple, a private securised house and the new Jedi Temple.
    I don't know If I will finish the mod (cinematics, voiceovers and those kind of stuffs), but the maps are finished. So, If you think it's worth the work, feel free to tell me !

  18. AshuraDX liked a post in a topic by Circa in Changes to Assets1.pk3 Not Being Reflected In-Game   
    Try doing what ashura recommended with making your own PK3 file, not only is it a better way to mod your game, you don't break anything and need to reinstall.
    Also, are you using OpenJK or any other mod? It's possible that the assets are installed twice in different locations or something like that. That has happened to me before.
    There is also a chance that some of those values are hardcoded depending on the NPC. There are a lot of nuances to NPCs and sabers that aren't reflected in the NPC files.
  19. Circa liked a post in a topic by lionsoul in Changes to Assets1.pk3 Not Being Reflected In-Game   
    Ashura's advice of making my own pk3 did the trick, but upon further investigation there WAS another modded pk3 overruling the changes I made to assets.  We're all good now tho, thanks you guys for the quick and very helpful responses!
  20. Sithani liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKFiles Uncut 1-19   
    Holy shit, it's @Kouen!
    JKFiles Uncut was legendary, this is gold! Thanks for sharing. I miss those JK3files days so much. Mod reviews were the greatest thing ever and I really wish JKHub had launched with that feature.
    I'll always appreciate what you guys did back then, especially goofy stuff like this!
  21. Circa liked a post in a topic by Link in JKFiles Uncut 1-19   
    Wow that brings back a lot of memories, JKFiles really had a great feel about it back then and I was sad to see it go at the time.
    Here's some nostalgia I saved, covering some old fan sites I used to frequent ;D Hopefully someone gets a kick out of it.

  22. TheWhitePhoenix liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKFiles Uncut 1-19   
    Holy shit, it's @Kouen!
    JKFiles Uncut was legendary, this is gold! Thanks for sharing. I miss those JK3files days so much. Mod reviews were the greatest thing ever and I really wish JKHub had launched with that feature.
    I'll always appreciate what you guys did back then, especially goofy stuff like this!
  23. therfiles liked a post in a topic by Circa in Playing Jedi Academy and Outcast on Mac   
    There was an official port of both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast, available on the Mac App Store, Steam, GOG.com, etc. Those are still available, however they will not work on any version of macOS after 10.14 Mojave. Version 10.15 Catalina and beyond (Big Sur, Monterey) all drop 32bit support, and Aspyr (who ported them previously and more recently to consoles) stated they have no plans to update the games to work on modern macOS. Only a couple mods have updated their Mac versions as well to have native support.
    If you plan to only play base Jedi Academy multiplayer, follow this video tutorial. It explains how to install EternalJK, which is currently the best way to play base multiplayer. You can follow that same tutorial but for Jedi Outcast, you'll want JK2MV.
    For Jedi Academy singleplayer (and multiplayer if you don't want EternalJK), you can use OpenJK.
    Follow this tutorial to install OpenJK.
    These options are very limited in terms of mods and honestly just makes things complicated. I highly just recommend using the options below, which will ensure you have access to any mod you want by using the Windows versions.
    That leaves us with running the games in a more unconventional and non-native method called Wineskin, or more importantly, a Wineskin app called Porting Kit that makes it easy to run older games like these.
    It's worth noting that Porting Kit works only with GOG.com versions of these games, due to the non-disc and non-DRM install process. However, I also tried it with the non-disc installer that was provided in the Limited Run USB drives, and they work just as well. Using these installers will be the easiest way to do this.
    At the end of this tutorial I will explain how you could also install the Steam version or any other version to use with OpenJK or EternalJK, since all you need are the assets for mods like that.
    Installing Porting Kit
    Porting Kit makes this process easy. Start by going to their website below and downloading the app and installing it. The DMG or ZIP file won't matter, whichever you prefer.
      Porting Kit  
    Installing Games
    Luckily it will run you through most steps needed for all this. The app opens on the News page, but you'll want to click over to Library. They have a pretty extensive library of games if you ever want to install any other old ones. Search for "jedi" to show both of these games and choose one to install. All steps in this tutorial apply to both games.
    Choose your game and click install.
    It should open and give you 3 options like this:
    It's pretty straightforward. Click Download installer now to be taken to GOG.com to buy and download the offline backup installers. Once you have it downloaded, click Sure, which will then run through an installer. Click through to the end, where it will ask you to locate the installer file and let you select it from your Downloads folder. If you have the Limited Run installer instead, simple click Sure and select that installer. This app doesn't distinguish what you are installing, which we will use to our advantage if you want to use a non-GOG copy.
    Let it run and do it's thing. It may take a minute or so with a couple pop-up windows and eventually show the installer for the actual game itself. Run through that as you normally would. Everything from here on out should look like Windows, basically.
    Be sure to not run the game in that window once it completes. It should pop up with a window asking you which executable to run, like so:
    Be sure to choose either jk2mp, jk2mp, or if you're installing Jedi Academy, your options will be jasp or jamp. Pick the one that you plan to play the most, it's up to you. If you want shortcuts to both, I will cover that below.
    The game should show up in your Porting Kit library now. The first thing you'll notice is that it is quite small with a black background. You'll want to immediately go into SETUP and change the resolution to something bigger. I also recommend turning off full screen, but that's up to you. You will need to restart the game for the black background to go away if you turn off fullscreen. It's now installed and ready to go!
    Adding a shortcut to MP or SP
    If you want a shortcut to both modes, you can easily do that by going into Porting Kit, click the game, then click More, go to Advanced Tools, then click Add Shortcut to EXE. Name the shortcut whatever you want, such as Jedi Outcast MP, or JKA MP, or SP, whatever applies.
    Then browse to the .exe that you didn't choose during the install. So if you chose jk2sp.exe last time, you'll want to find jk2mp.exe. If you're unfamiliar with Windows, it should be in ProgramFiles/LucasArts/Jedi Academy/GameData, or something very simliar. GOG might list it under ProgramFiles/GOG/JediAcademy or something like that. Poke around and you should find it.
    That should make a new shortcut in your app for that executable and you can now launch both. Repeat this process for any mod launchers you have as well. More on that below.
    Installing mods
    You saw above that the file structure is exactly like in Windows, so installing mods should be self explanatory to mod veterans: put PK3's in the base folder. You can find your base folder very easily by going to that MORE menu like above and clicking Open C drive and navigating through the folders from there. Drag and drop PK3's into the base folder from there.
    Obviously follow the instructions that each mod provides for installation. Any client-side mod like JA+ that don't have their own installer should go into GameData by default, but just make sure to read their own instructions, as they are all Windows based instructions that will apply to you now, rather than Mac instructions.
    If you're installing a major mod that has it's own installer like Movie Battles II, do the same steps as above but choose Install Patch/Mod and select the downloaded installer for it. It should then run through the install process as if it is Windows.
    If you're unsure which type the mod is, go by the file that you downloaded. If the file is one .exe, it needs to be installed. If it's a PK3 or a folder with a bunch of pk3's and other files, it should go right into GameData. If it's one PK3 file, it goes into base. Again, just follow the instructions provided by the mod itself. Comment here if you need help.
    Installing Steam, MAS, or disc version
    You should only be reading this section if you don't already have the game on GOG.com or the Limited Run USB drive. If you do, skip the hassle, that way is much smoother. You're reading this is if you already have the game on Steam, the Mac App Store, or even the old disc version (either PC or Mac disc should work).
    The workaround here is to run a random installer when it asks for one, so that it creates all the necessary files and configurations and then you can copy your assets and OpenJK into the C drive folder. The random installer we will choose is the official SDK for Jedi Academy. Download it below.
    Unzip by double clicking it. You should see the .exe file for it. Run through all the steps above but use this EXE instead of the GOG or LR ones. It will show an error at the end about not able to open a .htm file. Click okay to ignore it.
    It will ask which exe to run at launch. It won't matter which one you choose here since it will be changed later, so I just chose ModView.
    Follow the instructions above to open the C drive and have that ready. I'm breaking down each version first and the common steps under that, but these are assuming you don't already have the games downloaded on your computer already. If you do, skip past this.
    Mac App Store
    Disc Retail
    Now go back to the window that you had open with the C drive for the app. You'll need to make a new folder for the game. I recommend creating a folder structure similar to how the installers do it, just for the sake of simplicity, however you can potentially make whatever folders you want, as long as base is inside another folder.
    So in the C drive folder, go into Program Files and create a folder called LucasArts, and inside that folder create a folder called Jedi Academy, and inside that folder create a folder called GameData.
    Go back to your Steam/MAS/disc game folder, drag or copy/paste that base folder into this new GameData folder. So now you should have it like so:

    Now that you have the assets, you'll need OpenJK or whatever client mod you prefer. For SP I recommend OpenJK (download below has both JKA and JK2 support), and for MP I recommend EternalJK for Academy and JK2MV for Outcast.
    Put whatever items related to your version into the GameData folder. 
    Now is the tricky part. You'll need to go into the MORE button again, go to Advanced tools, go down to Launch Wineskin app. Go to Advanced. Go to Browse and browse to the relative .exe file. So if you got OpenJK for Outcast, choose GameData/openjo_sp.x86.exe.
    Next, go to the Tools tab, and then Config Utility. Go to Graphics tab, and check the box next to "Automatically capture the mouse" and click Okay.
    Close that window and now click PLAY to launch the game. It will launch, and you'll notice a weird issue with the mouse cursor. Bring up the console (the tilde ~ key on your keyboard) and type in_mouse 2
    Restart the game and it hopefully will be working fine.
    Please let me know in the comments if you have any issues. This guide probably seems very complicated but it's not! It only gets complicated if you want to use the Steam version, but hopefully this explains it well.
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: June 2021   
    Kind of a cliche to keep saying this, but progress, lots and lots of progress!
    The new force powers are 100% completed and are functioning as intended. A new menu is currently in progress to allow you to freely select them during the Jedi Academy campaign. The Jedi Outcast campaign will also include Force Stasis and Force Destruction, allowing you to naturally unlock them during the course of Kyle Katarn's journey.
    Progress is currently being made on adding the force powers to the NPCs and character selection. Thus far, the TOR and TSE npcs have been applied the new abilities respectively.'
    Please enjoy a small demo video I made of Jedi Outcast's Cairn Dock 1 level with the new force powers included!

    With the initial release of Knights of the Force 2.1, we added a number of weapons to the mod. Some of the decisions made with the weapons were....controversial at best. Our team member The New Order took it upon himself over the course of the last year to re-do the stats of the guns, as well as adding more versatility to gunplay itself. Many of the guns have been given entirely new methods of fire, such as high-powered single shots, semi-automatic fire (fires for each click), burst fire, automatic fire, scopes on some rifles, and even adding multiple functions to a single gun.
    For example, Boba Fett's EE-3 will now fire in three burst rounds by default, you will also have the ability to utilize a scope for accurate targeting, as well as a highly powerful sniper shot. The Clone Commando's famous DC-17m will also have all 3 firing modes that you got to enjoy in Republic Commando!
    Please enjoy a brief video I made showcasing the changes.

    Over the past few days, we have implemented the ability for you to block Force Lightning with your lightsaber. As of our current functionality, here is what you can expect:
    - LEVEL 1 SABER DEFENSE: Block Force Lightning at 10 force points per cycle

    - LEVEL 2 SABER DEFENSE: Block Force Lightning at 5 force points per cycle
    - LEVEL 3 SABER DEFENSE: Block Force Lightning at 1 force point per cycle
    While blocking lightning will cost force powers, you will be able to use force absorb to gain points back, with the potential to block lightning almost indefinitely.
    - LEVEL 1 FORCE ABSORB: Regain 1 force point per cycle while blocking lightning.
    - LEVEL 2 FORCE ABSORB: Regain 5 force points per cycle while blocking lightning.
    - LEVEL 3 FORCE ABSORB: Regain 10 force points per cycle while blocking lightning.
    We are nearing the release of this update, and over the course of development, I will be giving regular updates on our Discord server. The following are a list of tasks remaining to be completed, I will do my best to remember to update this progress report as we complete or progress with our tasks.
    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
    - Assign all Force Powers to NPCs - TOR and TSE npcs completed, 9 factions remaining.
    - Refactor Character Selection menu to include the new Force Powers - COMPLETE
    - Create settings menu options for newly implemented console commands (such as pistol dual-wielding and trueview) - COMPLETE
    - Change 1 cutscene in Darth Maul's extended ending
    - Allow for blocking lightning with an activated lightsaber - COMPLETE
    - Create updated Force Power selection menu for Jedi Academy campaign
    - Implement Force Stasis and Force Destruction progression in the Jedi Outcast campaign - COMPLETE
  25. Circa liked a post in a topic by therfiles in SP: Escape Taspir [HORDE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY]   
    (Still need to seek permission for all external media used)
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