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Posts posted by hleV

  1. What is named "facts" here is the work and imagination of hundreds of creative individuals who have expanded upon and to this day continue to create what we know as the Star Wars universe. Some of this content is preserved, other things are thrown away at random intervals at the whim of businessman and executives in order to give pro-longed life to future Star Wars branded stories and products. 

    Makes no difference when establishing what's canon and what's not.


    What's called "fact" and "canon" today may be a part of history (and therefore non-canon, and non-existent) tomorrow. 

    Not sure what you mean by non-existent, but regarding non-canon, yes, and you cannot do anything about it.


    But does that make it any less real in our hearts? Do the stories we have experienced now mean nothing? Is that what you are trying to say?


    And so Kyle Katarn's story would now be completely gone? Just because some executives decided it will be so? You cannot just wipe people's memories and experiences away. That's why fan communities band all over the Internet to preserve what they value. No outside influence has control over that.

    As far as Star Wars actual continuity is concerned, those stories are gone. Feel free to keep them in your imaginary world (not saying that in a bad sense), but don't try to push them into what truly happened in Star Wars. I like DF/JK/KOTOR, but I won't claim that they're part of the continuity just because I'd like them to be.

  2. It's not illusionary or lonely if it's within the path of the old canon. There are many other people who believe a similar story, too.

    It is not for you or "many other people" to decide what "truly happened" in Star Wars continuity.


    If facts aren't facts, then what the fuck are they?

  3. @@Cerez

    yet another post where you write worthless crap such as "things are not necessarily the way you see" without anything to back it up. Things aren't like that because I see them that way, things are that way because there are facts to prove it. You can create your own imaginary worlds as much as you like but don't try to push your own opinion, which conflicts with established facts, as a possibility, because it is not. It only becomes true if someone with the rights to Star Wars comes and says so, effectively retconning what's already established.

    z3filus likes this
  4. Rogue One is canon and most likely retcons Dark Forces, that's all there is to it. You can like whatever you want, but you can't change the fact that something is canon and something is not by simply prefering something more to another. The two posts above mine are absolute bullcrap and prove nothing. "There is philosophy and shit." The fuck do I care? There are established facts. Deal with it.

    z3filus likes this
  5. And Earth is flat because I'd like it to be flat. Established facts are not arguable. If you think they are, you are wrong.

    I myself have multiple times claimed that the shit that is TCW or Rebels is non-canon, but that was a means to portray my dissatisfaction with them, I don't actually believe my word is above the rights holders when it comes to establishing canon. Though I guess it's arguable if the established facts conflict with each other. 


    I can still cherish the original trilogy and tell everything else to go fuck themselves.

  6. I will definitely watch the movie, but that won't change my opinion on what trully took place back in Dark Forces. The figure of Kyle Katarn stands on the shelf and nothing in the world gonna remove him from Star Wars to any bit.

    "I like Kyle Katarn so he's canon and the actually canon stuff is not." That's not how it works. You cannot have an opinion that goes against established facts. Can you call them bullshit, though? Definitely. Realizing something is bad is one thing, but there's no need to get delusional.

    z3filus likes this
  7. How can you say that  @@hleV ? The stormtroopers in ANH act almost exactly as the ones in Rebels.  :o

    Oh then I guess the cast was just silly to put this much effort into escaping/fighting them, because as evident in Rebels, there's no need for any effort.


    And never have I said that Stormtroopers are the shit. All I'm pointing out is that there is a marginal difference between the movie and the show logic, which separates their universes.

  8. The game has ALWAYS supported widescreen resolutions.  Its just a matter of using the console. 

    It would crop the view instead of expanding it, though, putting you at a disadvantage for the mere fact that you're on widescreen (which OpenJK fixed with cg_fovaspectadjust CVAR).

    Cerez likes this
  9. @@hleV
    how do you evaluate, which logic can be applied to all Star Wars and which is "irrelevant"?

    You can apply the logic that is seen in the movies, because that's the source material. 


    It doesn't mean that Rebels should use the same pattern as in the movies. There is actually no need for that kind of logic, applied to such scenes, as mentioned before.

    It does and there is. One is the source material and another is portraying Star Wars as something it isn't: a kids' thing that doesn't follow previously established logic because it's for kids, which makes fine for marketing but not fine for staying in the canon.

    All in my comments is written in due place and there is a reason I mention it here - all Star Wars secondary stories come through a similar path, always. They are evaluated and compared to what we see in the originals. So this is more essential while discussing Rebels than you claim.

    I was simply saying, that the show has different sides, like previous EU. Rebels can be very different and have a very new feel, which might be against the tastes of some people. It doesn't make the show a bad taste completely. My personal choice would be Shadows of the Empire or Dark Forces II, but in Rebels I also patterns, which might make the show memorable and true to Star Wars, despite breaking some rules.

    And be respectful, please. I've already asked for that above.

    If EU or whatever else Star Wars-shit contradicts the actual "Star Wars" then fuck that, non-canon. However your chosen examples are invalid and don't back up your claims.
    I don't disrespect you. I disagree with you.
    z3filus likes this
  10. Because it is. For me yes, for you might be not.

    "The same way X did Y" is not an argument and doesn't answer any question. You're just providing something else that according to you is comparable, but don't provide an argument for why it makes sense.

    I perfecty realize that different media may be for different audiences and be "expressed" in different ways. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense for events that are supposed to be in the same universe to have different kind of world logic applied to them.

    Your ghosts/droids/Force/magic examples are absolutely nonsensical and irrelevant, by the way. I honestly can't tell what's going on in your head to write this shit. They're all different things, whereas fighting 10 trained and armed people is just one (yet different between the show and the movies).

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