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  1. If you really wants to see him in the game it would be a very straightforward kitbash as I believe all the pieces are out there. Really good to learn how to fill your own requests, I did and it has been rewarding
  2. How difficult would it be for me to weigh just the torso, specifically the chest?
  3. Hey Jeff do you have any interest in converting the Rebel soldiers from battlefront into JKA models? I am curious how the weighing process would work for a model of that size?
  4. A little mock up using my personal character
  5. Hey guys, I am thinking about releasing some of the models in a pack like Jeff. But unitl I package that up here is a updat to Kanan
  6. I can get them, actually off of a model port of Sabine from a rebels game. If you are okay with that I can weigh them to a model of you want?
  7. She was a Jedi master in the new Jedi order, that is why her torso is smaller, she is a badass for all intensive purposes
  8. Another one of my favorite characters from Legends. Saba Sebatyne the Barabel Jedi Master that served as Grand Master for a time
  9. Could you maybe add a non ported head to the model and then release it as a model pack like the Luke one?
  10. Some updates on some of Jeff's kitbashes, these are Star Wars Rebels Characters
  11. Here is something that skinners could put to good use, its an updated female mando, I did a lot of reshaping of objects from other male mando armors. Hopefully you like
  12. Check this link, it is a rp'ing site for the old republic it has a model pack with the ported Mando, might help you! http://jkoldrepublic.bbforum.co/
  13. My favorite character, although he is now Legends Cade Skywalker
  14. I'm just going to keep posting You guys can comment lol here is a concept for a Cosian Warrior (Like Tera Sinube)
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