I'm sure right now it's just for looks. I'm sure they'll expand on that story eventually, if they haven't already. I haven't seen the show yet. Where did you get all these pieces? I see the face is from Spanki's Jedi pack. DT's stormtrooper?
For the belt, you should use the one from Toshi's Luke. Looks more similar to his. As far as that armor piece goes, you might be out of luck without someone modeling it for you. Though it looks good without it anyway.
Have you seen this Trandoshan model's head? Looks more like a Barabel than a Trandoshan to me. Could use that, or request it to be put on a body of your choice. https://jkhub.org/files/file/852-generic-wookiee-and-trandoshan-duo/
How is that invalid? When JKHub was created, there were no sound mods at all. Therefore, no section for them. And I just stated that I will make one, so I don't see why that was even necessary.
Well considering they just finished filming a couple months ago, I'd say they did a great job so far. With the tiny bit of post production experience I have, it's crazy how much they've done so far just for a 2 minute trailer.