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Posts posted by hleV

  1. Jerec was literally a master.

    Desann's a student who ran away.


    *goes 180*


    Yet, I can't give it to Jerec that easily. A master in the Force and lightsaber combat, with the power of VOTJ, still getting whooped by some random "Jedi" who picked up a lightsaber not long ago and had no master?

    Desann deemed others weaklings back when he was a Jedi student, though I don't know how much of that was due to his natural strength as a Biglizardman. But years later Luke didn't whoop his ass in seconds so he's got that going for him. But Kyle was also kinda inexperienced in Jedi ways when he defeated Desann since he had severed his Force connection after JK1...



    It's hard to tell because Kyle is OP af and wrecks both of them. I vote Desann because he's cool and big and strong and has a lizardface. Also JK2 is a sequel to JK and more often than not in such fiction latter foes are stronger than former.

    the_raven likes this
  2. I don't see how it would be cheating when all players would have the feature.

    Might not be cheating, but a bad gameplay feature/mechanic. 3rd person corner-peeking in Arma/DayZ anyone?
  3. Although I think the shuttle might be a bit too big for the room.

    I would think the transport shuttle would have landing feet pads and not sit on its frame or engine nacelles.

    My first thought was that the shuttle is broken and was dragged in for repairs lol, and it's not its appropriate place to be kept in.


    Could be random plot element, why you had to fix it :(

  4. It's tainted only among modders and well more ''qualified'' JK3 community. But aside from that it is very popular mod. I don't believe You can find someone who never heard of KotF before. And it is very difficult to spread popularity these days. 

    I've heard of KOTF (mostly bad things), but I have no idea what's it about and why was it (supposedly) so popular.

  5. Do this in the console for a widescreen display:

    r_mode -2

    Could you maybe provide a reference screenshot of JKA Enhanced's sabers?

    r_mode -2 seems to make the cutscenes properly widescreen (widening sides instead of cutting top and bottom). Not sure if this is OpenJK or JKE thing, but... thank you!

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