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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. it is, and has been done OJP had that feature if I remember correctly
  2. @@Omicron - that was def not the correct link @@kibasennin check this out : http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/34-how-to-make-a-singleplayer-species-with-variants/
  3. I'm sorry my friend, but I have absolutely no clue what you are trieing to say I'd consider visiting an English course to improve your english
  4. AshuraDX


    also online, approved it last night but it somehow does not appear under recent files O.o
  5. make sure to keep those veins blue and kinda subtle
  6. dead, might pick it back up some time though. also : I just noticed that the last time I touched it, has been allmost a year ago
  7. needs some distortion around the edges, short fuzzy hairs sticking out and some skin showing through
  8. I'll take care of them tonight and move them over to Lervishs account
  9. @@Omicron WAAAAAIT you are not using a tablet ? wow
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK7O3sBvEg0&feature=youtu.be there you go
  11. @@Omicron aaaaah I doubt that that works I think this brush is hardcoded into photoshop, it does not use a stamp as other brushes it simulates a real brush instead so it must be some kind of script that dynamically changes the mask while painting :/ you could also try this : http://www.poopinmymouth.com/process/hair_tutorial/hair_01.htm
  12. nice work @@Omicron ! the hair can surely be improved though check this out : (post #107) http://jkhub.org/topic/2267-my-attempt-on-starkiller/page-6?do=findComment&comment=41496 that's how I paint hair textures
  13. las time I tried it gave me some nasty graphics glitches
  14. if you give the 3 blades on that cross bar a dmgscale of 0.33 and disallow parrieing for the two blades that run orthogonal to the shaft then it might not be that overpowered anymore and as that shaft is so incredibly long while having only relatively short blades there will be a relatively large radius around thep layer using this weapon in which he can not hit you
  15. needs moar mass , take a look at the top right axe head there, the shape matches yours, but this one appears a bit heavier, to me it looks like the axe blade is prtruding from one side of a 7-sided cylinder and it's a lot thicker than your current blade also wires pls EDIT : yup seems to be 7 sided
  16. I did not take a closer look but it seems that atleast the head on khameirs model looks a damn lot like the head from that grievous leg maul to me the texturing style from the head on khameirs model also does not seem to match the body textures just judging by this picture, I'd have to take a closer look at the actual txtures to confirm my theory right now but by just looking at those pictures I'd say atleast the head was ported which would be fine by our new rules for ported content as the model was not a complete port
  17. I got recordings from the the force unleashed and battlefront 2 death/destroyed animations, want them ?
  18. hm, it might be hardcoded then probably @@eezstreet can bring some clarity
  19. then your filen-/shader-name/path must be wrong, OOOOR your file is loaded BEFORE the assets#.pk3's name it z_pk3name.pk3 to make sure it'S not the last one
  20. it will need a shader edit and an alpha layer just copy the generic white trail texture and save it as a .tga, then copy & paste the texture into the alphachannel and fill the RGB channels black your shader should look like this : gfx/effects/trailshaderpath { { map gfx/effects/trailshaderpath rgbGen identity blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA } } make sure to keep the same filepath, so that your new shader overwrites the base JKA one, that shader might not work correctly but it should, if it doesn't using "GL_ZERO" instead of "GL_ONE_MINUS..." might work
  21. impossible to do without making a new skeleton
  22. Do whatever you wish to do with it it is yours
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