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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. Lighting intensifies:








    I'll explain what I'm up to I suppose :P I'm hoping to write a faster lightmap generator, as a Q3Map2 light stage replacement. It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time now, and it lets me stretch my knowledge a bit further into areas I've not really looked at before. But you ask, how does this fit into rend2? Well the issue is that Q3Map2 bakes the direct lighting into the lightmap - this is a problem with rend2 because it means you'll get inconsistencies where extra shadows or lighting are added as you'll clearly see what's lightmap and what's not. This new lightmap generator will optionally output only indirect lighting (light contributions which have bounced off a map surface at least once), as well as produce the conventional lightmaps that BSP stores internally. With an indirect lighting only lightmap, adding the real time lighting/shadows will look natural.


    It's a sideways step to completing rend2, but it's something I've really been wanting to try and do. It won't be able to work with maps where you don't have .map file, but I can imagine something where you can specify light locations and it can make use of these as light sources.

  2. The MAX_MENUITEMS is per menu. So you can have up to 512 items per menu. Go over and it will silently stop adding them. Same with menus. If you go over the menu limit then it will silently stop parsing them.


    At no point should it crash because of going over the limit.

  3. Maybe you want to look into having a gla per animation. Then have some sort of mapping in a config file from animation name to file per model. I think something like that would be much more flexible than having everything in a monolithic file?


    Or, to keep the existing gla file, let each model define some overrides per animation and then each new animation could be in its own file. So, say you add a new sit animation for Jedi model, you would have a new gla file with just the new sit animation and a config file saying what you're overriding.


    I think it's pretty much what eez mentioned now I read his post again...

    Tempust85, eezstreet and Exmirai like this
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