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Everything posted by hleV

  1. "The same way X did Y" is not an argument and doesn't answer any question. You're just providing something else that according to you is comparable, but don't provide an argument for why it makes sense. I perfecty realize that different media may be for different audiences and be "expressed" in different ways. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense for events that are supposed to be in the same universe to have different kind of world logic applied to them. Your ghosts/droids/Force/magic examples are absolutely nonsensical and irrelevant, by the way. I honestly can't tell what's going on in your head to write this shit. They're all different things, whereas fighting 10 trained and armed people is just one (yet different between the show and the movies).
  2. How is that even an argument? I don't give a shit about other "media". If it's just as nonsensical, it's not in the same universe. Two contradictory things cannot coexist.
  3. It's nonsensical next to the source material. How can events in the movies and events in SWR follow such different universal logic yet co-exist in the same universe?
  4. It's ridiculous that you would be making such a comparison. The events in movies and SWR are different like day and night. In the movies they were actually putting effort into not getting shot. Jumping around for the lulz and standing still just to say some stupid line to people who are 10 meters away shooting at you is not something even remotely close to what happened in the movies. Everything else you wrote is pretty much bullshit as well. "Rules"? There's a difference between not showing chopped off heads and making the show nonsensical by making characters have incredibly obvious plot armor. The audience the show is for does in no way justify the fact that the show is nonsensical when compared to actual Star Wars.
  5. In one of the episodes the Mandalorian chick is going vs a bunch of stormtroopers. She literally does nothing but jumps around, stands for 10 seconds, says something to them, doesn't get shot, repeat. There are similar instances with Zeb, where he uses melee against 10 armed stormtroopers, and is absolutely confident from the beginning that he won't get shot. How can this shit be taken seriously?
  6. You have to change the install icon and alter the grayed out NIS text!
  7. Inquisitor's lightsaber is stupid and you should feel bad for liking it.
  8. Those quiz questions are nonsensical.
  9. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    ... You're just being silly. OpenJK improves the game. JK launcher is used for installing/launching the game, so it is very related. Why would OpenJK launcher be something entirely different? And where does a website come in to this?
  10. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    That looks good. A modernized version that still somewhat resembles the original (something I requested).
  11. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    Consistency > no consistency.
  12. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    I don't get why the pile of shit that is the default menu screen of JKA needs to stay in OpenJK. Oh wait, I do. Because it makes sense.
  13. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    Why are you comparing a website to a game? I don't give a fuck about JK launcher, I never even use it. It's the fact that OpenJK is sticking to the roots of JK yet OpenJK launcher somehow doesn't (going by what certain people say). JK launcher is part of the game files. It has a design. Base your thing on it.
  14. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    The launcher should resemble JK's by default, otherwise I am to question the artists' decisions. Icon differs between JK games, so it can differ for OpenJK. Launcher differs between JK games but still maintains a similar layout to an extent (size and buttons), so the same should be with OpenJK launcher.
  15. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    That doesn't make sense. JKHub isn't OpenJK. I don't see OpenJK "modernizing" the game menu screen, neither. If OpenJK is a fixed-and-better-yet-the-same JK and the same doesn't apply to the launcher, then I don't want the launcher.
  16. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    For the same reason OpenJK doesn't "improve" JK's gameplay among other things. You're sticking to the roots, aren't you? Like I said, an HD version based on the already existing JK launchers. No problem with alterations (JK2 and JKA's launchers aren't identical neither), but it shouldn't be too different.
  17. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    We need this kind of launcher, just with altered options. I prefer JK2's design. OpenJK's could be improved/HD'd, but definitely based on this.
  18. hleV

    OpenJK Launcher?

    It's not a bad idea. Also since with OpenJK you're trying to "stay true" to the original game and are not altering anything too much, how about making the launcher look like JA installer/launcher?
  19. hleV

    FPS Issue

    I'm really confused. Interestingly, the first time I tried to record JKA using OpenJK, the FPS was fine. Then I believe I forced AA via AMD control panel. FPS gone bad. I un-forced AA (completely deleted openjk_sp.x86.exe entry from AMD CP) and things still were bad. Restarted PC - same shit. It cannot be related to AA thing because the issue happens with both SP and MP, and openjk.x86.exe was not touched as far as AMD CP is concerned. Today at first the FPS was fine again, but then I restarted the game and it became shitty. What the fuck... This is with any settings, in the main menu or during missions/MP. Tried Fraps, MSI Afterburner, Game Booster, D3DGear. Right now when I reset the config and the game goes into 800x600 windowed mode, the recording FPS is fine. But once I do r_mode -1 r_customwidth 1920 r_customheight 1080and restart the game it goes shitty all over again. In fact, r_mode -1 alone is enough. com_affinity -1 doesn't help. EDIT: I launched MP, FPS was bad. I launched SP - suddenly the FPS is fine again.
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