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Status Updates posted by Flynn

  1. Electrofunk...with saxophones.

  2. Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball (keep it going!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dusty


      I must've played them all...

    3. Flynn


      Yeah, you guys were really close, dusty actually sort of got it

    4. Circa
  3. Final logo attempt, recolored slightly the one that Crimson made

  4. First pep band game- our band gets booed by the other school's student section for coming over to their stands to watch the halftime show. Oh, how I love high school students

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      That'd be anybody's mentality for the situation, I'm pretty sure it's not exclusive to HS students.

    3. Dusty


      They love you too ;)

    4. Flynn


      ...so far, none of them have shown it :/

  5. Florida weather sucks and I don't even live there

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Flynn


      I was in Orlando on a spring band trip...SO HUMID AND DISGUSTING xD

      I mean I hate being cold but I also hate having to swim through the air

    3. minilogoguy18


      You get used to it. I prefer 80F or warmer.

    4. the_raven


      Florida was always too hot for my tastes (though I've never been there)...I just don't dig hot weather anyway

  6. For some reason I'm not able to get into any servers? The list is just stuck on "Refreshing"...

    1. Circa


      Raven master server is down again.

    2. Flynn
  7. Fucking hate being myself sometimes

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ping


      zefilus pretty much nailed it. Getting to know others is a process and going out with them is part of that process. Try not to obsess about it.

    3. Flynn


      Whoops looks like it got cut off...I just helped her to deal with an annoying guy from our school who asked her out (she rejected him) so that may reflect badly on me if I turn around and do the same. Also, it's not like I've never spoken to her- we're friends, definitely

    4. Ping


      Just do it or stop thinking about it.

  8. Go check out my CTF friend Fokai's frag vid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PohgXDGKkJE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grab
    3. Ping


      Yeah, pretty much what afinity said. Nice frags but zero editing makes this one not worth watching.

    4. Flynn


      Yeah I realized that too, just promoting a friend

  9. Go one deepah.

  10. Go read about the Kardashev scale on my new website! sitetitlegoeshere.wordpress.com

  11. Goes on a makermod server ---> mutated rancors running around, one other player sniping me and spamming "KILL SELECTED OBJECT"...I think I need more practice

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      When you say "nothing", do you mean that you no longer see the rancors or that you didn't get the results you were looking for?

      The rancors are most likely being caused by an object with /mspawner. The objects will be saved into GameData\makermod\StartupObjects.

    3. Bacon


      Folder is empty as I am looking at it now. And nothing as in, I joined and I seen no rancors.

    4. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      Odd ._. the rancors are gone. Either you fixed it or I was getting confused with a different server.

  12. Good lord am I out of shape...

    1. katanamaru


      Only way to go from here is up!

    2. AshuraDX
    3. Flynn


      Lol it's not really that bad, I just can't keep up with all of my friends when we're playing Ultimate...also I almost threw up because of some poor eating habits beforehand.

  13. GUYS...IT'S A FUCKING LEVITATING SPEAKER GO LOOK AT IT NOW http://www.omone.com/om-one

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Flynn


      No the idea is that the sound is directed in all directions instead of some going into whatever the speaker is placed on. Also it looks cool

    3. Omicron


      Come back DT when you learn to strafe jump irl :P

    4. Flynn


      I feel like strafe jumping irl would actually do the opposite of what it does in jka lol

  14. Hey, any of you guys that like electronic music: Check out my stuff at https://soundcloud.com/skeletorixmusic

    1. Ory'Hara


      conquelyst is nice :D

    2. Flynn


      Yeah he is, he's a good friend of mine as well


  15. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. spior


      Because you're acting like a friend, Flynn :]

    3. Onysfx


      Heh, at my school I went to, you'd think it would be all the Jocks and sports guys who are the mean ones, and the nerds the nice guys...WRONG!!! Other way around. The so called "smart kids" thought they were so superior to everyone else. Interesting how things turn out isn't it? And I agree with spior, it's not even worth pursuing the girls...although your hormones will force you to, so...well good luck...

    4. Flynn


      hm alrighty then this should be fun thanks guys


  16. Honestly why would anyone play CTF without force or guns

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. z3filus


      everyone at Jkhub adds Flynn **

    3. Flynn
    4. Syko


      alright, I added you. my name is 'wilford'


  17. Hoo boy, it's been a while. What's up?

  18. How in the world do people play FPSes with a controller...just tried it with CS:GO and it was awful

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Flynn


      I really enjoy watching people play CS:GO, but I honestly can't identify why...

    3. Omicron


      I'm only interested in watching games that I (have) played. Which is probably why I think MC looks boring af.

    4. katanamaru


      I like both just fine. KB+M is more precise to be sure, but I have no problems when playing a shooter on the PS3.

  19. I don't like people much...I like individuals but not people

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Nozyspy


      Flynn, you are a man after my own heart, i often feel exactly the same way!

    3. Ramikad


      Well, I'd say it depends on the kind of project. Sometimes you can only create something working with a team. But I agree with you about the standards - and I find it especially true for mapping :P

    4. Ping


      I go afk for a week and this happens?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bacon


      alright...let me know how your wallet feels during sales week ^_^

    3. Flynn


      Hahaha I don't have a wallet, still dependent on parents, so that limits my options quite a lot

    4. Onysfx


      Welcome to the darkside.

  21. I love playing on JAWA, everyone there is nice and I actually see people that I see here! Also Pearl spawns jawas for us to kick off of the level :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flynn


      Yeah if I actually want to be competitive I play CTF, but I'll go to JAWA and others to be social

    3. Bacon


      Must be nice. first time I joined before I was treated like an outsider, slept and silence because (I used altcode in my name and used words like fludge and darn...which is now curse words, annoyed the admin some how) I refused to duel for some time so I stood by a wall *wait* And later kicked/ban no idea if its been removed since then but I havn't returned. Oh well


      Course them rules are heavy loaded but it not just that, it the people.


    4. Flynn


      Also we play horribly unorganized CTF matches @Omicron

  22. I love trolling angry people on CTF :)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Flynn


      Awesome. Are those guys or people at the same skill level regularly playing PUGs? I've only ever seen teh and gel on JA+ I think

    3. ent


      Yes. Some of them also play on ja+ sometimes just under other nicknames.

    4. Flynn


      Cool. That PUG was fun...I sucked xD

  23. I really dislike Apple

    1. Show previous comments  43 more
    2. Ping


      It was a boring one.

    3. Cerez
    4. the_raven


      apple sucks! I'm more of a pear person anyway :D

  24. I think I'm going to uninstall and reinstall JKA...my mods are getting too confusing, soooo...any suggestions for new ones I should get?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn


      I don't know what has to do with the mods and what is actual base game data...also I would want to keep some so the same issue arises...and I need to get my mp and sp straight (some mods work in both, some don't) so it's just easier to uninstall

    3. Omicron


      If it's just mods installed in your base folder, you can remove everything except the assets1-3

    4. Flynn


      Nah it's a lot of total conversion ones...anyway, I already did it and things are much much better now.

  25. I would be making an attempt to skin right now...if my computer would RUN ANY FREAKIN PROGRAM I DOWNLOAD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Flynn


      I don't know if Windows 8 is the problem, since I can dl an program on another computer and install it on my laptop from a flash drive just fine...

    3. minilogoguy18


      What programs are you trying to run? You should still have compatibility and run as admin options just like older versions of windows.

    4. Flynn


      OpenOffice, a youtube to mp3 converter, GIMP...

      It will give me an error like "the setup files are corrupted" or "this app can't run on your pc", even if I try compatibility settings.

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