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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2232-hd-dl44-heavy-blaster-pistol/ first release ! will be updated with rend2 support once rend2 is in a stable state
  2. Version 1.0


    Decided it was about time to finish this beast, after letting you wait 4 long months, comes with a Han Solo NPC Have fun admiring this beautiful gun ! BUGS : Positioning might be off on some character models https://jkhub.org/files/file/827-%7B%3F%7D/ (required for the NPC)
  3. I think I should finally finish this, you guy shave been waiting for far too long
  4. pretty blocky atm, cave walls should be more "organic" as opposed to cubic with a rounded roof
  5. @@Aidor take your animation mod and rename the folder models/players/_humanoid from _humanoid in _humanoid_ then get an hex-editor and open the model.glm file from the model you want custom animations for find the filepath to _humanoid.gla in there and change it from : models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla to : models/players/_humanoid_/_humanoid.gla and save, now your model should load the animations from _humanoid_
  6. yeeeey good to know that this works
  7. Both versions of the kylo ren saber https://jkhub.org/files/file/2214-kylo-ren39s-lightaber-adx/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/2213-kylo-ren39s-lightsaber/
  8. Version 1.0


    well, here it is - my version of the Kylo Ren saber (EP7) never intended this for jka but somehow rooxon convinced me get it game ready it anyway, so here you go - have fun ! *comes with rend2 support (untested)* Spawn code : saber kylo_ren 3d Preview : check out Rooxons version of the saber aswell ! https://jkhub.org/files/file/2213-%7B%3F%7D/ check out Xebys addon aswell : https://jkhub.org/files/file/2218-xeby39s-kylo-ren-unstable-saber-sw-ep7/
  9. I also wrapped up a game version of the Kylo Ren saber, using my own lowpoly version of the mesh and some substance designer madness for texturing : in Modview ingame (no rend2 yet !) EDIT : view it in 3d !
  10. @@Rooxon got the bakes done buddy EDIT : please note that the model will in no way appear that clean and smooth in jka, unless we got moar rend2 EDIT2 : seriously not even with rend2 it will get to that level, thanks to PBR rendering inside of Substance designer
  11. yes and 4 arms, these are the reasons why nobody tackled him before
  12. messaged him on skype allready but didn't get an answer yet (hurray for timezone differences) , but feel free to open a thread - I'll pass the link to him
  13. I could ask what the others think about this, I wouldn't mind releasing my stuff
  14. I have done a jawa reskin, and equipped them with fusion cutters, yes but it's not a new model I need to find the motivation to work at that clonetrooper stuff , atm I'm rather up for smaller 2-3 day projects, such as this or this stuff, as I know that I can finish them
  15. I really like that animation ! do what @@Archangel35757 just suggested though also : I think adding a camera shake effect to the impact frame for that death anim via animevents.cfg would be a great idea, probably you could also add a slight camera shake for the steps I guess it would really help the immersion and believeability of this heavy walker
  16. try baking a bent normal map using xnormal, extracting the green channel and putting that ontop of your texture using a blendmode such as soft light or screen it should give you a nice "light from top" effect or get a curvature map from your normal map /bake it from your mesh and overlay that for some cavity shadows & edge highlights
  17. @zeƒilus that helmet is sooo lowpoly - it'd look extremely crappy XD
  18. My tablet : http://www.amazon.com/Huion-H610-Graphics-Drawing-Tablet/dp/B00GIGGS6A I'm painting in photoshop btw
  19. Dragonborn Helmet by ashuradx on Sketchfab ooooh yeah more handpainting
  20. and I think I finally figured out what bothers me at that walk cycle ^^U lower him a bit, the "ankle-segment" of his elgs is standing upright for most of the aniamtion rather than being slanted back and resting in the spring/catch once weight is put onto that foot
  21. that's your problem my friend, you don't understand what you are doing exactly and tzhat is why these errors come up I'd suggest watching tutorials to get the basics of blender I can't really help you with anything blender specific, neither can @ as we both use 3ds Max instead of Blender - but I can tell you what causes this error : Every vertex (the small points that shape the model) has 3 sets of coordinates 2 of them are 3-dimensional (X,Y,Z) and the last one is 2 dimensional(U,V) the 3d ones, namely Normals (direction) and Position are not interesting to us here the problem lies within the 2d UV-coordinates, the uv coordinates define the position of the vertex on your 2d UV map, which tells the engine which part of your texture belongs to that vert. So to fix this problem you will have to identify the vertex causing the problem and re-uvmap/uvw-unwrap it look for tutorials on how to do this in blender, you could watch this one for example : you will have to find your way from here on - good luck !
  22. Excuses man, you manage to communicate quite well in english here so you should be able to understand tutorials aswell preferring somebody else to do something for you as it would take some effort sounds pretty lazy to me =P
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