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Posts posted by hleV

  1. The multiverse thing is ridiculous and not backed up by anything. Why do people insist on believing whatever their wishful thinking produces?


    Anyway, disney owns SW and if they officially disregard EU and whatnot, you cannot just disagree solely because you don't like it. EU and whatnot are now stories that didn't actually happen in SW and don't belong in its timeline. They're fake stories so to say.

    You don't have to like that (I still really hate how TCW and Rebels are canon), but you can't escape from truth.

  2. Ezra's eyes didn't turn red at all. It was red lightning from the holocron that partially lit his eyes. Visually, they weren't dark side eyes at all.


    Anyway, this was the first SWR episode to date that I admit was worth my time, despite bullshit like the return of special someone and helisabers. Congrats to Disney?

  3. I'm not a real coder per se, but I'm familiar with C++ syntax somewhat and have scripted in Pawn for AMXX and SourceMod.


    The MS link you gave tells not to use Hungarian notation. At first I didn't use it, then later I did, then I didn't use it anymore, then I started using it again, but in the end I dropped it due to it being quite useless in my eyes.

    The page also contradicts itself when saying that when an acronym is made of only 2 letters, it's ok to leave both capitalized: they use IO in IOStream, but Ok instead of OK, unless OK is somehow not an acronym for "o kay" and it should be "ok" or "Ok" everywhere else outside coding. Also the idea that it's either ioStream or IOStream is silly IMO, it should be io or Io, never IO.



    On point 3 compared to the 99% stoic vader it was an improvement, to see someone throw a fit of anger (or tantrum depending on how you look at it) shows they are still very much a person, I sure as hell would have reacted like he did if shit fell apart.

    Kylo is not a cool character. At all. For a good start of new trilogy, Ep7 needed a cool villain, but didn't get one. I know that's what Kylo is like. I know it makes sense for him to be angry and blablabla. The movie was not better because Kylo acted as he was supposed to, the movie was worse because he was made the way he is by JJ and whatnot.


    On 4 Kylo had a hole in his side after being SHOT by Chewbacca, I'd like to see you fight someone with all your power when you're injured I'm not sure if you were aware but getting shot tends to hurt a lot! Finn still got his ass handed to him and you're complaining that Kylo took what 2 minutes longer to all but kill him?


    Lightsaber duels aren't about showing off they are about finesse, using what assets you have and what I saw was a man trying to save as much energy as he could by not using all his strength against someone like Finn, he knew he'd probably end up having to fight rey and he was very well aware she was started to develop her force abilities so he was being cautious, that's logic. Using certain abilities can take a toll on the user and clearly he didn't have the stamina remaining to pull off a Force Stasis on Finn AND fight Rey.

    You're telling me that the new Sith character is such a weakling that after getting injured in a non-vital spot, he can no longer use Force, lightsaber, and in turn fails in 1v1 battles vs a non-Force-sensitive and a Force-noob. That is completely correct, Kylo is that bad. However, this makes the movie garbage.


    On 5 I semi agree, he could have said SOMETHING.

    That wouldn't even justify anything. There was way too little of Luke. And we had to wait till the very end. To me the movie sure was worse because of that.



    Kylo is very much somebody who admires Vader, so it makes sense that he would build another Death Star. He's a whiny teenager, which explains his outbursts. But why he is spoiled and whiny we will never know until another movie.

    It is simply uninteresting.


    The cross saber isn't a stupid idea at all when you see him actually use it to his advantage in a saber lock. Before the movie I can see why you would think it is stupid, but after seeing it in action, it definitely has a unique advantage.

    Did I miss something? When did Kylo duel someone who knows how to duel? Or is the crossguard needed for Kylo to get an advantage against noobs?


    The rest of your points are really nitpicky, I think. Still valid, but not anything I think that makes this worse than the prequels. I honestly think you've lost your mind if you think this is worse somehow.

    Prequels are shit, but TFA gets 1/10.


  5. So since I've been asked to elaborate, I'm gonna go and do that. I shall mention that the movie looks nice and all, but is horrible and unfinished as far as plot and logic go. I went on and watched ANH in order to forget about the mess I'd seen in the cinema, but I guess I'll have to remember (don't know why am I even doing this for you people, you shouldn't be worth it).


    • Another Death Star. Seems like it's impossible to come up with anything new.
    • Idiotic lightsaber. No explanation whatsoever. Am I supposed to believe that Kylo added the crossguard blades so he could torture people with them?
    • Kylo as a character. Annoying. Childish. Has anger issues (kinda funny TBH but that doesn't add worth to the film). Like somebody mentioned (I think?), he's like a conflicted teen. That can never be good for a movie of this kind.
    • Kylo is both the worst lightsaber user and the dumbest Force user ever. How does one fail to eliminate a non-Force sensitive guy that ever swung the lightsaber like 5 times? Even if he's that bad in lightsaber combat, how does he suddenly forget he has the Force and the opponent doesn't? We fucking saw him restrict that rebel's hand via Force before. He couldn't do that against Finn for plot reasons? That seems to be the explanation. And... then he lost to someone who just realized they are Force-sensitive and has never wielded a lightsaber. Is Kylo supposed to be a laughing stock? I couldn't tell due to how bad the movie was.
    • Way to ruin all the Luke hype.
    • The movie cut out some stuff seen in the trailers. Extended Edition incoming?
    • Finn. A stormtrooper-turned-good? That is way too fucking convenient for the main party.
    Should be enough for now.



  6. All I can say is, you clearly haven't seen a Star Wars movie, if you think that the game looks better without them.



    EOC trail is overdone (just like base JKA) and instead of appearing realistic, it looks dumb and cartoonish. It does not look like it's made by motion, but rather that it's a real trail following the saber everywhere. If you watched the movies and took attention to this specific detail, you'd see that there it's in no way as extensive as in EOC, plus it disappears way, way sooner than in the game. It only gets as wide as this:




    Another thing is that the trail disturbs the competetive aspect (in SP it's not big of a deal, just looks bad) by making it harder to follow swings and their directions.

    LucyTheAlien likes this
  7. This is one of the most ambitious JKA mod projects and I always liked the idea, so good luck with this.


    Anyway I have a few question (might have more later).

    1. Are there plans to make the world interactable in the way that I can for example sit on chairs/lean to a wall/etc.? I figure this is what's cool about MMORPGs: you don't have to always seek something, sometimes you may just log in and interact with people while still "playing" the game (walking around/sitting/leaning).
    2. Saber system. What will it be like in the end?
    Smoo likes this
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