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Posts posted by hleV

  1. I think being able to avoid having your hand cut off is very effective. And IF the mini blades get cut off then it will be a regular Saber which is what you would prefer, right? Win - win.

    Being able to avoid anything is in no way effective. Having to avoid it is restrictive, whereas normal saber does not pose such problem. Staff for instance, while possibly harder to master, can be effectively used against multiple opponents, so the disadvantages/difficulties are worth it. Crossguard saber? Not so much. If the mini blades get cut off then there's no point for their existence in the first place. If they restrict you then it's also better for them to not be there.

  2. I didn't believe it because it didn't make sense to believe it. A staff is a staff. There is quite a lot of space for the user to be effective and not get cut. An all-cutting blade looking to cut your wrist off if you put your saber at a slightly wrong angle is something else entirely. It is less effective than normal saber.

  3. Staff in Episode 1. Everyone kept saying he could cut off his own leg. Do you believe that now after seeing the movie?

    I never believed that in the first place. Oh and the fact you're comparing medieval swords to lightsabers kind of puts me off to further discuss with you.

  4. Do you have any logical reasoning to back up anything that you just said?



    He doesn't realise that design is made specifically to prevent this from happening:




    You don't realize that it's a cumbersome way to go about it. You can cut the hilt part and the exhaust blade will cease to function. The disadvantage outweights the advantage because those blades near your arm surely make sabering less comfortable and safe than it could be. Also if he's not an amateur you'd think he wouldn't need to use such a noob-friendly saber that screams "I'm afraid to lose my hand". You're fooling yourself if you believe this saber was made purely for functional purposes and not to look cool for kids.

  5. There is no purpose for the "exhaust" blades. It was made to look cool, but that failed. Maul's saber made sense. Dooku had a curved hilt, which is simply a comfort thing. Kylo Ren uses a stupid saber because whoever designed it failed to be innovative without making it appear ridiculous. It's only better than Rebels' inquisitor's shitsaber.


    There really is no need for special sabers. Vader, Sidious and 99% others use normal ones and nobody ever said that they're worse because of that.

  6. Just go to "Customize..." in tray and make the W10 icon "Only show notifications". It will only be visible when expanded, which I don't think is a problem. 

    Anyway, I'm on pirated Windows so I won't bother reserving even though it would work. Better do a fresh install after deleting the previous Windows.


    EDIT: The W10 tray icon goes back among the main ones after PC restart. Fucker!

    EDIT2: http://superuser.com/questions/922068/how-to-disable-the-get-windows-10-icon-shown-in-the-notification-area-tray/922272#922272

  7. Like button is pretty much like "^ This" or "I agree" or "My thoughts exactly". Well, also expressing that you like the post, in case it's a content or other sort of contribution. Dislike button doesn't make sense. How can you dislike a post? If you disagree, you should always provide a reason why, so simply pressing a button doesn't work.

    Circa and z3filus like this
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