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Everything posted by hleV

  1. I TAKE IT ALL! I'd like Mirror's Edge if it's okay.
  2. Are the Jedi stretched so thin that Skywalker sends children to battle the Disciples of Ragnos?
  3. Marka Ragnos will NOT be denied!
  4. It looks weird to see textures used for screens and everything in a current gen game engine.
  5. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness.
  6. The Ors woman thinks quite highly of you, did you know that? She must have whimpered your name on at least seventeen different occasions over the last few days.
  7. What happens to one of you will affect the other.
  8. You may dispense with the pleasantries.
  9. Can't blame them for sitting on the other side than Rosh. J/K (see what I did there), Rosh is great.
  10. While I love live action cutscenes (and the very idea of full motion), I think you should go with a different approach and make scripted "ingame" (there's gotta be a better name for that) cutscenes.
  11. The speech bubble "pointer" doesn't have to touch the talker's mouth, just point to their general direction.
  12. (Dunno if I should've necro'd this thread or created a new one, so... I created a new one. Having read the rules, it doesn't seem like I should give a damn.) In both JO & JA, the top and bottom of the cutscenes get cut when playing in widescreen (16:9 in my case). Isn't it possible to fix that by making it display the cutscenes in full height while increasing horizontal FOV? Or are cutscene-exclusive maps not suited for displaying moar than they should? I'd also like to put 1080p JO & JA cutscenes on YouTube, and right now it's kinda inappropriate when heads get cut in half.
  13. Back when I first installed JA (or JK2, can't remember), I had a similar problem. Reinstalling the game fixed it. (Then after a re-reinstall the problem reappeared, so a re-re-reinstall was required.) Didn't encounter this with the Steam version.
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