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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. For some reason I'm not able to get into any servers? The list is just stuck on "Refreshing"...

    1. Circa


      Raven master server is down again.

    2. Flynn
  2. Alright so, without a chance to test either of them, I think I'm going with the Steelseries Rival as my mouse and the Logitech G710 Plus for my keyboard...now to find a monitor
  3. CS:GO community - "Cloud9 needs to improve their Mirage, they get rekt by EU teams" Cloud9-beats the best team in the world (EU) 16-7 on Mirage...WHAT UP NOW SWEDES

    1. Ping
    2. Flynn


      (Then they got beaten 16-2 on the same map by a Danish team in the grand finals...shhh)

  4. What would you guys think of the Redragon M801 Mammoth? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA7062H04104 http://www.amazon.com/Redragon-M601-CENTROPHORUS-2000-Buttons-Switches/dp/B00HTK1NCS/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1437061537&sr=8-1&keywords=redragon&pebp=1437061537587&perid=1HZRYC92H1A0ZJTVGWJ7
  5. Thanks for the input! One question: for mice do I want wireless or wired? I've been in a few clutch (terrifying) situations in CS:GO where the batteries in my wireless mouse have died, so I kind of want to avoid that, but I'm not sure if there's any significant performance/price difference between the two types.
  6. Hello! So I'm just about to start (with my brother) building our first gaming PC! It's not a gratuitous build, but it's quite a lot better than the laptops we're both currently using. My contribution to the PC (my brother bought all the parts for the PC itself) will come in the form of the peripherals. My question is: what are some good monitors, keyboards, and mice that we could use? My budget for the keyboard & monitor together has to be less than $340, also adding in the cost of a CD drive (probably only about $20 for that though). The mouse I can ask for as a birthday gift, so price is a little less important there, but I'd still like to keep it low. We're not looking for anything insane, just some peripherals that are a better than the average. Thanks!
  7. Managed to configure a joystick and sort of recreate Rogue Squadron in Battlefront 2 space combat...my childhood :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      You should do your own investigating before giving up so easily.

    3. Ping


      Yeah the installer is the only real issue here. The game ran fine on my win7 x64 too, so there.

    4. Cerez


      That's great news! :D Here's an up-to-date version of the patched installer: https://github.com/medfreeman/RogueSquadron3DInstaller

  8. About to get parts to start my first (co-op) PC build!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DT.


      co-op PC build? What's that exactly?

    3. Ping


      He has someone else helping him out.

    4. Flynn


      Yeah my brother and I are sharing it, since he's paying for all of the parts :P I don't have enough money to build a decent one on my own. As for the specs, I don't remember exactly what we picked out but the total cost (minus peripherals) is about $1000

  9. Yeah, if you play JKA on Steam go ahead and add me --> flynnmusicnstuff Or if not, just stop by the JA+ Official CTF Server and I might be online! I'm definitely not the best player xD but I could probably help you out some
  10. Looks interesting...calling Chris Pratt to play a young Han (not what I'd want but it seems like a likely option atm)
  11. Anyone gotten the Dirty Bomb Beta? Thoughts?

    1. Ping


      what is it

    2. Flynn


      It's a F2P class-based FPS, basically like TF2 with a bit of CS:GO and the class system of a MOBA (idk which one they're all the same to me xD)

  12. In multiplayer? It depends on which gametype you want to play. Also, welcome!
  13. How in the world do people play FPSes with a controller...just tried it with CS:GO and it was awful

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Flynn


      I really enjoy watching people play CS:GO, but I honestly can't identify why...

    3. Omicron


      I'm only interested in watching games that I (have) played. Which is probably why I think MC looks boring af.

    4. katanamaru


      I like both just fine. KB+M is more precise to be sure, but I have no problems when playing a shooter on the PS3.

  14. Nerdgasming so hard at E3 right now...Bethesa wins.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Onysfx


      Agree with you Satou. Although I've noticed a major issue with nintendo games, is every year they just get easier and easier. And federation force got a horrible reaction from the fans.

    3. Onysfx


      ...even a petition which has reached 10,000 signatures to cancel metroid prime federation force.

    4. Wasa


      ^ Considering this petition is like one or two days long.

  15. All the friends that I've made in playing on JA+ CTF Public, can't really pick any one of them or any specific memories but this was really my first online community and therefore my first and closest internet friends
  16. CTF with drunk internet friends...top notch :D

    1. Cerez


      :D Sound like fun! ^^
    2. Syko


      They probably haven't even touched alcohol IRL.

  17. If I've never played Fallout before, should I play the previous ones before 4 or can I just jump right in?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. eezstreet


      You should mod it. Tale of Two Wastelands is an awesome mod, I recommend it.

    3. Ping


      You can jump right in. This is true of all sequels in existence. You might miss out on some nostalgia when old characters or locations show up, but it's not a big deal. Having said that, Fallout 2 is very good and you should play it regardless. Fallout 3 is ok too though, but I strongly prefer Stalker when it comes to post-apocalyptic fps-rpgs.

    4. Darth Plytera

      Darth Plytera

      You should read up on Fallout 1 and 2 on the Fallout Wiki for the lore and backstory of the series

  18. Just out of curiosity...how many regular CTF players are on this site?

    1. Grab
    2. Ping


      I never played ctf actively, but I respect the people that do.

    3. Circa


      Does instagib count? Either way, I wouldn't say regular, but I play every once in awhile.

  19. Modes are cool

    1. Ping


      Just wait till you get to the infinite mode of the attribute of extension. That's the stuff.

    2. Flynn


      Oh how does that go? I've only learned Ionian, Dorian, and Mixolydian :P

    3. Circa


      Learning modes in a classroom setting can be super frustrating. :P

  20. So I love TRON: Legacy (hence my name and the skin I always use in-game ) and electronic music, and I was wondering if someone would be able to make a skin of one (or both) member/s of Daft Punk as they appear in the movie. Team colors would also be appreciated, since I play pretty much only CTF Here's a picture from the movie for reference:
  21. Honestly why would anyone play CTF without force or guns

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. z3filus


      everyone at Jkhub adds Flynn **

    3. Flynn
    4. Syko


      alright, I added you. my name is 'wilford'


  22. Told my friends they should all get JKA and play me in CTF...one guy challenged me to a 1v1...I turned it back on him saying I'd take all 4 of them on and still beat them 10-0 :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the_raven



    3. Flynn


      Oh I haven't actually done it yet xD I entirely plan to though

    4. Ping


      right, gl

  23. Apple or Android?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sentra


      iOS for me, and I'd say it is better long-term solution. Previously had two Android phones. I like them, but after some time I got tired of the everyday 'Lego playing' (sometimes smth stopped working, some crashes, phone restarts, app freezes and so on). Current droid flagships cost like iPhone 6/+, so money won't be an argument today. iOS is stable and flawless-running system. Wanna customize - use Android, wanna be sure that your phone will work when you need it - use iOS. T...

    3. Sentra


      ^ That's the thing I've chosen for myself.

    4. the_raven


      apple is pissing me off with their market >.<

  24. Need ideas for a logo for my new production alias: surprise it's Flynn

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Syko


      Would probably help on a logo design if I had time...

    3. IrocJeff


      Since you like Tron why not try to incorporate that disc from the original movie in your logo or something similar:

    4. Flynn


      Yeah I was thinking that...I've got some very talented artistic friends, I'll see what they can come up with

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