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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Attempt #2 at logo, comments welcome again

    1. Ping


      Ok here's some constructive criticism: The elements are too disjointed and the shape of the P does not fit the modern vibe an ECG graph gives off. It looks more like something you see in an ancient inscription, which again, is rather misplaced.

    2. Ping


      The black background is also very 2000 and makes it very hard to place logos anywhere outside of your avatar. Imagine a black block on the top right of a website or something. The thing crayon streaks tip it off. I'd suggest doing a complete reworking of the entire thing.

    3. Flynn


      Thanks! Yeah, I'm still getting the hang of GIMP, so there will likely be many more attempts after this. BTW this logo is for my electronic music work, the name is "Pulsis Vitae"

  2. Alright attempt two with hand-drawn pulse and P, and a crapload of effects. What do you think?
  3. I don't distinguish, although I definitely have heard some people speak with the h, idk if it's based on location or just personal preference
  4. Go check out my CTF friend Fokai's frag vid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PohgXDGKkJE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grab
    3. Ping


      Yeah, pretty much what afinity said. Nice frags but zero editing makes this one not worth watching.

    4. Flynn


      Yeah I realized that too, just promoting a friend

  5. I...I...I have no words
  6. God that is terrifying. Imagine a JKA mod where instead of taunting you, all the Reborn just said "such Jedi", "much weak", "very coward", "wow", etc.
  7. The end times have come...
  8. Very nice! Although I think the arp should be...harsher (more saw-like? Idk) for it to fit with the strings
  9. Do you mean the glisses between two notes in the piano roll, with that little down arrow icon? Those are so much fun XD And I was more referring to the fact that you can't right-click on a parameter for automation, that annoys me Also @@CaptainCrazy if you want good orchestral VSTs, check out DSK. They've got some pretty good ones
  10. VSTs are awesome, but they're all kinda difficult to use in FL (compared to the native ones) and they each have their own weird way of installation...give me Harmor or Sytrus over Massive/Sylenth/whatever anyday
  11. For the music, definitely Duel of the Fates or Anakin v. Obi-Wan. For sheer skill and swordsmanship though, definitely the second one
  12. My laptop is about 6 months old, so...Itunes probably
  13. That would be very much appreciated sir.
  14. Yeah i noticed that, I literally just saved the heartbeat provided by @@Circa and made it an extra layer, should probably find a higher quality version of that I really like it too, but I think for my main logo I want just "PV" as opposed to the whole name spelled out.
  15. Testing first rendition of my new logo for music, comments welcome in this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/4075-random-question/

  16. So I have a test sorta logo as my profile right now, what do you guys think?
  17. Just reinstalled Civ4 and two expansion packs, who should I play as? Going to try and actually win a game for once

    1. Ping
    2. Flynn


      I started one as 'Murica, made some very poor foreign policy choices...same thing happened playing as the Vikings and the Egyptians. I think it's a good idea to just not go to war with anyone at this point...

  18. On CTF: I get called a Jew (presumably as an insult) for saying I would help a Jew...who is probably not even Jewish in the first place.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ent


      It's mostly guns, so JA+ mod does not change anything. The main issue is Chris mah nigga.

      Take him easy, Flynn.

    3. Flynn


      Lol I've long since learned to deal with him, and there's always /ignore :P

      He actually padded his killtracker on one of my names so that it said he had probably 100 more kills on me than he actually did...

    4. scp_chaos1
  19. *sigh* we had a good run...it's over now though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn


      Yeah, USA got knocked out today :/

      Go Deutschland!

    3. Onysfx


      I tuld you it would come to this!

    4. Flynn


      Tim Howard for defense secretary

  20. Can I finally start summer now? Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn
    3. minilogoguy18


      Hmm, it has been over a decade for me since I was in school to have time off to just do whatever, enjoy it while you can.

    4. Flynn


      I will do my best to actually be productive and not just sit around on the internet...ehhhhh, maybe tomorrow

  21. Currently embarking on the massive task of...cleaning my room.

    1. Bek
    2. Flynn


      Lol, it's not THAT bad XD I just need to clean it and organize it before I can rearrange it

    3. Bek
  22. @@Onysfx the...furries are taking ovah

    1. Bek
    2. Jango40


      1 more day

    3. Flynn


      Lol I'm actually missing the last two days, but I have to go to my brother's graduation and a week long camp before I can actually get started on my summer plans

  24. Flynn


    But...but...isn't it faster and better than the others? I like it because it's not crowded
  25. Chrome just disabled JKHNotif on my browser and won't let me re-enable it because "it was not from the Chrome web store and it may have been installed without your knowledge" and now... For your protection, you can only use Chrome extensions that you get from the Chrome Web Store. @@spior just thought you might want to know
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