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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. So this has been happening for a few months now, on my iPhone and more recently my PC. Media in quotes end up turning into plain visible HTML/JavaScript:


    I'm using Opera (whatever latest version is) on Win 8.1.


    Pls to fix? :)


    (The response in the screenshot seems appropriate for what I see too)

    Boothand likes this
  2. Sorry for keeping everyone in the dark. I just needed some time away from rend2, and some space just to work on things without feeling like people were waiting on me.


    I started working on rend2 again (on and off) about two months ago. I didn't tell anyone (except for a few people) so I don't have people asking me to add feature X or feature Y all the time. It gets tiring, and I feel like I'm letting these people down because I feel like it's something I could add, but with so much to do, I don't know when or if I'll be able to get around to looking at it. I'm figuring things out as I go so a lot of what needs to be done, goes at snail's pace. Add to that the fact that I lose motivation to work on long projects fairly often, it can be a bit frustrating.


    Now I'm getting back to it, I want to just get the vanilla parity up to scratch. Surface sprites are mostly done, and I wanted to do fog and/or weather next (they're kind of intertwined).


    Here's the first screenshot of the year:




    Surface sprite density has been increased for testing, to see how it affects frame rate.


    And as a bonus, I have a new Nvidia 970 card now :D The dev tools from Nvidia appear to be much better than AMD's (from what I can see so far)

  3. Having to graph every single NPC's walking pathway is a tedious and unnecessary de-facto standard in my opinion. I would call it old-school. It may be good for optimisation purposes, but it's not something that really helps world design and development -- unless there is a very specific or challenging movement you need the given NPC to execute.

    The alternative which games use is to create navigation meshes, which basically describe the walkable areas of a map. These are usually automatically generated, but some older games like Left 4 Dead 2 still require manual creation of these. I experimented with adding navigation meshes to JKA but didn't get as far as integrating it into the NPC's AI:




    The blue overlay you see there are the areas which NPCs can walk on. I had a version where stairs were covered too but I can't find that screenshot anymore.


    Anyway, this would give the NPCs a lot more freedom as to where it can travel on the map, and with very little input needed by the artist.

  4. The new build will have an updated version of SDL which handles the ^ key properly on German keyboards.


    I tried it out and you can type ^ in chat without problems now and without the console opening. The only remaining issue is that you can't open or close the console with that key at all :P A workaround I've found is to press Alt Gr and + (as if to type a ~). I'm not sure how people feel about this workaround though.

  5. By default JKA will start up with r_mode 4 (and it will also try to fall-back to this mode if it can't create a window). From what I can see though, the only available mode is '320x240' which would be mode 0. Perhaps you can try setting the mode on the command line? Something like this:

    ./openjk.arm +set r_mode 0
    I guess this is a corner case which hasn't been encountered yet.
  6. @@gort818 I've commented on your GitHub issue. I'll quote it here for convenience:


    I believe this is a duplicate.of #257.and #295. I fixed it in e8fc637 and 96d335c, but it was potentially broken again in bace05c when the -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden were removed for GCC builds...


    An issue with your pull request is that it doesn't solve the underlying problem.

    The comment has links to each of the commits I've mentioned :)

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