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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. ah okay - then you might want to change the head shape though - take a look at it from above - it's quite blocky right now
  2. you got nasty Ngons (a polygon with more than 4 vertices) all over the place - these a very bad for animation as they deform terribly you could also save quite a few vertices by cleaning up your mesh structure and topology - I could probably do a paintover for you
  3. looksl ike one of the first SP missions - but with a new/altered grass shader
  4. hmmm I might do that sometime - but not right now got quite a bit of stuff to do for the next 2 weeks and toher projects to finish aswell...but i'll probably get to it
  5. that's where this model is from and what we've been talking about all the time
  6. @@dark_apprentice it's not a remodel of VaderVM - the folder has been named VaderVM so that the elgo mdoel overwrites the VaderVM model for anyone using that in conjunciton with the lego models
  7. yep same thing - I had to match steve to JKA's proportions - the model was custom made to allow bending of the limbs but it was made to utilise original textures which I luckily got the permission for back in the day
  8. you won't get a "better" or in fact more exact model of lego vader - or any other lego figure - simply because of this : to put any (player)model in JKA, we need to match their proportions to the proportions of the base JKA/JKO characters simply because the animations in these (and allmost all other games) are skeleton based The bones in the animation skeleton have a set pivot point around which they can roate - all movement and rotation happens relative to this pivot I highlighted the most important bonepivots of a JKA model there in green (look at Desann) in the neutral root position all models have to be rigged in I also highlighted the same locations in red on the lego model that is drawn ontop of this - do you see the differences ? each body part of the lego mdoel has to be rotated, rescaled, reshaped and moved until the red and green dots match up. This is why the arms in that lego vader modle sink into the body all the time and why the model appears so stretched. Everything you can do is reskin that lego vader until it looks okay and probably add a glossy shader to give it some plastic gloss as in lego star wars or remodel parts of the mesh to be more detailed and then match them up to the JKA proportions, and therefor deform, them again. EDIT : I noticed I forgot to add red dots to the "knees" on that lego model - but as their location is not clearly defined in the lego model they are the smallest problem here anyway
  9. that's exactly why I think these pixelated shadows don't look too great - they need to be higher in resolution as you got a vermy exact geometric layout and your entire map is made of exact shapes - and those low precision low res shadows just don't match that "mathematical theme"
  10. loving it ! anything you oculd do about those blocky shadows ? maybe change the lightmap scale ?
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Ao-iNPPUc
  12. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2301-cw-new-ventress-hilt-quotharpyiequot/ not the character model - but atleast you get her saber - that was fun to model
  13. Version 1.0


    The new lightsaber hilt used by Assaj Ventress, based at concept art to use it in singleplayer use the following cheatcode : saber Harpyie BUGS : none Game Model : Presentation Model : Sub-D mesh (used for baking details)
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UHh0HqcXGU
  15. I'd say that aswell @@Archangel35757 render the mesh with a single grey material, probably make it a little glossy like this : http://shadowness.com/file/item9/265797/image_t6.jpg helps to show errors in the shape and curves as it highlights them
  16. Not possible by default, but could be made possible with coding and new animations - yes
  17. where is that model taken from ? I have never seen this version of luke in a game besides lego star wars
  18. no, not everything - read the FAQ on CGTextures
  19. depending on the source it is - yes to be sure use this site from now on to get your textures : http://www.cgtextures.com/
  20. in fact - I made the original Kyloren hilt - without any intent to put it in JKA and gave him the ultra highpoly mesh to make a JKA version , by modeling a less detailed model around my highpoly model, and then use that to teach him my workflow - during which I ade a lowpoly kylo ren hilt aswell so we could get compareable results, we then decided after some discussion to release both hilts at the same time With this hilt he asked me for help on modeling a few pieces and I ended up modeling the entire hilt aswell and made a "lower poly" version which I textured, it's the model you see in the presentation image and the sketchfab link. That model would have killed JKA the second it'd have to render it because it was waaaaay to detailed. I thought I could not get this hilt in JKA without sacrificing too much detail - which I couldn't accept really and therefore tried it - and was surprised how good it came out Rooxon and I work together a lot, I often walk him through stuff or push him in the right direction - this is friendly competition and if he had any trouble with me publishing these i'd have known before even thinknig of that
  21. I made FIRE remember to give credit if you use this : download
  22. Version 1.0


    A Lightsaber model I originally made just for fun and with on intent to put into JKA it's based at the same Concept as Rooxons Good Vigilante hilt so go and check that one out aswell ! https://jkhub.org/files/file/2260-%7B%3F%7D/ To spawn the saber in single player use the following cheatcode, this requires cheats to be anabled ofc : saber Turanis Have fun and enjoy this beautiful saber !
  23. just have to post this in response : I like both versons - but I really love Johnny Cash's cover
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