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Everything posted by hleV

  1. It can be used for more than creating games? Well it must suck!
  2. Community Forum Software by IP.Board is on an entirely new line for me.
  3. They're doing a bad job. Just get over it, dude.
  4. That was seriously bad. They're hitting each other's hilts, not blades.
  5. In JK2 at least, cg_dynamiccrosshair 0 removes the crosshair completely and cg_thirdpersoncameradamp CVAR doesn't seem to even exist.
  6. No, I only play MB2.
  7. Colon doesn't make sense here. "HD" is not a title, it's sort of an identifier. Just like you don't put a colon before a version number, you don't put one before "HD" neither. I found it weird that JK2: HD had it.
  8. Why not Jedi Knight HD (without the stupid colon before "HD")?
  9. Darth Maul sucked, just like the rest of TPM...
  10. Is the menu bar supposed to be full-width in the fixed-width theme?
  11. There's a fixed-width theme! Cool, gonna be using that. But yeah, fix the logo.
  12. I feel like in JK2 (and likely in JKA, can't remember), the movement is especially clumsy when in 3rd person and makes it really hard to shoot stuff due to the crosshair jumping around like crazy. Could it be made for your character to always stick to the center of the screen as opposed to being moved by WASD presses? Not sure how I want the crosshair to be. Perhaps stuck in the center as well? I know the targetting works differently from other 3rd person shooters, but can something be done about it? It's for SP (mainly JK2, but JKA would be appreciated as well).
  13. The prisoners don't know how to use bowcasters... They have passwords that must be spelled out in Wookiee language. Also JA needs more Rosh. Rosh inspires hatred and desire to share it with the rest of the world, thus activity in the forums.
  14. That would explain proper cutscenes for widescreen (you could check just in case). http://jkhub.org/topic/2539-fixing-cutscenes-for-widescreen/
  15. Should be downloadable from MS website.
  16. Can custom .pk3 files be protected for JA and its mods without modifying the game itself? If so, how?
  17. Silly MB2 coders probably aren't even aware of what a fucked up sabering system they made. Seriously, fuck staggers! I've been playing MB2 for years and 0.1.9 is by far the worst version in the regard of sabering. 0.1.4 was nearly perfect, they just needed to remove the unblockable-and-abusable slap alternative (kicking with saber). But nooooo, we wanna add staggers, and we don't intend to fix kicks, it's a feature! And we won't update this shit for over a year just because! What I'm saying is that either MB2 devs abandoned the mod development for good or are simply ignorant to the fact that they screwed up, so I'm not surprised why they wouldn't feel like bothering with OpenJK. You may work on a new build for as long as you like, but why not fucking restore the mod to a decent version that wasn't too long ago instead of leaving it as is until the end of time? /ragerant
  18. Why does nobody take a modern game engine and make a lightsaber combat game? :unsure:
  19. How are they using lightsabers? Didn't the Infinite Empire fall before the lightsabers were even invented? EDIT: Forcesabers? Stupid.
  20. Looks fun. The game has been on my wishlist since like forever. Still don't have it :/
  21. I see, thanks. Seems like this hilt is universal in both JO & JA, used by generic Jedi, Sith Cultists, all types of Reborn, Tavion and Rosh. Also why am I not able to choose it as the "best answer"? Is this feature forum section-exclusive?
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