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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. doesn't really matter as far as I know , upon export it will be converted anyway - in 3ds max the editable poly just offers a few more neat tools and allows faces with more than 4 sides I'd say 18 is A LOT if you really want to go high stay with 12 it's more than enough
  2. @Roxoon so far it looks pretty bland andm ore like a stone than a metal sword
  3. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1910-bantha-ii-cargo-skiff/ Released
  4. Version 1.0


    I finally finished my skiff vehicle for Academy to spawn it open the cheat console , activate cheats and type : "npc spawn vehicle skiff" Please notice that using the skiff_anims.pk3 file will make swoops and other vehicles that use the swoop animation ridiculous while only this skiff profits from the aniamtion replacement - this makes it also incompatible with any other animation mods Have fun !
  5. About to call it done http://imgur.com/gallery/nctGv for those wishing to see more I'll submit a v1 in an hour or so
  6. it'd just be nice for custom vehicles , I came across this while working at my skiff : in order to change the default swoop riding animation you have to completely replace it which makes other vehicles that are designed to use that aimation (tauntauns ,swoops) like shit and I guess it wouldn't be too much work , would it ?
  7. no reply at all ?
  8. https://www.humblebundle.com/ keep an eye on this guys new bundles every day
  9. get noesis and convert the md3'S to something else
  10. oh please dont go by the "the sith are evil so I should make it black&red" clichee , PLEASE ! stay closer to the original scheme or atleast dont use such a bright , strongly saturated red , go with a copper tone or something , or reddish brass offtopic : I'm a guy and also @
  11. doesn'tl ook too bad buddy ! add some cell shading and you got a pretty nice model there , I'll check out how it's weighted tomorrow
  12. damn , get well buddy I tried your method at my skiff textures that are 50% painted and 50% baked - did not look too great as embossing every little crack and such certainly doesn't work too well what I like to do with handpainted ,that are supposed to look painted, textures is using the find edges filter at a merged copy, desaturate that layer and set its blendmode to multiply which gives a neat AO effect here's an example on hwich I applied said trick : sadly I dont have the PSD anymore , this is a tileable rock texture I made for Minecraft , ingame
  13. this site doesn't look like it only has ported content , atleast I couldn't discover anything obvious so far but I didn't really browse the site yet
  14. another way would be to split the mirrored mesh piece in 2 and assign 2 different textures to them or copy a piece of the mesh you wan't your decal on and apply a decal shader to that piece. this would exchange UV mapping with simple modeling work
  15. just as awesome as the original is this remix by Voicians
  16. I just do copy merged and paste that as a new layer to get everything on one layer which keeps the other layers intact and allows me to do quick changes I have to say I dont reallyl ike the result your method delivers that much , but it mgiht work in some cases
  17. your work reminds me of some of my older hilts , I think you should try to use the famous noise + motion blur combination in a more subtle way , so far the brushed steel effect is to strong and blurry, the later could be fixed quite easily ,just try this : 1. open your PSD in photoshop 2.go to : edit/copy merged 3.paste your copy as a new layer 4.use filter/sharpen/sharpen on that new layer 5. adjust opacity to your liking
  18. @@Rooxon oh I was just asking to see if there was a better way to create wrinkles&folds than how I did it here I'm also trieing to avoid filter usage as much as possible thanks for the offer though ! A word on my Starkiller model : I dont know when I'll finish this as I kinda lost interest for now but I certainly will finish him I just don't know when that'll happen - yet
  19. been able to get it fix'd and now I need some beta testers , who's interested ? Bantha II Skiff by ashuradx on Sketchfab
  20. AshuraDX

    What about....

    I recently noticed that modders lack the ability to change the rider aniamtion for vehicles , without replacing the specific line in aniamtions.cfg , is there any way you guys could implement this ?
  21. my web issues have still not been fixedand I dont know when they will be . But I set up the mesh to be put ingame
  22. Done with the textures , but technical issues leave me without internet at my pc so i'll have to delay the new pictures
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